Su Yiwen Lingzhao

Vol 2 Chapter 191: rumours of a strange place

"They haven't returned to Tianyuan Academy yet?"

After hearing Zheng Muyao's answer, Su Yi couldn't help frowning.

Lingxue and the others were delayed by something on the way, or was there an accident?

"Go back and tell your father, and let him use the power of the Zheng family to help me find a boat."

Su Yi said, and briefly stated the characteristics of the passenger ship that departed from Yunhe County six days ago, as well as the departure time.

Zheng Muyao had just walked into the Shushi Residence, and her buttocks were not hot yet, and she felt a little reluctant to part with her.

But seeing Su Yi's serious expression, she couldn't help being awe-inspiring, didn't dare to delay, and hurried away quickly.

"Young Master, Miss Lingxue is accompanied by the master figure Zhu Guqing, and nothing will happen."

Cha Jin said softly.

Su Yi said indifferently: "Zhu Guqing's martial arts accomplishments are not as good as those of frequent passers-by, so I can't completely pin my hopes on her."

Cha Jin said: "But in this world, Zhu Guqing's strength is already at the top, unless you meet a powerful person who is also a master, otherwise, you can still shelter Lingxue girl. "

Su Yi nodded and said, "Wait for the news, I hope I'm thinking too much."

Just as I said this, there was a knock on the door—

"I'll open the door."

Cha Jin hurried away.

Not long after, Cha Jin walked in with a petite figure, a plain moiré dress, and a young girl-like appearance.

"Young Master..."

Just as Cha Jin was about to say something, Su Yi raised his eyebrows and said, "It's none of your business, let's go down first."

Cha Jin nodded and walked out of the room quietly.

Just now, when she saw this strange woman who came to visit suddenly, she had an indescribable sense of horror, and her mind was shocked, so that she didn't have time to ask anything, and the other party had already stepped forward Entered the Soseki Residence.

"Who is this?"

Cha Jin's beautiful eyes are indistinct, is it a land fairy?

Thinking of this, she herself was taken aback.

"In the city of Gunzhou, there may be a land fairy. The woman just now may be a very great master figure."

Cha Jin thought so, but turned her ears and listened intently.

"I just left Tianyuan Academy at noon, and you came to me suddenly at night, what are you trying to do?"

In the room, Su Yi sat there peacefully, looking at this young and beautiful woman.

"You should have noticed the mysterious vision that happened this evening, right?"

Ning Siyu sat on one side casually and spoke softly.

She has a very unique temperament, a detached temperament, and a girl-like innocent childishness, mixed with a charming charm.


Su Yi seemed to be stunned, and said in surprise, "I noticed, the reason why you came here is to suspect that it was caused by me?"

, even a cultivator of Yuandao, it is impossible to do this step."

Su Yi also laughed: "Really, that's not necessarily true."

"You seem to see something?"

Ning Sihua said with great interest.

Su Yi said indifferently, "Are you asking me for advice?"

In the face of Su Yi, she

I didn't feel offended, because the first time she saw Su Yi, she thought that this was her "comrade in the same way".


Su Yi picked up the tea cup, took a sip, and said, "But why should I point you?"

Ning Si was stunned for a moment, blinked her eyes, and said, "Even if I owe you a favor?"

Su Yi laughed and said, "Remember what I said when I left Tianyuan Academy today?"

Ning Siji looked strange and said, "Fellow Daoist still brooding over the trick today?"

Su Yi took a deep look at her and said, "That move means to make you realize that even if you do your best, you may not be able to keep me. This kind of intention is not good intentions, Do you think I should take revenge?"

Ning Si took a deep breath, and slightly cupped her hands: "Today, I am indeed offended, and I hope fellow Daoist Haihan has one or two."

Su Yi laughed and said, "You are the dignified Palace Master of the Tianyuan Academy, why do you need to be like this? When you find a chance, you can also pick me up."

Ning Siba couldn't help laughing and laughing, but she never thought that someone like Su Yi would care so much about this matter.

But think about it, what she did today is indeed a bit inauthentic, and it is not easy to argue for herself.

"Let's see, when Daoist friends want to discuss in the future, I will accompany them to the end. The big deal is to be beaten by Daoist friends."

Ning Sijia took the initiative to show weakness with a smile.

Su Yi closed it when he saw it, and said, "Okay, let's not talk about this matter. I do know something about the vision, but I can't tell you the mystery."


Ning Sijia frowned.

Su Yi casually said: "There are so many things in this world, why are there so many things, then can you tell me whether you are an old monster who has lived for an unknown number of years, or whether you have a special bloodline talent on your body? place?"

Ning Sijia was silent for a moment, then asked with a smile, "How about you, fellow Daoist, are you an old devil who survived by taking a house, or an exiled immortal who fell from the sky?"

Not waiting for Su Yi to answer, Ning Siji continued: "I won't say this kind of private secret that involves myself, neither will my fellow Daoists, but when you and I met for the first time, We can see some clues from each other, which is the reason why I regard fellow Taoists as 'compatriots'."

Little, I don’t lie to my fellow Daoist to say that I have been walking in Dazhou for the past 30 years, but I have searched all over the mountains and rivers, but today I only met fellow Daoist you.”

Su Yi was taken aback and said, "You've been looking for a 'comrade'? Why is this?"

Ning Si sighed softly: "To prepare for the future, as far as I know, although this Cangqing Continent is barren, and the supreme Dao lineage is almost non-existent, it is by no means as it appears on the surface. as simple as that."

Speaking of this, she looked at Su Yi and said, "Like the eight demon mountains in Dazhou, there are hidden mysteries, so far I have only explored three of them. Without exception, they encountered some unusual and strange things, which were extremely dangerous and had to return halfway."

Su Yi raised his eyebrows, this was the first time he had heard of such a thing, and said, "What is the strange thing?"

"Like in the Ten Thousand Gu Monster Mountain in the Western Border of the Great Zhou Dynasty, there is a blood-colored swamp, in which the bones float and sink, and the mist and thunder and lightning are intertwined. the altar, above the altar,

Housing a snow-white skull…”

Speaking of this, Ning Si's eyes lit up, "Just looking at it from a distance, my mind was almost shocked by an invisible and strange force, and it was also a secret method. , I barely kept the front line awake, and evacuated from that place as soon as possible."

"In my opinion, in the face of such invisible and strange forces, the innate masters are destined to be unable to resist. Even I suspect that the Yuandao cultivator is destined to die."

Hearing this, Su Yi couldn't help but show interest, saying: "This is interesting, a place with such a lack of spiritual energy, but there is such a dangerous place hidden, it does seem very interesting Abnormal."

Ning Si said with a smile: "If you are interested, we can take time to explore together."

Su Yi shook his head and said, "When I can't go any further in my practice, maybe I will consider going."

After a pause, he asked, "What's so weird about the other two demon mountains?"

Ning Siji didn't hide it, and said it one by one.

In the depths of the extremely cold land in the north of Dazhou, there is a sea of ​​muddy seas that is shrouded in ice and snow storms all year round.

There is a 'Silver Flame Mountain' floating on the sea. This mountain is not big, but there is an unfathomable cave in it, which seems to lead to the deep abyss. .

Ning Si once went deep into the three thousand zhang area and found a huge underground cave, like a beehive, with countless paths spreading through it.

Kill the Grandmaster character.

At that time, Ning Sijia fled without hesitation.

Not fear, but realize that even if you kill these strange ancient corpses, you will encounter more similar dangers on the next road.

This place is also called "underground corpse cave" by Ning Siji.

In the northwest area of ​​Dazhou, there is a place that is famous in the world—

"Bao Cha Yao Shan".

This mountain is extremely majestic, stretching for thousands of miles, and monsters can be seen everywhere in the mountain.

Ning Sijia once went deep into it, and saw a dilapidated ruin, which was suspected to be a long abandoned Baosha Temple.

Ning Si once watched from a distance, and saw the ruins in the night, with a demonic energy rushing into the sky, and occasionally vague figures shuttled in the darkness, like a hundred ghosts walking at night, extremely strange.

After listening to this, Su Yi couldn't help being a little ecstatic.

There is a **** swamp in Ten Thousand Gu Monster Mountain, there is a strange altar, and the broken and strange skull is enshrined...

Silver Flame Demon Mountain has underground corpse caves, with many paths like cobwebs, where strange ancient corpses are distributed…

And in the Baocha Demon Mountain, there are bizarre ruins with black demon lotus and chanting...

It all sounds mysterious.

However, there are similar vicious places on the blue-green continents of this secular country, which is a bit abnormal!

ps: The fourth update, thanks to the stranded children's shoes for another reward from the leader~

Well, I finished a fifth watch today, and I still owe 4 (╥﹏╥)

The fifth is about 10:30 pm!

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