Struggle in the Steam Age

Chapter 96 Departure for Treasure Hunting

After confirming the location of the treasure marked on the treasure map, Lawrence did not set off to search for it immediately, but calmed down and began to study the three zero-levels that he bought from the Church of Knowledge, one level and four in total. magic.

For the next week, Lawrence went out on Wednesday to complete the entrusted tasks assigned by the guests according to the regulations agreed by everyone. He helped a banker find a pen inlaid with gemstones that he had lost and knocked off a seven people by the way. Outside of his gang of thieves, he devoted all his energy to learning magic.

Through continuous learning, Lawrence discovered that he could not only learn additional magic, but also, possibly because of his own special blood of a warlock, part of the magic he learned could actually appear in his mind like the magic passed in his blood. Magic lines are formed around. After that, it can be used very flexibly like other magic.

Of course, it is also because Lawrence's blood power comes from the Bai Ze beast. Therefore, some spells that are not compatible with Bai Ze's attributes are not only difficult to learn, but also spells in terms of release. Posture and spell-casting materials are indispensable. It's like the zero-level necromancer [Touch of Fatigue].

Fortunately, the other three spells were successfully accepted by Bai Ze's bloodline, so there were two more zero-level spells [Scribe] [Acid Splash] and a first-level spell [Feather] in Lawrence's mind. Falling technique].

After studying magic, Lawrence started his treasure hunt after dinner on Saturday night. Originally, he wanted to call Safir and the others, but today happened to be an important festival for the Rat People. The letter that Lawrence took out of the mailbox a week ago was Fatina's grandfather inviting her to go home for the holiday. And Safir had promised to accompany his new friend to this party a long time ago.

Considering that his adventure was not very dangerous, Lawrence did not tell the two ladies about it to make them worry. When the two ladies left the office, Lawrence immediately packed up his things and rushed to his destination fully armed.

Because it is night now, except for some dim lights provided by the gas street lamps on the street, it looks unusually deserted, but there are still single carriages available for rent at the taxi station illuminated by gas lamps.

At this time, the coachmen were playing board games or chatting together by the gas lights. When they heard footsteps and raised their heads, they were all startled by the appearance of Lawrence with a pistol in his waist and a rifle on his back. . Fortunately, Lawrence took out his ID and finally stopped the drivers who were planning to run around.

But when he told where he was going, the coachmen all shook their heads and refused when they heard that they needed to go to the suburbs at this time. Fortunately, under the heavy reward, there must be a brave man. After raising the fare to three times the daytime fare and agreeing to stop at an intersection a few hundred meters away from the coal mine, he finally found a car that he was willing to send at this time. A coachman in his own suburb.

Why didn't everyone want to go when I mentioned the Rand Mine? Lawrence asked the driver his doubts just now when the carriage was galloping down the street. I have also taken a carriage to some places in the suburbs at night before, but the situation of refusal of boarding just now did not happen.

Ah, sir. The coachman is a very talkative person, so Lawrence opened up the conversation as soon as he asked. This is mainly due to some serious safety concerns.

Speaking of which, the coachman gently raised the lower part of his clothes with his left hand to signal Lawrence to take a look. Lawrence clearly saw an old-fashioned single-shot front-loading capped pistol pinned to his belt.

Sir, in fact, people like us who dare to take this kind of task out of the car at night have some self-defense weapons. We are not afraid of ordinary three or four robbers. The driver put down his clothes and said, But the place you mentioned But there is a haunted mine in the legend! It is impossible for us to fight against those monsters. If you are not an extraordinary person, I would not dare to go there.

Monster? Lawrence was suddenly aroused, and now the chances of a mage's treasure appearing in that place have greatly increased. After all [identification technique] identification technique can only identify the information carried by the item itself.

For example, before the magic could know that the treasure map had not been opened, there was a mage's lifetime knowledge accumulated on it, but whether the string of words is true, and if it is true, whether the mage's notes are still there? A series of questions such as the location marked on the map cannot be answered.

So when the coachman said that there were monsters in the coal mine, Lawrence immediately became excited, because he felt that the probability of the mage's notes hidden here increased greatly.

On the first day he became a spellcaster, the staff of the Church of Knowledge seriously warned him not to cast magic repeatedly for a long time in places without magic protection, otherwise the overflowing magic power would be easy cause changes in the surrounding environment.

And the fact that the coal mine is haunted now is very likely to be caused by the mage mentioned in the treasure map doing experiments there for a long time. Others have been, and the treasure is likely to remain there.

—Actually, there were haunted legends when the coal mines were digging. Everyone who worked there was prone to fatigue and sickness, and there were even inexplicable accidents and deaths in the coal mines. Lawrence was thinking. The driver was still chattering. Speaking of which, just like the taxi drivers he had seen in his previous life, the grooms here were also a group of well-informed and talkative people. But until the small mine was closed, no priest or demon hunter was invited from the city to take a look.

Is the closure of the coal mine related to the haunting? Lawrence asked when the coachman said dry mouth and raised the water bottle to drink water. He was a little worried that if too many people died in that place, there would definitely be a big encounter today. Trouble.

No, of course not. If that's the case, I wouldn't dare to take you there at this time. The coachman put down the kettle and smiled, It's just that after the canal connecting the Liujin River and the Carlos River was completed, a large number of northern big The high-quality anthracite coal near the lake area can be easily transported here. Then the bituminous coal with high sulfur content produced by this small coal kiln cannot be sold at once, so the boss naturally closed it.”

It was the same when we were mining, because the coal here is not good, so naturally we can't sell it at a high price. So the boss is naturally not willing to spend a sum of money to hire someone to deal with these problems. As for the dead, mining, how can there be no dead people? ?”

Lawrence didn't ask any questions along the way, but just quietly listened to the coachman telling stories, until the carriage stopped at a dark intersection half an hour later.

This is it, sir. The coachman picked up the lantern beside him and illuminated the surrounding situation. Following the light from the lantern, Lawrence saw a tattered road sign on the side of the intersection, which marked Shun Go straight to the intersection east of the intersection is the Rand Mine.

I'll wait for you in the forest farm hut ahead. The coachman pointed to a light in the distance and said to Lawrence. This place was quiet and there were no villages. Lawrence knew that the nearest settlement was a forest farm hut six or seven hundred meters away. According to the agreement between the two of us, if you don't come to see me there at six o'clock tomorrow morning, I will go to the St. Gutenberg Cathedral in the city to report for you.

Thank you then. Lawrence said as he jumped out of the car and adjusted his gear, then walked towards the dark hills in the distance that looked like a group of monsters lying prone there.

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