Struggle in the Steam Age

Chapter 82 The Ogre

As Lawrence had said before, the group of goblins did not wonder why there was a wild boar lying here. After discovering the wild boar, they jumped up excitedly and made wah-wah sounds at the same time. After celebrating for a few minutes, the four goblins tied up one of the wild boar's hind feet with a cane, and then dragged the wild boar along the stepped path under the command of the team leader.

They will cook and eat this wild boar soon. Watching the goblins dragging the wild boar away, the ranger whispered beside everyone, Goblins basically don't have the habit of hoarding things, as long as they find The food is eaten as quickly as possible. But wild boars like this are a little more troublesome because they need some time to cook.

In terms of food distribution, the goblins will distribute their harvest according to their strength from strong to weak. Speaking of which, the ranger showed a smile. So if everything is normal, the ones who will be recruited will be the most capable part of this goblin tribe.

What followed was a period of waiting. Lawrence and the others sat there quietly and waited under the cover of the bushes. After more than 40 minutes, the ranger stood up and said, Okay, the cooking method of the goblins is to chop the wild boar into pieces and cook them in the pot, and put them in the pot at the same time. All the food available. So I think by this point they've eaten that and the medication should be working.

Because the wild boar was stabbed several times just now, when the two goblins dragged the wild boar away, they left an obvious bloodstain on the ground. Lawrence and his team chased after the bloodstain.

After walking a short distance, a stench that gradually became stronger guided them the way. Avoiding several traps, they successfully arrived at a place not far from the goblin lair where they could see the lair.

The stench comes from the excrement of goblins. As a generally mentally retarded creature, they don't know how to build and use toilets, so all the places around the tribe are their toilets.

The potion has worked, said the ranger walking ahead. This is an obvious fact, because everyone saw that in the open space surrounded by those dilapidated shacks, more than a dozen goblins were lying on the ground in disorder, and some goblins who stood up were also swaying as if they were drunk. And he fell to the ground within a few steps.

Swoosh. To make sure the goblins weren't setting a trap, the warrior picked up a rock at least half the size of a brick and threw it at one of the goblins. With a slap, the goblin's head collapsed immediately after being hit by the big rock, and it seemed that it was no longer alive, but the surrounding goblins just barely crawled away after screaming twice. Only the goblin stood up and ran away or fought back.

Gunner, you are here to provide us with cover, and the others will go together. After admonishing the retired soldier, the other four rushed into the goblin tribe with the soldier as a spearhead.

Lawrence was placed in the back as the warlock, holding a loaded pistol in one hand and a hollow iron pipe with a heavy octagonal nut screwed on top of it in the other.

Seeing someone rushing in, the goblins lying on the ground immediately screamed, and then they all looked at Lawrence and the others in surprise. These goblins used their brains, which were obviously owed, to think that they had an absolute advantage in numbers, so they became excited one by one, and even supported themselves with their arms to try to get up.

But most of the goblins' efforts failed, and their hands slipped and fell down. Only a few guys who looked stronger than the other goblins rushed up, but the warrior who walked in the front easily knocked down one by one with the hammer in his hand.

Boom! A goblin running out of the side bushes was fired by Lawrence with a water hose, and a gunshot sounded from a distance. Then, holding a short wooden bow and arrow, a goblin in iron-plated leather armor fell from a nearby tree. Obviously, the goblin tried to sneak attack, but was shot dead by the magic gunner who provided fire support.

How can so many goblins still move? The priest walking at the end frowned after opening a goblin with the sharp scythe in his right hand. The drug I injected into that wild boar just now is enough to knock down thirty or forty cows. In theory, the anesthetic given to each of these goblins is enough to make them all faint.

Either this place is just an outpost, or there is something in this goblin tribe that we haven't investigated clearly. Listening to the priest's nagging, Lawrence replied, and at the same time raised the pistol in his left hand and fired three shots in a row, and will climb to the top of the house Three guys with a sharpened and blackened javelin ready to attack were shot down from the tree and the tree.

About 40 or so goblins joined the siege of Lawrence and the others, but because their organization was extremely chaotic, their counterattack directly turned into a head-giving act.

The goblins in this tribe are still limited, so after more than 40 goblins were killed, there are only corpses and guys who can't get up after being anesthetized in this open space.

However, not only did the team members not feel relaxed, but they all raised their vigilance. After all, the situation here is different from what you imagined. Everyone thinks that these goblins probably have something behind them.

The four members of the team focused on the house in the center of the tribe that was one size larger than the other houses at the same time, because if there was a conspiracy, these obviously different buildings were more likely to hide deadly dangers.

Ow—boom! Just as Lawrence and the others were staring at the house with full concentration, a loud howling sound with little stamina came out from the room, and then the whole room was struck by a strong force from the inside out. exploded.

The wood, stones and a series of forces that were used to build the room instantly flew a certain distance, and then fell back to the ground under the action of gravity. Many goblins lying on the ground unable to move were killed and injured by stones or logs falling from the sky.

The four of them immediately saw the true face of the guy who had been hiding in that big house before. It was a brown, five or six meter tall guy who weighed more than a ton by visual estimation. It looked barely humanoid, with a fully enclosed helmet on its head on slumped shoulders, and a stooped body. The long arms almost dragged to the ground.

This monster is not empty-handed like wild beasts. He is covered with some wild beasts' fur, bones and crude leather armor made of metal fragments. He holds a tree stump as a shield in one hand, and the other hand On the top is a big-headed club nailed with various metal fragments. There are also five or six wooden javelins with sharpened and scorched ends on their backs.

This is an ogre, and its appearance also allowed Lawrence and the others to solve the inner mystery. Apparently this guy ate most of the boar, which is why so many goblins are still moving.

Damn it! Lawrence heard the priest next to him curse. Ogres are born with a certain degree of poison resistance. I think the effects of the anesthetics I just had may not have the expected effect.

Woo-- Taking advantage of the sudden attack of smashing into the house, the ogre pulled out a wooden javelin with a thick bowl from behind and threw it at Lawrence and the others.

However, the aim of this blow was really horrible, the javelin was seven or eight meters away from the nearest person.

The reason for all this is the anesthetic that the priest poured into the wild boar just now. Even though the ogre has enough resistance to the poison, the special anesthetic specially made by the Church of Agriculture for large creatures such as pigs or cows still has a partial effect.

The ogre staggered out of the ruins of the completely destroyed room after missing a hit, and stepped on a goblin's stomach when it stepped over a beam. In an instant, the goblin who was still struggling just now was silent, and the bright red blood immediately stained the ground red.

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