Struggle in the Steam Age

Chapter 72 - A Difficult Commission

Half an hour later, I simply ate the sandwiches for lunch. Lawrence and the others arrived in the upper town of Eagle Fort in the north in a carriage. To be precise, this place has left the urban area of ​​Eagle Fort.

Fatina chose to stay in the office to look after the house, because this mission needs to be in the lady's manor, and as a red dragon warlock, it is really impossible to perform in that kind of place. According to her, asking her to complete tasks in such a confined space would probably turn into demolition.

Due to the departure from the urban area, the density of buildings suddenly dropped. The high-rise buildings and row houses on both sides of the road have gradually disappeared, and the road surface has changed from asphalt to cobblestone. Iron gas lamps are neatly lined up on the sidewalk by the side of the road. Behind them are luxurious manors surrounded by hedges.

The richest people in the city live here. Seifel said, looking at the scenery receding from the roadside, My grandfather once dreamed of recreating the glory of the Coburg family in the Old World in the New World. One very important specific goal is to live in a residential area on the uptown side.”

Of course, it's just a dream. My grandfather never fulfilled his youthful dream of living here. Sefis looked at Lawrence and shrugged. However, I do think that if all goes well, there is a good chance that I will live here.

What Safir said is true, it is easy for extraordinary people to use their own power to accumulate wealth in a short period of time that ordinary people may need several generations to accumulate. Of course, the corresponding thing is that their death rate is much higher than that of ordinary people. After all, although extraordinary people are powerful, the problems they encounter are also related to extraordinary people.

A few minutes later, the carriage stopped in front of the two imposing wrought iron gates, and at this time a housekeeper was already waiting here.

Nice to meet you, Miss Coburg. Of course, there is also your companion. After everyone got out of the car, the lady who had met in the store before saluted Safir and the others. Come with me now, my master is already waiting for you in the room.

Under the guidance of the housekeeper, several people walked forward along the driveway sandwiched by neatly trimmed hedgerows. When looking over the low hedges, Lawrence and the others could see a grassy meadow and trees trimmed to look like various animals on the edge of the meadow.

Suddenly, a sound of flapping wings came from the side. Lawrence looked up, only to see a gorgeous blue peacock fly up from nowhere, and then walk gracefully on the top of the hedge.

It's really rich enough. Lawrence muttered in his heart. The Marshall family last time was almost as rich as this one, but the decoration of their holiday estate in the suburbs was more rustic than luxurious.

My master is the daughter of the Earl of Ambazac in the Frans Empire. When she married the master, Mr. Fontaine, the master rebuilt an exactly the same manor as the newly-married A gift for my master, Mrs. Fontaine. On the way, the housekeeper proudly introduced the master's situation to Lawrence and the others.

At the end of the straight driveway stood a very respectable mansion. The carved glass of the windows on the ground floor reflects the morning sun, and there is a small white marble fountain in the center of the small square in front of the mansion.

Before coming to the main door of the room, the housekeeper knocked on the door, and the door was opened silently by a servant. Along a corridor covered with bright red carpets inlaid with gold trim, the three of them walked into a living room together.

The floor of this living room is covered with an extremely gorgeous velvet carpet imported from Aurora, and all the furniture is also well-decorated Aurora style furniture made of mahogany. The whole drawing room formed an oriental style that has become very popular among the rich recently.

In the middle of the living room, a blond middle-aged woman in a gorgeous morning dress sat alone on a heavy chair, and on the chair to her left sat two very well-dressed men wearing leather vests and leather pants. Sharp young man.

Welcome, Miss Coburg, and Mr. August. After entering the room, the housekeeper quickly walked up to the middle-aged woman, bent down and said something, and then the middle-aged woman said something. He nodded slightly to Lawrence and the others.

Lawrence and the others naturally pressed their right hands to their left chests and bowed in return, and then sat on the chair on the right side of the lady. After Lawrence and the others sat down, the lady said: I think my housekeeper should have told you what you are going to face. I invited you here today to solve my child's problem.

Of course, I know that asking two families to solve the same thing at once in this situation is not very compliant. But I want you to understand a mother's concern about her child. In compensation, I also assure you , no matter whether you succeed or not, I will give you a thank you gift.

We can understand. Everyone present expressed their attitudes with a slight nod of their heads. After these polite words were finished, everyone asked about the victim's itinerary for the past few days, and then went to the second floor under the guidance of several servants. Check out Mr. Fontaine's situation.

Due to the basic rules in the extraordinary world, both parties entered this bedroom separately to check the situation. When it was Lawrence's turn to enter the bedroom, he immediately saw that the young man on the bed was in poor condition. At least that pale face can explain his current condition very well.

Being a medical practitioner by profession, Lawrence examined the young man on the bed. It was obvious that he was now in a very weak state, as weak as a malnourished person after trekking hundreds of kilometers.

After the routine examination, Lawrence proceeded to examine the young man magically. Among them, [Detect Magic] checked out that there was a magic aura left behind by someone casting a spell on him. And [Detect Poison] did not find any traces of poisoning on this young man.

So, Mr. Fontaine should have planted some kind of negative magic. Lawrence nodded after looking at the results of the magic test, and then frowned slightly at the unconscious young man lying on the bed. But where did this negative magic come from?

After all, when he checked the room, he didn't find magic aura anywhere else except this young man. In desperation, he tried to release his special [identification technique] on the young man.

Unexpectedly, the identification technique, which theoretically only works on magic artifacts, also reacted when it fell on the young man. This may represent some kind of benign mutation caused by a special power belonging to Bai Ze.

[Under the effect of magic, it leads to the loss of soul and a large amount of soul loss. ] A line of information appeared in front of Lawrence, 【If you want this person to return to normal, you need to find the missing part of the soul and cultivate for a period of time. 】

These mutated versions of [Identification Technique] did not get much information from this young man, but they told Lawrence some key news. The two most important points are that the cause of Mr. Fontaine's disease is the lack of soul and the soul is only missing rather than lost.

Then the next step is to find the missing part of the soul. Lawrence suddenly felt that this commission suddenly became troublesome. But Eagle Fort is so big, how do you find a needle in a haystack?

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