Struggle in the Steam Age

Chapter 56 Tracking

In front of the statue of Miss Marshall's tomb, Lawrence released a [Detect Magic] according to the normal process, but he didn't see any magic aura.

Marshall's business is so big, there must be some extraordinary people. If it can be detected so easily, they don't need to ask outsiders for help. Safiel shrugged and continued. Okay, let's exchange our approximate occupations and levels with each other, so that it will be more convenient to act later.

Let me first talk about myself, an apprentice-level sword dancer, majoring in steel soul swordsmanship. Safir first introduced himself briefly, and Lawrence was a little surprised when he heard this, because he always thought that girls' schools were for the upper class In a place where ladies are trained, even if they learn swordsmanship, it should be the white crow swordsmanship popular among nobles.

You must think that I learned the white crow sword technique? Safiel seemed to know what Lawrence was thinking, so he approached him and explained in a low voice, It is true under normal circumstances, after all, the white crow sword technique is superior It’s very popular in society. There’s only this kind of swordsmanship in the elective course of swordsmanship in girls’ schools.”

But when I was studying swordsmanship, the swordsmanship instructor was an adventurer who retired after marriage. She thought that I was very suitable to learn steel soul swordsmanship like her, so she accepted me as her apprentice to teach me her true skills. Unique.

It's really amazing. Lawrence immediately praised Sefiel, who had a quickly praise me expression in front of him, and at the same time habitually reached out and touched her slightly messy short gray hair as he did when he was a child.

Of course, this girl is definitely better than ordinary people. Safir was a little shy and stiff when Lawrence touched her head, but he quickly adjusted his mentality and did nothing. Lawrence patted her head, and at the same time a slightly proud smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. By the way, now it's your turn, Lawrence, to introduce yourself.

Me? Okay. Lawrence took the initiative to introduce Fatina, considering that Fatina was someone they had just met. I am an apprentice-level Bai Ze warlock. Here Bai Ze is a kind of divine beast. Its overall power is mainly aimed at undead creatures and some prophecy magic for investigation.

After Lawrence introduced herself, Fatina also began to introduce herself. As a fledgling Xiaobai, she didn't realize why Lawrence and the others took the initiative to share their personal information before her. Apprentice-level red dragon warlock, mainly uses evocation magic, and also has a little bit of hand-to-hand combat ability.

It seems that my level is still the lowest. Lawrence thought, but considering that he has mastered extraordinary power for less than a month, it is already very good to be able to reach this level. Not to mention that he was carrying two pistols. Considering the marksmanship bonus, the damage he could cause was no worse than the two apprentice-level ladies.

After a few minutes of quick discussion, Lawrence was elected captain of the three-person team. And the reason why he can become the leader of the team with the lowest level among the three is also very simple.

On the one hand, the two ladies are not familiar with each other, and it is Lawrence who can connect everyone. On the other hand, and the most important point, neither Safir nor Fatina lacked adventure experience.

It has been three years since Safiel learned swordsmanship, but she has never actually fought. And Fatina has only one adventure story that failed extremely. If Lawrence hadn't rescued her in time, there would probably be a broken leg in the basement to survive. Therefore, the two of them elected Lawrence as the temporary commander of the team at the same time.

What should we do now? After making all the preparations before the adventure, Safiel raised his head and asked Lawrence.

The first step is to look for the traces left by the attackers. Lawrence said to the two ladies, Of course, the most direct and simple traces may not be found, after all, it was destroyed by rain that night. I collected a lot of evidence, and the thief also adopted some targeted concealment methods. Otherwise, the Marshall family didn’t need to seek foreign aid before. I think now we can only find out if there are any places that others carelessly missed. If not— —”

I have an idea. Before Lawrence finished speaking, Fatina raised her hand to signal that she had an idea. She said after watching Lawrence nodded. I want to try a special ability of our Ratmen, maybe it can be useful.

Squeak—cheep. Fatina squatted directly on the lawn and put her hands together in front of her mouth and whispered. Ten seconds later, several mice and squirrels ran to Fatina from the surrounding ground and trees and screamed.

Obviously, Fatina can hear the meaning in the calls of these small rodents. After chatting for a few minutes, Fatina took out a few fried soybeans from her pocket and gave them to them. After watching them disperse, she stood up and said to Lawrence. The squirrels are asleep at night, so they don't know much about their surroundings.

However, the voles around here just came out to look for food. One of the voles told me that when it came here three days ago, there was a person in this place. It clearly remembered that the surrounding temperature suddenly dropped when the person passed by him. Down, the temperature is about the same as after the snow in winter. Besides, this vole also told me the direction the man left, I think we can go and have a look.”

Good job, let's follow up now. After speaking, Lawrence and the others chased in the direction the field mouse pointed just now. When they chased into the next rowan forest, Lawrence found some traces.

Wait a minute, I seem to have found something. After going deep into the woods for more than 30 meters, Lawrence raised his right hand to signal everyone to stop, and then gently knelt on the ground with one knee. footprint. It was also because it was under the leaves that it was not washed away by the rain three days ago.

A footprint, what can you tell? Although this footprint seems to be a fresh footprint that was printed in the past two or three days, it may belong to the gardener in this garden. Fatina looked at what Lawrence was staring at. something, but she didn't see anything wrong.

This is not the footprints of people in the Marshall family's garden. Sai Feier said after taking a look, The Marshall family uses uniform shoes, which are specially customized from the shoe store. And the pattern on this shoe print is similar to that of the Marshall family. The special patterns are different.

Other than that, I can infer from this footprint that the person who passed here was a thin young male of about 1.65 meters in height. As a medical student who studied anatomy, Lawrence More information was judged above. And it's very likely that this person used to have a good family background, but now the financial situation is not so good.

Height and weight can be inferred, I can understand. Safiel turned to look at Lawrence. But how do you see the state of the economy?

Because this footprint just printed a trademark on the ground. Lawrence said, pointing to the footprint on the ground. The shoes at the Golden Horseshoe store are not cheap. My classmate Edward once told me that his father, who was a sheriff, had such a pair of shoes. He was not willing to wear them at all. He would only wear them in some important ceremonies or events. shoe.

However, the soles of this pair of shoes look a bit worn out, so I deduce that this person's recent financial conditions are not very good.

Then why aren't the shoes bought in a second-hand shoe store? Fatina asked curiously.

Because people who wear this kind of shoes will never sell their old shoes to second-hand shoe stores, which will recycle the old shoes and destroy them. Saifeier explained. Okay, now let's ask the people around us to see what news we can get.

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