Struggle in the Steam Age

Chapter 54 Safir's House

As soon as the sun rose the next morning, Lawrence immediately got out of bed and began to tidy up. Because he had made an appointment with Safir before to ask him to meet at the door around nine o'clock, and then go together to find the location of her detective agency in the future.

After washing up in the bathroom, Lawrence went to the cafeteria and bought a large sandwich, a hard-boiled egg and a glass of milk with sugar for 4 cents. Unexpectedly, the new friend Fatina he met yesterday also woke up very early, and she also appeared in the cafeteria at this time, and even had part of her breakfast.

Good morning, Lawrence. Due to religious habits, the lights in the cafeteria were not very bright. However, Fatina accurately recognized Lawrence from a bunch of blurred figures with the help of Ratman's unique dark vision ability and greeted him.

Good morning, Fatina. After hearing Fatina's voice from five or six meters away, Lawrence walked over, put the dinner plate on her dining table, and sat on the seat opposite her. By the way, how is your injury now?

Thank you for your concern, because the wound didn't hurt the muscles and bones, and the priest gave me some medicine yesterday, so after resting for a night, the wound around my ankle has healed. Although running fast will still be a little bit It hurts, but I can walk normally without any problem.

That's good. Lawrence nodded, and then asked. By the way, what are your plans for the future?

I'm not too sure what I should do next? Fatina shook her head in confusion. For a week after I left home, I have been living in the dolphin area in the south where my tribe lives. At the same time, I took on some odd jobs such as looking for pets and cleaning up the mud monsters in the basement.

Although this kind of work is not very dangerous, and it is not like the adventure novels that are always on the verge of death. But this way I can't make much money. On average, after deducting the cost of food, drink and accommodation every day It can save eleven or twelve cents. It is basically impossible to rely on this to make up for the losses I caused.

If that's the case, there is a place where I can introduce you. Lawrence suddenly thought of Safiel, who was gearing up to open a detective agency. Some worried about her.

Especially in this world of the supernatural, being a detective has always been a high-risk profession. So Lawrence hopes to add a layer of insurance for Seifel. Obviously, Fatina, who is a red dragon warlock, should be able to do such a job. Even if she is just a trainee sorcerer of the same level as her own. And yesterday, he asked his church acquaintances to investigate her and confirmed that she was indeed more reliable.

After briefly introducing Safir's plan, Fatina was obviously aroused, because he felt that the work of a detective was no different from the adventurers he saw in his novels.

So at exactly nine o'clock in the morning, Safiel was wearing a beige men's windbreaker, a brown deerstalker hat, and a small rapier on his waist, and walked along the sidewalk to St. Gutenberg Cathedral at the door. She found that there was not only Lawrence waiting for her at the door, but also a rat man in a robe that only showed his face.

The overall style of this world has a lot in common with the Victorian era of Lawrence's previous life, but there are also many differences. One of them is that the world is far better at gender equality than the Victorian era because of the existence of supernatural powers. So this world is not so rigid in terms of clothing, and it has become a fashion for women, especially professional women, to wear men's clothing.

Good morning, Lawrence. After hugging Lawrence, Safiel turned his gaze to his side. May I ask who this is?

Oh, this is Miss Fatina, I met yesterday when I went on an adventure. Then Lawrence briefly introduced his adventure experience yesterday.

Ah, it's a pity that such an exciting thing didn't take me. After complaining, she stretched out her hand and shook Fatina's paw. Nice to meet you.

After the two ladies greeted each other, Saifeier led the way and led everyone to the predetermined direction. On the way, she began to briefly introduce today's action plan for everyone.

Actually, one month before I returned to the Federation, I asked my grandfather to help me find a place that could be used as a facade. Then when my grandfather was in contact, an old friend of his told my grandfather that he had a set The property can be given to me.

Is it free? Fatina's round eyes were full of envy. For her who is empty-pocketed but eager to make money, a windfall is something she wants to have even in her dreams.

Don't think about it. Safiel shook his head, I learned a word when I was a child, that is all the gifts of fate, and the price has already been marked in secret. If it is really a free gift, I would not dare to take it. because that often means I have to pay more than I can afford.”

Then he didn't say what the prerequisites were? Lawrence asked. If it's a lot of money—

It's not a large amount of money. If there is a large amount of money, what else do I need to ask my grandfather for help? Safir interrupted what Lawrence said. My grandfather's friend is Dalton Marshall, an art dealer.

An art dealer surnamed Marshall— Lawrence touched his chin, and then said with some uncertainty. Is the Mr. Marshall you're talking about one of the richest art dealers in the northeast of the Federation, who opened a large gallery on Third Avenue in Fort Eagle?

No, but it has something to do with the one you mentioned. Safiel explained. Dalton Marshall is the younger brother of the William Marshall you mentioned, and he is also an art dealer. Of course, his shop is much smaller than his brother's.

Then why does he want us? Lawrence asked a little puzzled. A set of real estate is not cheap. If you need to pay such a big price, things should be very troublesome.

My grandfather just said that he was looking for something. Safiel shrugged his shoulders. Anyway, he didn't say that he had to complete the task after receiving it. Let's try it. If it becomes a property for nothing, it won't work. It’s just a waste of time and money.”

You're right. Hearing Safir say this. Both Lawrence and Fatina nodded approvingly. After all, this kind of thing doesn't involve much investment but the rewards may be very large. It is very worthwhile to try your luck.

Just chatting all the way, the three of them soon came to a secluded street next to Central Park. This street is generally more luxurious than the residential areas Lawrence has been to before.

On both sides of the street are two or three-story independent small villas, each with a distance of seven or eight meters from its neighbors. White or brown walls enclose individual gardens for these villas.

Most importantly, when the three were about to enter the street, Lawrence also saw a policeman wearing a helmet and blue cape sitting in a sentry box at the intersection. You must know that when he rented in the small attic of the bar for the previous four years, he only saw the police three or four times on that street in the entire four years.

Okay, here we are. Sai Feier stopped in front of a wrought iron gate, and then stepped forward to pull a metal chain hanging by the gate, and then a crisp and pleasant bell rang.

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