You're finally back! I thought you were going to leave me behind. Just as Lawrence squeezed into the basement with a few heavy chairs he found from a house, Miss Rat Man seemed a little excited. Speak to him.

I said I'm here to help you, and I'm sure I won't give up halfway. Lawrence smiled, and then asked. By the way, do you still have the strength now?

Of course. Miss Rat Man said with certainty. I've just hung up for three hours, and my whole body is full of vitality. If there is anything that needs my cooperation, please tell me. Now I feel like I'm about to pour out my breakfast.

Don't be so excited. Lawrence dissuaded, and then used the chair he brought down to build a simple shelf and climbed up. At the same time, one hand touched the shoulder of the rat man in front of him.

It's fine now. Seeing that the [Protection from Evil] magic that was blessed on him before but still maintained did not respond, Lawrence finally breathed a sigh of relief in his heart. Then he climbed to the top of the pile of stools and signaled the Rat Man to grab his waist and push up to loosen the noose, and then untied the noose that was hanging on the Rat Man's ankle.

Ha, it's all right at last. The Ratman who climbed down the pile of stools staggered when she returned to the ground, and then she sat down regardless of the dirt on the ground. By the way, big man, what's your name?

Lawrence August. Lawrence looked at her after jumping off the pile of stools and asked, Then what's your name?

Lucia Fatina Androk. But you can call me Fatina. The rat lady named Fatina introduced it very familiarly, and before Lawrence asked, Fatina took the initiative to guide him to find the small hole hidden behind the altar. This is also where Fatina entered here just now.

There is a sewer behind the house. I dug five or six meters on the side wall of the sewer to get here. I thought I could get some good treasures, but I accidentally stepped on those little golden things before I touched them. A trap. Before Lawrence could ask, the rescued Rat Man babbled about everything she had encountered today.

By the way, you can take these jewels, after all, you saved me. At the end, Fatina looked at the jewels on the altar with pain and said to Lawrence.

I can't take these things either. Lawrence smiled. Don't forget, this thing was placed on the altar of the evil god. God knows what will happen after these jewels are taken?

Wait, are you talking about evil gods? Fatina made her own small eyes bigger, and then took out a brass-framed goggle from her bosom and tied it on her head.

Squeak, I didn't see anything. After looking at the altar through the lens, Fatina's small eyes showed puzzlement, and then he explained to Lawrence, who was staring at his goggles with interest. My grandfather was an alchemist. He gave it to me. You can tell if it has a magical reaction.

Is [Detect Magic] constant? Lawrence knew the effect of this alchemy item at once, but he still advised. To be honest, this item is really easy to use, but you can't fully trust it. Not all things related to magic can be discovered by this magic. Especially things like altars, they are hidden before they are activated. It's no different than a pile of rocks.

Squeak, that's right! Fatina showed a suddenly realized expression. Sorry, it's my first time venturing out, and I don't understand many things.

Well, I'm also a novice. Lawrence looked helplessly at the rat-man lady in front of him. But didn't you read other people's notes and other things before you came out?

No, squeak. Fatina shook her head. Except for the businessman who is an alchemist, or a farmer who grows mushrooms and moss, no one in our family has a history of going out for adventure. The only little experience I have is from reading novels.

It seems that novices are indeed the easiest to make mistakes, and it is no wonder that the records that Lawrence found in the notes found in the Church of Knowledge say that the casualties of adventurers are often concentrated in the first few times, especially the first time.

I personally think you'd better learn some experience first or find someone to guide you, otherwise it's easy to accidentally lose your life in an adventure like you. Lawrence persuaded, and then he stood up. By the way, I'm going to notify the Church of Knowledge now. You wait for me here for a while, and I'll be right back.

Are you going to the St. Gutenberg Cathedral to inform them? Fatina asked curiously. If that's the case, leave some weapons for me, lest anyone come and attack me.

No, it's enough for me to just go to the roof and release a contact rocket. Lawrence explained, If I were going to St. Gutenberg Cathedral, I would definitely not leave you here.

After explaining clearly, Lawrence left the room and went to the roof to ignite a rocket the size of a pinky finger that he had taken from his belt. In an instant, a blue holy emblem of the Church of Knowledge exploded in the air.

After releasing the rocket, Lawrence walked to the edge of the roof and looked down. It was found that in the shadow of the street downstairs, there were several guys who were looking at the building, and they should have been attracted by the gunshot he fired just now. But after seeing the fireworks exploding in the sky, they immediately receded into the shadows of the houses around the street.

As gangsters in Eagle Fort, they deeply know that if they want to survive in this city, a very important prerequisite for a good life is to know who can be provoked and who cannot be provoked . And people or forces like this who can use the church's call signal to summon people are the ones that can't be provoked.

So even if they know that the people of the church are sending out signals here, it may mean that there are good things hidden in this building that can make them reach the sky in one step, but they absolutely dare not approach this house at this time to provoke the church.

Finding no suspicious person approaching the building, Lawrence returned to the first floor and carved some messages with a knife at the gate, and then returned to the basement with the altar of evil gods.

While waiting for the support from the Church of Knowledge staff, Lawrence chatted with Fatina. At this time, Lawrence knew that Fatina secretly ran out of the family to take risks.

It's all my fault. Fatina looked a little regretful. When the bloodline awakened, I happened to be cleaning the treasure house in my home. As a result, I uncontrollably spit out a fireball and ignited several very precious works of art in the treasure house.

Although my family didn't blame me, and they were very happy that I became a warlock. But I blamed myself very much, so I decided to go out to explore and see if I could find enough wealth to make up for the loss of my family.

Wait, you're a warlock too? Lawrence opened his eyes wide in surprise. The book he read before said that warlocks are very rare. He didn't expect to see two of them in such a short time after the bloodline awakened.

Yes, I am a Red Dragon Warlock. Fatina shrugged. I think it may have something to do with a business trip my parents took before I was born. They said they encountered a huge red dragon that was injured on the road. They also came into contact with a little bit of dragon blood.

Red Dragon Warlock? Lawrence finally knew where her outgoing personality came from. I am a Bai Ze warlock, and I am a bloodline awakened in an accident. As for the source of the bloodline, I don't know, after all, I have never met my biological parents. Fortunately, my adoptive father is really very kind to me-

Just as the two chatted more and more speculatively, a voice came from the passage leading to the basement opened ahead. Lawrence August, we are the operation handling team of the Church of Knowledge, how is the situation below you?

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