Struggle in the Steam Age

Chapter 17 Departure

On Saturday, July 1st, in the square in front of the fountain of Yuangang Comprehensive University. Lawrence was fully armed and sat on a bench by the fountain basking in the sun. According to the previous agreement, today is the day for the expedition to set off.

After sitting on the bench for a few minutes, a young man with curly brown hair and eyes of the same color walked over from the direction of the school gate. After coming to the edge of the fountain, he first looked around, and then walked to where Lawrence was sitting.

Excuse me, are you Mr. Lawrence August? After walking to Lawrence's side, the young man bent slightly and stretched out his right hand and asked. I'm the team doctor for the Baron Gonzalez expedition.

Yes, I am. Lawrence quickly stood up and shook his outstretched right hand, then asked. I don't seem to have seen you in school before, may I ask if you are—

My name is Jonas Lister. I opened a clinic in Fort Eagle. The young man introduced. As soon as he finished speaking, Lawrence opened his eyes wide.

You are the legendary sharp knife hand Liszt? That famous senior who amputated a leg in 25 seconds in the school operating room the year before last. I met Professor Liston a while ago, and he kept telling me that you are His most proud student will definitely achieve more achievements than him in the future.

Ah, that's just something in the past. The corner of Liszt's mouth was pulled up, revealing a somewhat kind smile. Those glories are a thing of the past, and I'm just an ordinary surgeon now. By the way, I remember that you are the student who invented the Far Harbor First Aid—

It's just because of my good luck, coupled with the careful guidance of my mentor— Lawrence said with a smile, and the time passed quickly as the two people flattered each other, until a voice interrupted them.

Good morning, gentlemen. Baron Gonzalez appeared in front of the fountain and waved his hand to say hello. Are you all ready? If you are ready, follow me!

Because the ruins were not far from the outskirts of the city, and a road had been built to lead directly to it as a future industrial zone, the expedition team only rented an ordinary public carriage as a means of transportation.

In the compartment of the carriage, Baron Gonzalez began to introduce the members of the expedition to each other. During the introduction, Lawrence learned that the entire expedition team consisted of 16 people. Except for the two team doctors Lawrence and Jonas Lister, the other 14 people came from three places.

The first wave of people was a professor surnamed Edward and his two students. They came from the School of Archeology at Miska University, specializing in local history, and were the core members of the expedition. After entering the ruins, they will complete the main inspection and research work.

The second wave consists of two guys in cowboy hats and leather jackets, whom Lawrence learns are brother and sister based on their self-introductions. The brother and sister had a dagger and a pistol hanging on either side of their belts, and a double-barreled shotgun on their backs, and a belt full of bullets for the guns.

There is a silver badge pinned to the clothes on the left chest of their hearts, and the crossed rifles and short swords on them indicate their identities: demon hunters.

The demon hunter is one of the extraordinary professions, and has gained powerful power through a series of magical body transformations. Able to skillfully use various weapons, potions, and some simple spell-like abilities.

Of course, the result of such comprehensive development is comprehensive mediocrity, which makes it much more difficult for them to become high-level transcendents than others. But among the middle and low-level transcendents, the combat effectiveness of these generalists is second to none, and at the same time they have additional damage to various evil creatures.

The remaining eight were gunmen on Baron Gonzalez's plantation, and each of them carried at least two guns, one long and one short. And from the bullet belts on their bodies, it can be seen that they have more or less prepared some extraordinary bullets.

Because everyone was not familiar with each other, the carriage returned to silence after the self-introduction ended. In this silence, the carriage drove into the gate of a construction site.

The construction site was as quiet as the carriage. After the ruins were discovered, all the construction work on this construction site stopped, and the workers went to other construction sites in the city. Except for a few workers who were left to look at the site, no one from the entire construction site stayed here.

After bypassing the stacked bricks and a large pile of timber at the entrance of the construction site, the carriage stopped in front of the shed. After the car came to a complete stop, everyone got out of the carriage one file at a time.

After getting out of the car, Baron Gonzalez yelled something in their southern Casti language, and a black-skinned Yanzhou man wearing only a pair of trousers, shirtless, and braided hair came out of the shed immediately. .

Gonzalez was the first to get out of the car and shook his hand, and the two exchanged a few words. After finishing speaking, the Yanzhou man ran into the work shed, while Gonzales turned his head and said to everyone in the expedition team: This is Bubu, one of the workers who discovered the ruins at that time. .In a moment he will come down with us to do some chores with twenty workmen.

The baron's words naturally won the good opinion of everyone in the expedition team, because although the White Eagle Federation is a republic, it claims to pay more attention to fairness and equality than the old continent. But there are still obvious class divisions in real life.

Therefore, the members of the expedition team naturally don't want to do some chores by themselves. In this case, it is a great thing to have workers who can do it for them.

Soon, the Yanzhou man named Bubu came out of the low work shed with a dozen or so dark-skinned and taciturn workers. Lawrence noticed that each of these men had a snake-like tattoo on their shoulders.

Boob's workers are all in the same tribe as him. Baron Gonzalez hurried up to explain after realizing that Lawrence and a few others were paying attention to the tattoos on the workers' shoulders. That tattoo on their shoulder is a symbol of their tribe.

So that's how it is. Lawrence and the others nodded. It's no wonder they were nervous. After all, in the source of culture on the New World side, whether it's the culture of Spartania, Britons or Cathay, snakes Neither is a symbol of justice.

However, there are a large number of tribes advocating primitive nature totems in Yanzhou and various wild areas of the Old Continent. They will worship various things as their belief totems, especially some natural spirits. In this case the snake does not represent evil.

After clarifying a small misunderstanding, the tense atmosphere just now eased down. After checking their equipment and necessary tools for the last time, everyone followed Boo Boo to a manhole cover of a sewer pipe.

Opening the manhole cover, Bubu and two workers jumped down with lanterns first. After that, the whole expedition team and the group of workers filed down. Last in line was a gunman who covered the manhole as he went down.

But what everyone didn't know was that shortly after they entered the underground pipeline, a carriage without any markings came near the construction site and unloaded a few people.

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