Struggle in Soviet Russia

Chapter 560: lurking enemy

After all, in the three Baltic countries, those who live in the outlying areas of the jungle and may have contact with the guerrillas may be supporters of the guerrillas, they are providing food and shelter for the guerrillas, they are not only guerrillas The sympathizers of the team are also supporters, so as long as these people are migrated away, those murderous guerrillas will naturally lose the suddenness on which they depend.

Victor must admit that Comrade Beria's proposal is not only effective, but can fundamentally solve the problem, but then again, it will take a certain amount of time for this method to be effective.

"Using the means of ethnic migration has always been effective in curbing local nationalist sentiment," said Victor after a while of silence, "this has been clearly confirmed in our past work. ."

He said so, no doubt that he supported Comrade Beria's proposal. Indeed, to a large extent, the ethnic relocation policy is cruel to the relocated ethnic groups, not to mention the series of problems that have arisen in the process of relocation, just leaving one's hometown is enough to make people feel painful. As an individual, Viktor is happy to show sympathy to those who have been displaced, but when an issue must be viewed from the perspective of the entire alliance, there should be no such thing as sympathy.

When the mood rises to the national perspective, sympathy for some people is likely to be cruel to others. Therefore, for politicians, to show their sympathy, it is often more necessary to look at the time.

"In addition to adopting the national relocation policy, I think that various measures should be used in conjunction with each other to achieve the goal of exterminating the jungle fascists as soon as possible," Victor continued, "For example, increasing military efforts, and for example , can send several military action teams, disguised as jungle fascists, against those who support the jungle fascists.”

Hearing him say this, Comrade Stalin's eyes lit up and said: "This is a good method. As a jungle fascist, attacking those who provide support for the fascist, this method can minimize the jungle fascist's attack to the greatest extent possible. The space for activities makes them lose the most fundamental living soil."

The method proposed by Victor is vile, and of course, it must be very effective, at least for a period of time.

What he means is that some people from the NKVD, including members of the Border Guard, can be arranged to pretend to be members of the "Forest Brothers" guerrillas and use the method of "fishing and law enforcement" to contact ordinary local residents. First find out those who support the guerrillas, and then take measures against them, and put all the blame on the guerrillas.

This method may not be effective at the beginning, but over time, as more and more ordinary people are attacked, panic will spread. At that time, even a real guerrilla The team appeared, and no one dared to contact them anymore.

"The work in this area can be promoted by a series of joint actions between the People's Commissariat of Internal Affairs and the People's Commissariat of National Security," Victor continued to suggest, "I think the corresponding effects should be shown soon. ."

Comrade Stalin nodded, apparently agreeing with his suggestion.

In fact, this proposal put forward by Victor is not new. In the just-concluded Great Patriotic War, the German SS had used this method to deal with the Soviet guerrillas behind enemy lines. At the same time, the Soviet guerrillas also used this method. This method has dealt with the Ukrainian nationalist guerrillas. War is always cruel. As long as the victory can be won, who cares whether the method is cruel or not.

As if still thinking about Victor's proposal, Comrade Stalin walked a long way without speaking again. Victor followed half a step behind him, and he didn't speak either. He knew that Comrade Stalin was thinking about a problem. At this time, all he needed to do was keep quiet.

When he was about to reach the end of Yong Road, Comrade Stalin stopped. He looked down at the pipe in his hand, and found that there was still shredded tobacco in the pipe, so he put it in his mouth.

Victor took out a match first, struck one, and lit the pipe for the other party. Then, after hesitating for a while, he finally took out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket and lit one for himself.

"Whether it's the Baltic region, Ukraine, or Transcaucasus," after taking a deep breath, Comrade Stalin finally spoke again, he said, "The riots in these places are, in the final analysis, a national issue, and further, nationalism. Therefore, any form of nationalism is our enemy and we need to target.”

Nationalism is an ideological existence. Since it is an ideological thing, it is difficult to say whether it is right or wrong. At least, when judging it, it depends on the situation.

In Victor's view, with the end of World War II, the world pattern has undergone tremendous changes, because the old colonial empires have been hit hard. Therefore, those countries that used to be colonies have experienced a certain degree of national awakening. As a result, a wave of nationalist revival was triggered, the direct consequence of which was that a series of nation-states declared their independence and got rid of the control of colonial powers.

But at some point, nationalism is not necessarily a good thing, especially when it tends to be too extreme, nationalism will turn sour, as Comrade Ryzhkov once said: nationalism, It is no longer love for one's own nation, but hatred for other nations. On this point, both Ukrainian nationalists and Polish nationalists are clearly in line.

For a multi-ethnic country like the Soviet Union, as Comrade Stalin said, the existence of nationalism is harmful. Moscow does not need to resort to a specific nationalism to strengthen the cohesion of the country. Moreover, a single The nationalism of the nation will not achieve this goal, on the contrary, it will only undermine the cohesion of the alliance and national security.

What does the league need? There is no doubt that what the alliance needs is statism as opposed to nationalism. Nationalism emphasizes the supremacy of the nation, while statism advocates the supremacy of the state. Comrade Stalin undoubtedly has a clear understanding of this point. Yes, it can even be said that since the time of Lenin, the central power core of the alliance has always had such an understanding.

But it's one thing to have this understanding, and it's another thing to incorporate this understanding into the country's major policies. During the Lenin period, Comrade Lenin first opposed nationalism, and then he chose to compromise with nationalism. Comrade Stalin seemed to go further than Comrade Lenin in terms of national policy. He did not choose to compromise with nationalism. Instead, he directly despised this problem. Perhaps in his eyes, solving the national problem can be as simple as solving all other problems - whichever ethnic group is making trouble, it will be relocated directly, or it will be the troublemaker. When people are thrown into prison, the so-called: one force can break all laws, nothing more than that.

But Victor is very clear that ethnic issues are not so easy to solve. In many cases, violence is not conducive to solving ethnic conflicts. Today, it is rare that Comrade Stalin took the initiative to raise this issue. He really hopes to seize the opportunity to express Consider your own point of view.

"Nationalism is indeed our enemy," affirming Comrade Stalin's position with a simple sentence, and Viktor continued, "You know, I worked in Western Ukraine and worked with the nationalists there for a long time. Struggle, I have a very deep understanding of those people."

Comrade Stalin turned sideways and stood facing Victor, apparently waiting for him to continue.

"In my opinion, the regions of Western Ukraine ... no, it should be said that the nationalism in each region is similar to religious beliefs, they are fanatical, crazy, they don't know what to say," Viktor continued, "Of course, I I even think that the issue of nationalism may indeed be closely related to religion, just like in the three Baltic countries, all those who oppose us, those who oppose the Union, are basically Protestants or Catholics, and those who are Orthodox Christians It's on our side."

"Ha, Victor, I'm afraid that this kind of statement of yours is not what Alexei I would like to hear," Comrade Stalin said with a smile.

Alexei I is the current Patriarch of the Orthodox Church of Moscow, who took over after Sergei I died of illness last year.

Victor just shrugged and didn't mind Comrade Stalin's ridicule. He continued: "It is because of the fanaticism of these people that I have a deeper concern."

"Oh? What worries?" Comrade Stalin asked curiously.

"Now, those who jumped out against us, whether they got into the jungle or hid in the mountains, they are always our enemies in the clear, we know where they are and how to deal with them, "Victor continued, "but the problem is that nationalism is just an ideology, it's an idea, it's hidden in people's heads, so my opinion is that we may have a group of enemies hidden in the shadows, They are also nationalists, but they have adopted a different strategy of struggle, such as . . . lurking around us."

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