Struggle in Soviet Russia

Chapter 497: victory day

The moving shadows obscured his sight little by little in the roar of the motor and the "squeak" sound of the crawler. Victor felt his eyelids heavy, and there seemed to be a voice that was dragging him in the dark, making him feel heavy. Give up resistance and close your eyes, just like if you close your eyes, the danger that is approaching him can be easily resolved.

The sound of "squeak" seems to have reached the ear, and the smell of diesel oil has even been smelled in the nasal cavity. At this moment, a soft voice sounded in the ear: "Wake up, wake up... "

This sound was like the sound of nature, and it only dispelled the heart-pounding noise in an instant. Victor suddenly opened his eyes. Everything in the dream quickly subsided in his sea of ​​consciousness. In the end, only An Li disappeared without a shadow. Na's pretty face appeared in front of him.

"Have you had a nightmare?" Seeing Victor open his eyes, An Lina put a hand on his forehead, wiped the sweat from his forehead, and asked softly.

Taking a deep breath and yawning again, Victor turned over in place, put his arms on An Lina's bare waist, and replied nonchalantly, "Damn war, no matter how long it's been since I left it, It will come to me from time to time and harass me in different ways."

Hearing what he said, An Lina pursed her lips and smiled, then bent down, put a hand behind his head, put him into her arms, and said, "You may just need more time to Just get used to it."

Smelling the faint body fragrance in An Lina's arms, Victor moved his body and tried to climb on top of her, and the hand that was originally on her waist also naturally touched between her legs.

An Lina didn't stop him, just whispered: "Listen..."

"Listen to what?" Victor asked absent-mindedly, feeling the warmth and smoothness of the important spot.

An Lina didn't speak, and the dimly lit bedroom fell silent at this moment.

Victor's ears perked up, and vaguely, he heard the sound of trombone playing, listening to the tune, it should be "Farewell to Slavic Women".

"What time is it?" Stopping his movements, Victor suddenly sat up from the bed and asked subconsciously while turning his head to **** in the direction of the bedside table.

Today is the day of the Victory Day military parade. According to the previous notice, he must rush to the Kremlin before eight o'clock. He must not be late for such a major ceremony.

"It's already six o'clock," An Lina said. "Half an hour ago, the radio outside rang."

At this time, Victor also got his watch. After confirming the time, he breathed a sigh of relief. Immediately, he threw the watch beside the pillow, turned around, and threw himself directly on An Lina, gasping for breath. Said, "There's still time, we can do something else..."

When it was nearly ten ten, Victor in casual clothes appeared in front of the villa building, and at the entrance of the villa courtyard, Varenka was already waiting there.

According to the opinion of Comrade Stalin before, Victor deliberately did not wear a military uniform today. The casual clothes on his body were a gray suit. The straight fabrics set off his special spirit, not to mention his own appearance. handsome guy.

At this time, the whole boulevard was filled with majestic music, and Victor could hear it. At this time, the radio should be playing the "Moscow Salute March" composed by Semyon Alexander Chernetsky. The interesting thing is that , Chernetsky is still the performance conductor of today's Victory Day military parade. In order to show the grandeur of this military parade, 1,400 people were prepared for the military band alone, and the lineup was super luxurious.

Unfortunately, the weather today doesn't seem to be very good. At this point, the sky is still covered by thick clouds, and there is no sun to see.

Getting into the car at the gate of the villa courtyard, Victor rushed all the way to the Kremlin.

Although it was only more than seven o'clock at this time, and there were still more than two hours before the official start of the military parade, there were already a large number of citizens on the way to the Kremlin, and they were all moving in the direction of Red Square. There were happy expressions on their faces.

When the car drove to Red Square, the sound of the music playing on the radio suddenly stopped. After a few seconds of silence, there was a "his la la" electric current, and then Comrade Stalin's voice floated. out.

"Please pay attention, please pay attention, this is Moscow, here is an important news," Victor felt a little surprised at first, but he soon realized that what was playing on the radio was the day when the war broke out in 1941. a recording.

"Citizens of the Soviet Union, at four o'clock in the morning today, without any announcement or warning, the German army crossed the border to attack the Soviet army..." Sure enough, this was Comrade Stalin's announcement to all Soviet citizens on the day the war broke out. In the broadcast of the outbreak of the Great Patriotic War, when the broadcast reached "The German army crossed the border and attacked the Soviet army", the music of "Invincible and Legend" sounded on the radio. This song is later "The Song of the Soviet Army" .

At this time, Victor's car just entered the Red Square from Tver Street. At this time, the Red Square had already been flooded by the sea of ​​people. From the window, countless red flags were flying over the entire Red Square.

The car passed the Basilica Cathedral, and a huge portrait of Comrade Stalin hung down from the top of the church, covering the entire side of the church.

Perhaps it was because the radio was playing a recording of Comrade Stalin from a few years ago. Therefore, despite the crowds, the square was extremely quiet. Victor could not even hear the slightest noise. From this scene alone, he knew that Stalin was What a lofty position the comrade enjoys in the Soviet Union at this time.

On the side close to the Kremlin palace wall, people from the Political Security Bureau cooperated with the workers, peasants and police to separate a long passage. This is the road that the parade troops will travel later, and some places have been covered with red carpets. Victor went straight from the car, that is, the other side of the Red Square was watching, and he could already see the Soviet troops assembled in that direction.

As the car pulled into the Kremlin, Victor looked at his watch to make sure he wasn't too late.

When Victor arrived in front of Comrade Stalin's office building, there were already some people waiting to go down the front steps. When Victor got out of the car, he attracted everyone's attention.

Victor took a cursory glance and found that there was no "sufficient" big man present, not even one he was familiar with.

"Comrade Viktor Viktorovich," just when he was feeling curious, a man walked out of the crowd on the left, greeted him with quick steps, and greeted him.

Looking in the direction of the voice, Victor saw a colonel in the uniform of the Political Security Bureau walking towards him.

"Oh, hello, Comrade Krasikov," Victor knew, after all, the Political Security Bureau was also led by the People's Commissariat of State Security.

"Come with me, please," said the colonel known as Krasikow, who stopped and gave Victor a military salute.

Victor didn't ask where he was going, just nodded and followed.

Krasikov is a member of the Kremlin guards, who is specially responsible for the personal safety of Comrade Stalin. As long as Comrade Stalin is in the Kremlin, his guards will be led by Krasikov.

Following the colonel, Viktor entered the white office building, but Krasikoff did not take him upstairs, but went directly to the direction of the basement.

The basement of this office building is just below the stairs facing the entrance of the building. The location is not very hidden, but it is usually locked, and no one is allowed to go down.

As the chairman of the People's Commissariat of State Security, Viktor knows many secrets of the Kremlin. He knows that there is actually a secret passage in this basement. This secret passage is connected to the Moscow subway line, which can directly lead to Ma Yakovsky Metro Station. During the Moscow campaign, there was a time when everything seemed normal in the Kremlin, in fact, the main office had been moved to the Mayakovsky subway station, and the decision to hold a military parade during the German siege of Moscow was Stalin Comrade made at the Mayakovsky metro station.

He followed the colonel into the basement, and sure enough, the heavy double-leafed iron door had been opened, and four guards of the Political Security Bureau with guns were guarding the door. Inside the iron door, "Comrade Stalin" stood there quietly. , do not know what to do.

Colonel Krasikoff stepped directly through the iron gate, walked straight past "Comrade Stalin", and then walked down the stairs.

The moment he stepped through the iron gate, Viktor recognized that the "Comrade Stalin" standing inside the door was a fake, even though he looked very similar to Comrade Stalin in appearance, a little further away, even It was impossible to tell the truth from the false, but for someone like Viktor who was in close contact with Comrade Stalin from time to time, it was easy to detect the problem.

The most important thing is that this fake "Comrade Stalin" Viktor also knows, he even knows three such fake "Comrade Stalin", they are all stand-ins for Comrade Stalin.

The stand-in in front of him is called Yevshey Rubensky. He has been with Comrade Stalin since the 1930s, and there are not a few people who know about his stand-in.

The stairs inside the iron gate lead to deeper underground, but Krasikow stopped after only a few steps down, because just in front of him, Comrade Stalin was walking up with two men.

At this time, Victor also saw Comrade Stalin who was walking up. He took a step back and stood at the top of the steps.

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