Struggle in Soviet Russia

Chapter 486: nuclear

The weather in Moscow in recent days has not been very good. As late spring has just entered, a humid air current has swept across the entire Moscow area. The air current not only brought heating and moist air, but also brought a rain.

Elektrostaly, a small town 70 kilometers east of Moscow, is also an inconspicuous small town with a population of less than 30,000 at the end of the war. On a map with a slightly larger scale, I am afraid that Can't find its location.

It was midnight. In the long past, Elektrostalli had fallen into a deep sleep by this time, and it was estimated that there were no lights in the whole city.

However, today's situation is very special. Centered on the railway station of the Waqie Railway in the eastern suburbs of the city, trucks full of soldiers and NKVD policemen appeared one after another. They almost drove the entire railway meeting. The station was blocked along with all the highways within a few square kilometers around it.

In the watch room of the station, Yusuf, the station master, was shivering frequently. His upper and lower teeth were fighting with each other, and the sound of clicking was clearly audible.

The door of the duty room was open, and a Soviet soldier holding a Bobosa submachine gun stood at the door with his back to the direction of Yusuf. The station chief in charge of the night shift was not the object of the soldiers' attention. Fear is purely to frighten himself, after all, tonight's actions have nothing to do with him.

Of course, you can't blame Yusuf for being timid, and someone else would probably be the same as him, because just outside the door of the duty room at this time, a group of people in uniforms of the NKVD were waiting there. Moreover, these The people from the NKVD are not ordinary people yet, and the stars flashing on their shoulders prove that they all belong to the senior cadres of the NKVD.

Yes, at a cursory glance, among this group of people, there are not only Merkulov, the current Acting People's Commissar of the People's Commissariat of Internal Affairs, but also Chernyshev and Zavinyagin who are Deputy People's Commissars. As well as Makhnev and others, in other words, four of the current People's Commissar of the People's Commissariat of Internal Affairs and the six Deputy People's Commissars have already been present, while the remaining three Deputy People's Commissars are in Ukraine. , Belarus and Georgia.

And just a dozen meters away from the officials of the People's Commissariat of Internal Affairs, there was a group of people in royal blue uniforms, who were high-level cadres from the People's Commissariat of State Security.

People who don't know about such a big battle may think that the members of the Politburo are going out together, but in fact, there are no important people going out tonight. These people are gathered here because there are a group of important people. Supplies will be docked at the Voche make station in Elektrostari.

From this evening to 10 o'clock tomorrow morning, according to the plan, a total of seven special trains will stop at the Waqejeong station, with a total of 380 wagons, and the goods they transport include more than 250 tons of Uranium compounds and nearly seven tons of metallic uranium. In addition, there are a large number of instruments, equipment, materials, etc. related to uranium research and production, as well as thirty-nine scientists related to German nuclear weapons research.

Just for this trip, the People's Commissariat of National Defense issued an "Order No. 8568cc", requiring all departments, including the People's Commissariat of Internal Affairs and the Soviet Red Army, to strictly ensure the safety of these seven special trains. Who is responsible? If there is a problem in the area, whoever takes full responsibility will be tried by a military court.

The seven special trains departed from Germany, and the railway lines passed along the way were all driven by the Soviet army one kilometer by one kilometer. Close inspection by a team of experts, this was all the way to Elektrostari.

According to the information provided by the Foreign Intelligence Service, as early as mid-May last year, the Americans had made significant progress in nuclear weapons research. Their uranium-graphite reactor officially started operation in mid-to-late May last year, and its power Similar to the design on the Alliance side.

But the problem faced by the alliance is that the work of the Institute of Rare Metals under the People's Commissariat of Nonferrous Metallurgy Industry is not going well, mainly due to the lack of uranium raw material supply. The uranium mines in Kazakhstan and other places were mined only after last year's efforts by the alliance. Less than 5 tons of uranium salt is produced, and at least fifty to sixty tons of uranium are needed to make a uranium-graphite reactor operational.

Yes, what the alliance lacks now is uranium ore. As for other conditions, it can be said that it is fully mature. Take graphite as an example, the high-purity graphite produced by the Moscow Electrode Factory is better than the American in terms of quality and performance. outstanding.

With the advance of the Soviet army's offensive in Germany, the People's Commissariat of State Security followed closely behind the Soviet army's front, looking for the Institute of Physical Theory established by the Germans, specializing in uranium and radium research. During the process, the Soviet Academy of Sciences also sent a large number of experts to cooperate with the People's Commissariat of State Security in the search.

The seven special trains returning from Germany this time are the results of the work of the Special Committee of the People's Commissariat of State Security in the past few months. In the words of Comrade Kurchatov, it is the acquisition of this batch of materials that has enabled the Soviet Union to achieve this year's At the end of the year, the uranium-graphite physics experimental boiler was started, which has the most important possibility.


Berlin, Karlsholt.

Victor sat behind his desk, frowning slightly at the document spread out in front of him.

The document is the information sent back by the New York intelligence station, and the content involved is the latest progress of the Americans in the nuclear weapons research and development project.

For the alliance, a very bad news is that the first nuclear bomb of the Americans has been successfully developed. They have come up with a finished product and have entered the countdown to the test explosion. Now, relevant experts in the United States are looking for suitable Test location.

Putting this document aside, the other is a report on the latest developments in the Union's nuclear weapons research, expressed in the words of Comrade Berusin before Comrade Stalin, that "a breakthrough has been made in the construction of industrial reactors. In the future, all related work will be accelerated.”

There is no doubt that Comrade Berusin, as a layman, does not dare to make any promises confidently even if he understands the progress of the work, but Victor is very clear that now, the alliance has enough uranium compounds, The next step is to start the reactor, but before that, a place for the nuclear reactor must be chosen... In short, now the Union wants to develop nuclear weapons this year, as Comrade Stalin wanted, It is simply impossible, and there will be no hope until the end of next year at the earliest.

Holding a cup of coffee in hand, he took a sip on his lips and woke up. Victor turned his attention to a document on his right.

This document was the one sent by the Signal Corps when he was in Torgau in the afternoon.

On this document, there are many signatures, from top to bottom, including Comrade Beria, Vice-Chairman of the People's Committee; Comrade Berusin, Vice-Chairman of the People's Committee and People's Commissar of the Chemical Industry; Comrade Dayev; Deputy People's Commissar of the NKVD Comrade Zavinyakin; Corresponding Member of the Academy of Sciences of the Soviet Union Comrade Kikoyn; Director of the First Bureau of the Planning Commission Comrade Lavlenov and so on.

As for the content of the document, it involves the site selection of three project plans, and each of them involves a top-secret order from the People's Committee.

For example, the first project plan is now named "Plan 1859", its code name is "Plant A", and the order label is "No. 229-100cc".

According to the provisions of this plan, the Union will establish a secret city in the southern Urals, 80 kilometers northwest of Chelyabinsk and 16 kilometers east of Keshtem, in the southern bank of Lake Kyzil Tash, code-named "" Chelyabinsk-40".

In this special administrative region, the People's Committee will invest all materials at any cost to build all supporting plants related to the nuclear industry, including uranium-graphite reactors, radiochemical plants, and chemical metallurgical plants.

Although a series of factories will be built in "Chelyabinsk-40", there will be only one main leadership team. Within this leadership team, Muzrukov will be the director of the factory and the chief engineer of the Slavs. , Kurchatov is the head of science and technology.

In order to ensure the confidentiality of the project, all the workers involved in the construction will be composed of prisoners of war, criminals and special immigrants. Needless to say, when the project task is over, these people involved in the construction will most likely not be able to leave the area.

More interestingly, Victor saw a decision in the document, considering the shortage of criminals and prisoners of war, and at the same time, the "Chlyabinsk-40" project volume is too large, therefore, the special committee in charge of the project has already Work has been arranged for the prisoners of war who may be harvested in the war against Japan, and they are waiting for the arrival of the Japanese prisoners of war.

As the chairman of the National Security People's Commissariat, Viktor is also an important member of the nuclear weapons research and development program, so this document also needs his signature.

To be honest, Victor is still a little disappointed with the progress of the Union's nuclear weapons research and development. In his opinion, the ideal state should be the Union's first nuclear weapon, at least not too far behind the Americans. In that case, after the war ends In the early days of the 1990s, Moscow would no longer have to make concessions to Britain and the United States on many issues.

However, these technical problems are obviously not something that Victor can solve. It is very rare that he can participate in them and play a certain role.

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