Struggle in Soviet Russia

Chapter 441: assistance

Just like the Kurds in the Comala region, they have long lived by growing and selling tobacco leaves. The tobacco leaf trade supports the main part of the local Kurdish economy, and those Kurdish businessmen in the Comala region also mainly sell tobacco leaves. to Tehran.

Since Britain and the Soviet Union controlled Iran from north to south, especially since the Kurds in the Mahabad area began to seek independence, although Tehran had no way to deal with them, because of the support given by the Soviets behind their backs, the Iranian royal family could not oppose them. The Kurdish betrayal took military action, but economically, sanctions were imposed on the Kurds, and Tehran banned the Kurds from participating in the tobacco leaf trade.

The economic loss has made the Kurds in the Komala region very dissatisfied. In the "Kurdish National Salvation Committee", the Kurdish representatives from the Komala region are also the least determined to be independent. If possible, those people He prefers to negotiate with Tehran to help the Kurds gain more power through negotiation, rather than directly resorting to violence to seek independence.

As Kemal commented, the Kurds have a very strong clan concept, which is an advantage. To a certain extent, it ensures the unique nationality of the Kurds and makes this nation less likely to be assimilated by aliens. But this is another flaw. It is precisely because the Kurds have a strong clan concept that they lack a national concept. When it comes to issues of right and wrong, the Kurds first consider not the overall situation, but the interests of their own clan.

In addition, in the Kurdish ethnic group, there is also a lack of a strongman like Kemal or Tito. Don't look at Kadi Muhammad's tossing is very happy, he is still a big chief, but his authority is only in The Mahabad region is effective. In the entire Kurdistan region, the power to really regard him as the number one person is actually very limited.

To be honest, compared to Kadi Mohammed, Masood Barzani's reputation in the Kurdistan region is actually even greater. After all, he has rebelled for more than ten years, always in Turkey, Iran, Iraq and Syria. The exile between the four countries also mixed some prestige.

"So," standing on the ramp in front of the church, Victor stretched out his hand to support a stone pillar that was about to break on the side of the road, turned his head and said to the two people who were following him, "The current priority of the Kurdish Salvation Committee is to put those People with uncertain hearts should be cleaned out to ensure the purity of this organization. What you need to do is to ensure that every member of the committee regards Kurdish independence as the ultimate goal of their lifelong pursuit, and in order to achieve this goal, achieve this Goals, clan interests, personal interests, and even the interests of a certain region can all be temporarily sacrificed."

After a pause, he said decisively: "If you can't do this, if the members of the committee can't reach a consensus on this issue, then everything you do will be meaningless, even if Moscow does its best. I support you, and your goal of establishing a state in Kurdistan is not at all possible."

After he finished speaking, he turned his gaze back and forth on the faces of the two of them, and finally landed on Massoud Barzani.

"Cardi needs to know more about the National Salvation Committee," Balzanillo hesitated and said, "I have always been in charge of military affairs, so..."

This is an old fox, Victor thought to himself.

In a previous life, Victor had some knowledge of the situation of the Kurds in the Middle East. Of course, the most famous Kurds at that time were the Kurdish Democratic Party. However, in the era when Victor lived, the Kurdish Democratic Party had already split. In Viktor's impression, the Kurds are notoriously disunited, well, maybe it's not just the Kurds, Islam in the Middle East is not very united at all.

Although Kadi Mohammed went to Moscow twice, both accompanied by this Barzani, and the two are also close comrades-in-arms, but do not think that there is no conflict between them, on the contrary , in the National Salvation Committee, the struggle between Barzani and Cardi is also very fierce.

On the Kurdish issue, Moscow is actually supporting Barzani more, but on the Kurdish issue in Iran, Moscow has to choose to support Kadi, because Barzani's influence is more concentrated. In Iraq, as for Iran, it is Qadi's territory.

"That's right, Comrade Chairman Viktor Viktorovich," said Kadi Muhammad after a moment of silence, "I am of course aware of the problems that exist in the National Salvation Committee, and, all along, I have also wanted to say something about the Committee's Members conduct a clean-up to remove those who are not like us, to ensure the purity of the committee's membership."

"However," he added after changing the conversation, "the actual situation at present is that most of the members of the committee lack sufficient confidence in the prospect of our struggle. The main reason is that Moscow is supporting us on the issue. , the attitude is always vague and lacks a clear statement, so..."

"Moscow will not give a clear stance on this issue," Viktor interrupted him directly, saying, "At present, the alliance is allied with the United Kingdom and the United States, and we maintain close unity on the issue of confronting Fascist Germany, As for the issue of the Middle East, it is not the main contradiction facing the alliance now, and it is impossible for Moscow to have a conflict with the allies because of the independence of Kurdistan."

"Of course, I understand Moscow's position," Cardi said hurriedly, "but even if there is no public statement, it can always give us some substantive support? For example, the support I sought in Moscow this time, Our troops need a certain amount of heavy weapons."

"If you just need weapons, we can solve some for you," Victor nodded, glanced at Barzani, and said, "However, you can't get Soviet-made weapons and equipment."

Cardi stared straight at Victor, waiting for him to continue.

Victor did not rush to explain to him, but made a gesture of invitation, inviting the two to go to the church where he was staying, and after walking a few steps, he continued: "If the alliance provides you with Soviet-made weapons and equipment , then it is no different from publicly expressing support for you, which is obviously not in our interest.”

"Fortunately, though, in the past few years of war, we have seized enough weapons and equipment from the Germans," Victor reached into his coat pocket and took out a folded piece of paper. , handed it to Cardi, and then said, "I have a list here. In principle, we can provide you with all the weapons listed in this list."

Cardi was shocked, and he couldn't wait to take the letter and unfold it as quickly as possible.

This list is provided by the People's Commissariat of Defense. As Victor said, the above listed are all weapons and equipment currently owned by the Soviet army and seized from the Germans, the most important of which are various types. Of course, there are also many weapons like light and heavy machine guns.

However, it is impossible to include weapons such as tanks and armored vehicles on this list. In fact, such weapons are not used by the Kurds.

Cardi is a literati. He took the list and read it from beginning to end. In addition to knowing that there are many things on the list, he didn't even know what the things on the list were.

While he was going through the list carefully, Barzani also went over and followed him to read the list. As a person who has been leading an armed rebellion since the 1930s, he naturally knew exactly what was on the list. To be honest, even though there is no such thing as a tank on the list, Barzani is more than happy to get some of these large caliber guns, or even just those light and heavy machine guns.

To be honest, today’s Iran is also very weak militarily. The planes of the Iranian Air Force were all cleaned up when the British and the Soviet Union invaded, and the current Iranian Air Force has long existed in name only. As for the army, because Iran has fully accepted the protection of the United Kingdom and the Soviet Union, its army troops are also very weak and their combat effectiveness is not strong.

In Barzani's view, if they can really get these German-made equipment on the list, then they will not be too passive in the subsequent confrontation with the Iranian army, and in some areas, they can even take the initiative.

"The weapons and equipment you need can be selected from this list," Victor continued, "The specific quantity, we can negotiate later, and here, I must emphasize that all the weapons and equipment, We can only be responsible for transporting to Aslanduz on the border, and you need to arrange for someone to go there to organize the reception."

"No problem," Cardi said, nodding repeatedly.

"In addition, from now on, the work of contacting you has been handed over to the People's Commissariat of State Security from Moscow," Viktor said. , you can all get in touch with us through this office."

For what Victor said, Cardi was somewhat disappointed, because the downgrade of the "reception" unit obviously indicated that Moscow's attention to them had dropped, but he had nothing to do about it, after all, it was them Ask for people.

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