Struggle in Soviet Russia

Chapter 432: Strangers in Japan

Getting out of his car, Viktor put on his general cap, and was about to reach out and take the briefcase from Varenka's hand, when he saw a few figures slowly walking down the steps in front of the small building.

Victor glanced at the few people who were walking down the steps, and his originally calm face instantly darkened.

There were four people walking down the steps, and among these four people, three Victors knew each other, and the one on the far right was Comrade Stalin's First Secretary, Comrade Bosklebyshev.

And walking on Boskrebyshev's left was a short man in a black tuxedo. This man looked Asian at first sight, with yellow skin and black glasses, his hair was neatly combed, and he had a beard under his flat nose. This guy Victor also believes that he is the Japanese ambassador to the Soviet Union Sato Takeshi.

On the left of Sato Sangtake, there is still an Asian, who is exactly the same as Sato Sangtake, except that there is a black bow tie on his neck and a pair of glasses is missing on his face.

This guy Victor doesn't know, but if nothing else, he must be a little Japan, but he doesn't know what his identity is, but he can still enter the Kremlin and be received by Comrade Stalin.

On the left side of this person is a tall white man, this guy Victor also knows, the Soviet ambassador to Japan Malik.

Carrying his briefcase in his left hand, Victor walked over in the direction where several people came down.

A few people who came down the steps naturally saw him, and among the two Japanese, Sato Takatake definitely knew him. As the Japanese ambassador to the Soviet Union, if he didn't know the head of the Soviet Union's No. 1 spy, then It's just so unprofessional.

Therefore, when he was four steps away from Victor, Sato Takatake stopped first, bowed to Victor with a smile, and said at the same time, "Mr. Victor, good morning."

Victor didn't speak, just nodded towards him, and soon turned his eyes to Malik, who was at the same time, nodded towards him with a smile on his face.

"Mr. Victor, please allow me to introduce you," Sato Saitama didn't seem to mind Victor's contempt for him at all, he straightened up, leaned slightly, pointed to the Japanese next to him, and said, "This is the Great Japan Mr. Funao Miyagawa, Consul of the Imperial Consulate General in Harbin."

Immediately afterwards, he faced the boatman Miyagawa for his Victor identity.

The latter stared at Victor, then extended his hand with a smile, as if to shake hands with Victor.

Viktor didn't even look at the guy, he asked Boskelebyshev directly: "Has Comrade Stalin fell asleep?"

"Not yet," Boske Lebyshev coughed lightly, ignoring the anger on Sato's face and the embarrassment of the boatman Miyagawa, he smiled and shook his head, "I just asked you if you didn't come. , I'll call you later."

Viktor nodded, stepped up two steps, took Boskrebyshev's arm and walked back, and said at the same time: "Come on, come with me first."

To be honest, this kind of behavior of Victor is very rude. Under normal circumstances, this kind of undisguised humiliation to foreign countries is likely to cause diplomatic disputes. However, the current situation is obviously not "ordinary", as the so-called "weak country has no diplomacy", and today's Japan is indeed a weak country compared to the alliance, and it has been defeated by the United States. A weak country with deep mud feet.

As the intelligence work leader of the alliance, although Victor did not know the boatman Miyagawa, he knew the name of this person. Although this person was the consul of the Japanese consulate in Harbin, he was also an important member of the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs. According to the information provided by the Foreign Intelligence Bureau According to the information, this person has an unusual relationship with Matsumoto Shunichi, the undersecretary of the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

As for the purpose of the boatman Miyagawa coming to Moscow at this time, Victor can guess a little bit. If nothing else, this guy should be here to ask for peace.

Over the past few months, Allied victories have not been limited to the European battlefield, but also in the Pacific theater.

Just in October not long ago, the Japanese combined fleet and the U.S. Navy broke out in the largest ever naval battle in Leyte Gulf. The desperate Japanese pressed their navy veterans to try to completely reverse the decline in the Pacific battlefield. . But it is a pity that their last fight still ended in a fiasco, and the entire combined fleet was ruined. To some extent, today's Japanese no longer have the ability to fight in the open sea. Apart from the stubborn resistance on the land, there is no possibility of turning the tide of the battle.

Of course, this is not the most terrible thing. The most terrible thing is that the Americans have started to use the airport in Chengdu, China since June to launch a comprehensive bombing of the Japanese mainland. Because of the loss of air dominance, the Japanese mainland has also lost air. Covering up, as of a month ago, nearly 600 major military factories in Japan have been destroyed by the US military, and the production capacity of aircraft has dropped by 70%.

In this situation, the Japanese completely lost the courage to face the Soviet military pressure. In the past, Moscow was always worried about fighting on both sides, lest there would be large-scale friction with the Japanese army. Now, it is the Japanese who are worried about being attacked by the alliance. Attacked, because Tokyo knew very well that once the Soviet Union used troops from the Far East to launch an attack on Northeast China occupied by the Kwantung Army, then Japan would be completely over.

At the beginning of November, shortly after the Soviet army liberated Lublin, Malik, the Soviet ambassador to Japan, sent a message that the Japanese side intended to mediate the conflict between the Soviet Union and Germany, so that in the Soviet Union and Germany Armistice between. At the same time, the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs also made many commitments to the alliance, such as allowing Soviet ships to pass freely in the Tsugaru Strait; demilitarizing the border of the puppet Manchukuo; Japan withdrawing from southern Sakhalin and selling the Kuril Islands to the Soviet Union, etc. etc.

But for Moscow today, a truce with the Germans is obviously not the best choice. What the Kremlin really wants is the unconditional surrender of Berlin. After all, the alliance still needs war reparations from Germany.

Also, although the agreement between the Soviet Union, the United States and the United Kingdom has not been finalized, and Moscow has not set a final date for the war against Japan, the fact is that the Kremlin already has relevant plans for war against Japan - which is not to say that the alliance is a warmonger, Likes to fight, but because fighting against Japan is related to the geopolitical interests of the alliance.

With the continuous success of the US military in Northeast Asia, Moscow is currently worried that once the Pacific War is over and Japan surrenders before the alliance sends troops, the alliance's influence in the Far East will be marginalized after the war.

In addition, I have already obtained relevant information about the intelligence and intelligence. I know that Roosevelt and the leaders of the Chinese government once held secret talks in Cairo. The two sides may have reached some kind of agreement. Once the war is over, the influence of the alliance in the Far East will be completely wiped out. , then the Americans are likely to set up military bases in China and divide the Korean peninsula equally with China. At that time, the national security of the Union in the Far East will be directly threatened.

Therefore, the Japanese attempt was impossible to succeed from the very beginning. The Soviet army's plan to fight against Japan was already in the making, and no one could reverse it.

That being the case, as the chairman of the National Security People's Commissariat, why did Victor save face for these two little Japan? Is it just to take care of their mood?

Obviously, Comrade Boskrebyshev did not take the two Japanese in his eyes either. He was arm-armed by Victor, turned around on the spot, and directly accompanied him up the front steps again.

"Is there any news from the Crimea?" Walking back to the Xiaobai Building, Boskelebyshev looked back and saw that the three people could no longer be seen, so he turned towards Viktor. asked, "Comrade Stalin is very concerned about the situation over there, which has been mentioned many times before."

Victor picked up the briefcase in his hand, mentioned the position of his lower abdomen, patted the bag with his right hand, and said with a smile: "It has been delivered, although the specific situation is still uncertain, but it should be Tatar nationalism. planned."

Boskrebyshev nodded, as if he wanted to say something, but Viktor took the lead.

"What are the Japanese doing here?" Victor asked.

"The Japanese want to renegotiate the Neutrality Pact," Boskelebyshev said. "According to that Miyagawa, if the alliance intends to renegotiate the Neutrality Pact, the Japanese will give sufficient compensation. They also submitted A negotiating list, ready to arrange a team of negotiating envoys to come to Moscow in the near future to start formal negotiations with the alliance on related matters.”

Victor pursed his lips and didn't say anything. He knew very well that Miyagawa's proposal was impossible to get a response from the alliance. The Japanese would not gain anything in Moscow except for their own humiliation.

The two went upstairs side by side and soon reached the door of Comrade Stalin's office.

At this time, the door of Comrade Stalin's office was open, and Boskrebyshev reached out and knocked on the door. Immediately, without waiting for Comrade Stalin to respond, he directly invited Victor to enter the door.

In front of the window in the office next to the desk, Comrade Stalin was standing by the window, looking at the rustling snowflakes outside the window, when he heard a knock on the door, he turned his head to look, and when he saw Victor, he He put the pipe in his hand into his mouth again, took a deep breath, then turned around, beckoned to Victor, and said, "I hope you have brought me good news."

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