Struggle in Soviet Russia

Chapter 393: Rebellion

Volokold took the canned luncheon meat, turned it over and looked at it several times, the expression on his face seemed a little hesitant.

Yes, this kind of thing can't help him not hesitate. A can of luncheon meat is three rubles, which is not a big problem. As for how the black market vendors can get this kind of thing, there are naturally many possibilities. It may have been saved by a soldier and sold into the hands of these black market vendors, or it may have been stolen from a military asset warehouse by a brave guy. Of course, it may also be that some people in charge of military asset management use power for personal gain. It was resold in the warehouse.

These possibilities all exist. As for the final result, it must be investigated to find out clearly.

But as Victor said, he thinks that this may involve the issue of reselling military assets. Volokold also believes that this possibility is not small, and once the final investigation turns out that someone is reselling military assets, then The people that will be involved are indispensable.

To be honest, as the first deputy director of the ideological defense bureau, Volokot does not want to be responsible for this kind of military-related cases, because behind this kind of case, there may be one or even multiple hornet's nests hidden. Whoever stabbed in the end will inevitably end up with a bruised nose and a swollen face.

He wanted to find a reason to push the case away, but at the moment when he raised his head, Volokold met Victor's gaze, and he swallowed it again when he almost reached his mouth. Then, he nodded directly and said: "Okay, Comrade Victor Viktorovich, I will arrange for someone to investigate immediately."

The reason for this change is that Volokold is very aware of the current situation facing the National Security People’s Committee. Today, the entire committee is undergoing personnel and work adjustments. As the chairman of the presidium of the committee, Victor is in " With the support of "the top", the three departments are monopolizing the power, which includes the Ideological Defense Bureau.

Volokold believes that the previous personnel adjustments only adjusted some members of the presidium. In other words, the relevant adjustments were carried out within the top leadership, and the adjustments to the various general bureaus and divisions did not. Involved.

However, it is obvious that the relevant adjustments cannot be limited to the Bureau. The adjustments of the various General Administrations will be carried out sooner or later. Maybe the next adjustment work will be in this regard.

Volokold’s current situation is a bit embarrassing. His position as director of the ideological defense bureau was arranged by the former vice chairman of the presidium responsible for the work of the department. The other party has now been adjusted away, and his direct leadership has become Victor. Now, Victor is not only his direct leader, but also the chairman of the entire committee department. At the same time, he is also responsible for the personnel work of the entire committee department. This means that if he wants to adjust the work of Volokold, it is just a sentence Thing.

Therefore, if Volokold wants to keep his current position, he even said that if he wants to prevent his fate from being too ugly, he can't let Victor be dissatisfied with him, at least he can't give the opponent an excuse to clean him up.

It was for this reason that Volokold had to take this case, which he did not think so easy to handle, and had to handle it properly.

Victor has nothing to worry about directly throwing the investigation into the luncheon meat problem to Volokold. In fact, for him, is this kind of American-aided luncheon meat sold out of the munitions warehouse? It’s not a matter of great importance to investigate or not to investigate a case.

But just as Volokold was worried, he had just taken over the leadership of the three departments, and he always had to find something to do for his people.

It’s said that there are three fires for new officials. After taking up new leadership positions, some people like to give their subordinates a prestige first to declare their sense of existence, but Victor is not such a person, he is making anything. Before a new action, people like to observe for a period of time, and then take action.

Just like now, as the chairman of the National Security People’s Committee, he has taken over the relevant work of the Internal Intelligence Bureau, the Counterintelligence Bureau, the Ideological Protection Bureau, and the personnel department. When the new official took office, he did not do any personnel affairs. The adjustments did not hold a meeting or talk to the new subordinates.

Everything is calm. What did the various departments do in the past, and how they do it now, even his office is still in its original place, and nothing has been changed.

Victor's idea is to look at the situation first, wait for a while, and then start to make personnel adjustments after getting familiar with the basic situation.

After handing the case to Volokold to handle, and sending him away, Victor rubbed his sideburns and got up and returned to his desk.

At this time, there was already a thick pile of documents on his desk, which was different from the documents he had handled in the Foreign Intelligence Bureau before. These documents were all covered in yellow, and the documents in different colors represented them. They come from different departments, and the yellow ones belong to the internal intelligence bureau's files only.

Looking at the intelligence documents delivered by the Internal Intelligence Agency, Victor sighed slightly. To be honest, he prefers to read foreign intelligence from abroad, because of the intelligence from abroad. , Is much more interesting than the information before.

But having said that, work is always work. You can’t do it because it’s interesting, and don’t do it because it’s not interesting.

Reaching out and pulling a copy from the stack of documents, opened it in front of him, and Victor started today's work.

For now, the main work of the Internal Intelligence Service of the People’s Committee of National Security is basically concentrated in the West Ukraine region. According to the information provided by the Warren region, Stepan Bender, who was previously detained by the Germans, is concentrated. La, was released two months ago. This person and Nicholas Lebed, nicknamed "Uncle Louis", got together to gather a large number of anti-government guerrillas in West Ukraine to rebuild the so-called "Uncle Louis". Ukrainian Resistance Army".

The so-called Ukrainian Resistance Army is not just recently formed. They have existed for a long time, but before then, these guys were not large in scale. They were often sporadic guerrilla organizations scattered in various regions of Western Ukraine. The weapons and equipment equipped by the team members are also very limited.

But now, the situation has changed significantly. While releasing Stepan Bandera, the Germans also provided his troops with a large amount of weapons and equipment, including weapons and equipment originally seized from the Soviet army. , There are also weapons and equipment that belong to the German army. Therefore, the size of the Ukrainian rebels is expanding very fast. Their paramilitary organization in the Warren area has exceeded 90,000 people.

In addition, according to the reliable information provided by the Foreign Intelligence Agency, Nikolai Lebed seems to have contact with the British and Americans. This guy has received a lot of funds and material assistance from the British and Americans. .

After the return of Stepan Bandera, great changes have taken place in the strategies and actions of the Ukrainian Rebels. They no longer seek a frontal confrontation with the Soviet Red Army forces, but have turned to the so-called "behind the enemy lines." , That is, activities in the liberated areas of the Soviet Union.

They attacked workers, peasants, police, collective farms, border guards, and government agencies throughout Western Ukraine. They massacred all non-Ukrainians, including Russians, Poles, and Jews, and even those Ukrainians who cooperated with the coalition. They also killed them. Within the target range. In fact, their style of acting is the so-called terrorist method of later generations.

At present, the NKVD has begun to take action against the Ukrainian rebels in the West Ukrainian region. A large number of border guards and internal guards are currently encircling and suppressing the Ukrainian rebels throughout the West Ukrainian region.

Of course, for the moment, the situation in West Ukraine is completely different from before the war.

Before the war, when Victor was just transferred to Lviv, anti-Soviet sentiment permeated the people of West Ukraine. And now, after several years of anti-fascist war, perhaps it is because of the true face of fascism. Among the people of West Ukraine, anti-Soviet sentiment is no longer the mainstream. Otherwise, the Soviet army will conscript in West Ukraine. The work will not go so smoothly.

Under such circumstances, the NKVD’s suppression of the Ukrainian rebels has been much smoother than the suppression of the Transcaucasian and Baltic coasts. In the Warren area, good news comes back from time to time.

But for Victor, what he needs now is not just the good news from the NKVD. He also wants to hear the good news from the NKVD, and also hopes that the Internal Intelligence Service can suppress bandits. In work, play a more important role.

After reading the document carefully from beginning to end, Victor took out the pen from the pen holder and circled the part of the document about Nikolai Lebed—according to the intelligence of the Foreign Intelligence Service, the Ukrainian Rebels The connection with Britain and the United States is mainly maintained by Lebed. This person is not only Bandera's collaborator, but also his role in the resistance army is similar to that of a diplomat.

To circle Lebed-related content, Victor used a pen to make instructions in the document. The general meaning is to ask the Internal Intelligence Agency to keep track of Lebed's whereabouts as much as possible, and to determine the British and American contacts with him.

After giving such instructions, Victor closed the documents, put them aside, and reached for another copy.

At this moment, the door of the office was knocked from outside, and then, before he could speak, the visitor pushed the door and walked in. It was Sophia.

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