Struggle in Soviet Russia

Chapter 234: cautious

Of course, in the past year or so, the alliance has also received a lot of assistance from the United Kingdom and the United States. In addition to military supplies, it also includes some consumer goods. But the reality is that these non-essential consumer goods will first be provided to Only a very small part of the army on the front line will be provided as welfare to the production units in the rear.

In today's alliance, except for the relatively sufficient supply of consumer goods in Moscow, all other places adopt a distribution system, that is, to buy consumer goods that are not necessary for life by ticket. It is impossible for the distribution of these supply tickets to be fair. At least farmers in rural areas cannot get them. Only those enterprises, and workers in large enterprises, can be allocated a part.

What is the problem with the 30th Aircraft Factory? Why do the workers in this factory go on strike?

In the final analysis, it is because the factory was originally established in Moscow. Both the factory workers and their families have become accustomed to enjoying the treatment that Moscowians should enjoy. After moving to the Ural region, the original Certain treatments that should be enjoyed are not available now, and their hearts will naturally become unbalanced and will complain.

The citizens of Moscow can enjoy higher treatment than other regions, not because it is because of Moscow, but because the city is the capital of the alliance and the window for the entire alliance to be displayed to the outside world. This is determined by the political level of the country. This is true in any country.

But for ordinary people, they will definitely not consider these. Even if they consider it, there will still be some dissatisfaction that should be. This is the case at the 30th Aircraft Factory.

However, if this dissatisfaction is not instigated and no one takes the lead, no one will really stand up to strike, let alone make things so big. After all, it is human nature to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages, and there is really that kind of welcome. People who have the courage to overcome difficulties are always a minority.

"What's Comrade Stalin's suggestion?" Victor walked to the sofa and sat down, and then asked.

Aitingo glanced back at him, shrugged, and said: "Comrade Stalin's opinion is to give each of the more than 1,000 workers who are still working at the 30th Aircraft Factory a big stick and let them go Those guys who disrupt production, give a big beating."

After saying this, he himself laughed first. Obviously, for this matter, Comrade Stalin did not severely criticize him, and of course Comrade Stalin’s so-called opinion could not be serious.

"Well," Victor asked with a smile, shaking his head, "It seems that the strike problem has been resolved?"

"How is it possible," Eitingo walked to his own desk, poured two glasses of water, brought them directly, put one of them in Victor's hand, and said, "People from the union, from the state committee, from our people. , I have talked to the strike representatives, but no one can get together. The opinion of the NKVD is that the civilian police and border guards should be dispatched directly to arrest all those who strike. All the saboteurs who are responsible for calling for a strike will be the same. Shot on the spot."

Victor frowned. Of course, he would not approve of using this violent method to solve the problem, because it is likely to cause bigger problems.

"However, Comrade Serov does not agree with this approach," Aitingo continued. "He believes that a more gentle approach should be adopted. Only then can we ensure that no hidden dangers will be caused and the problem will be solved fundamentally."

After these words, he murmured again: "Damn, we have been using gentle methods, but the problem now is that gentle methods obviously can't solve the problem, let alone the fundamental problem."

Victor nodded, and after hitting Serov for so long, he also understood the leader's temper. Unlike Beria and other national security workers, he did not like to use rough methods to solve it. Problems at work. In Victor's view, this working attitude is wise.

"Tell me about the specific situation," Victor lifted the water glass at hand, blew it to his mouth, and said, "About this strike, I think there must be some very interesting stories in it."

"Where is there any story," Eitingo complained, "just for some trivial interests."

Although he said so, he briefly explained the reason and process of the entire strike.

As Eitingo said before, the strike was entirely caused by the supply of consumer goods.

This month, the 30th Aircraft Manufacturing Plant received a batch of in-demand consumer goods issued by the Consumer Goods and Resident Services Committee. There are not many things, mainly some vodka and cigarettes, as well as some grapes and meat.

These consumer goods are not supplied to the whole society. They are a kind of reward. The source is based on a decision made by the National Defense People’s Committee at the end of February. The main content is to give materiality to those activists who are fighting on the front line of production. Reward decision.

To put it bluntly, these things are not distributed as benefits, but a kind of reward, and they are rewards for those cadres and workers who work actively.

When the 30th Aircraft Factory applied for these consumer products, in order to get as many as possible, it reported to nearly 300 activists at one time. After all, it is a large factory with thousands of employees. It's okay to have so many people.

Subsequently, the list was reported to the Consumer Goods and Resident Services Committee. Not only did it fail to verify it, but it also gave the 30th Aircraft Factory some more consumer products outside of the plan.

Why give more? Because Comrade Malinkov, who is in charge of the aviation industry, attaches great importance to the work of the 30th Aircraft Factory. In the past year or so, he has visited this factory 14 times. During the awarding process, Comrade Malinkov also Special attention has been paid to the situation of the 30th Aircraft Manufacturing Plant, and clear requirements have been made.

The 30th Aircraft Manufacturing Plant is similar to a large state-owned enterprise, and it happens to be in charge of Malinkov. Can he not pay attention to it?

Of course, these are secondary, the important thing is what happens next.

After the 30th Aircraft Factory received these allotted materials, it did not issue the tickets according to the previously reported list. Why? Because many of the people on the list are not so-called work activists, they just reported to make up the number. The original idea of ​​the factory leaders should be to wait until the materials are received, and then distribute them according to the actual situation in the factory.

Of course, there must be some tricks here, that is, the leaders of the factory may divide some privately, and then redistribute the remaining materials. This is very possible.

Well, if it is just like this, there will be no problem. After all, ordinary employees are not aware of the list reported by the factory. After the materials are allocated, how much should be given to whom and not should be given to ordinary workers. Also unaware.

But the problem is that the Consumer Goods and Resident Services Committee responsible for the distribution of this batch of materials is very competent. After distributing the corresponding materials, in order to show their fairness, they specially published the list reported by each factory in the newspaper. It is equivalent to the openness of government affairs for later generations.

Then the problem came up. Those workers whose names were on the list but did not get a ticket naturally stopped doing it.

At first, someone went to the factory’s leaders to make trouble. The problem was not resolved. According to the factory’s statement, although their names were on the list, their work performance was not convincing and therefore they were not eligible for this award. .

However, this argument obviously cannot convince the workers. So, things started to expand, and slowly expanded from the initial issue of rewards to the corruption of the factory leaders. Then, after a period of incubation, some people took the lead. People who were originally dissatisfied also started to join in, and eventually led to a strike of hundreds of people.

After listening to Eitingo's introduction to the whole thing, Victor was also speechless.

The cause of this incident is big, but it’s not too big. The entire alliance covers tens of millions of square kilometers. It’s not surprising that anything goes wrong in such a large country, but the problem is that the final consequences are too serious. NS.

If you are serious, there are too many people who need to take responsibility for this matter. Many people will be unlucky for the factory leadership of the 30th Aircraft Factory, the Consumer Goods and Resident Services Committee, the factory union, and so on.

If it is in peacetime, it is estimated that some people will be very happy, because this is an opportunity to make trouble, and it is estimated that many people will be ousted by taking advantage of this matter.

But now is a time of war, not a time of peace. At this time, what the rear needs most is stability. Therefore, the result of handling this matter will certainly not be too big. Otherwise, Comrade Stalin would not tell such jokes.

"As far as I am concerned, I should also ask Comrade Georgi Maximilianovich for his opinion." After Eitingo had finished introducing the situation, Victor thought for a while and said, "After all, the 30th The aircraft factory is a factory under his direct management. I think he should have his own ideas on this issue."

What Victor said was Malinkov. This comrade is now in charge of the work of various departments of the aviation industry. You should listen to Malinkov's advice.

Of course, according to the formal procedures, the decision of the National Security People's Committee does not need to pass Malinkov, but Victor is a prudent man, and he believes that breathing in advance will not offend people at least.

However, Eitingo obviously had no such thoughts. After listening to Victor's words, he glanced at him curiously, as if he wanted to say something, but finally resisted, just nodded vaguely.

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