Struggle in Soviet Russia

Chapter 203: Professional

The first batch of equipment transferred to the People's Committee of National Security was stored in the warehouse of the General Administration of Radio Industry. The guards responsible for the warehouse were also guards from the Political Security Bureau of the Committee.

However, the warehouse of the General Administration of Radio Industry is not in the downtown area of ​​Moscow, but in Sherbinka, some distance away from the city.

As the deputy commissar of the People’s Commissar of National Defense who specializes in telecommunications, Peresipkin pays great attention to the production of radio stations. After all, his predecessor fell on this matter.

Since the Union received the first batch of tubes from the United Kingdom and the United States in June, the unstable and complicated "TK" series radio stations have been completely eliminated and replaced by "P" series radio stations.

The radio stations dedicated to the People’s Committee of National Security are all specially designed and manufactured. The frequency range is between 1.5 and 25.5 MHz. If a simple auxiliary device is added, it can be increased to 35.5, divided into 12 stations. Frequency band, and it is dual-use for speech and report. In terms of technical parameters, this radio is already the most advanced in the world today, and is comparable to radio stations used in the United Kingdom and the United States.

It is precisely because of this that Peresipkin attaches so much importance to these stations, let alone such a large amount, even if it is out of one station, it must be signed by him.

When Victor drove to the Sherbinka warehouse, Peresipkin was already there waiting for him. After a brief greeting, Victor signed the memo for receiving the equipment, and then he gave the new builds he brought to him. Peresipkin.

"This is a potentially problematic letter selected by the Counterintelligence Bureau in regular correspondence in the past week." Watching Peresipkin pick up the letter, Victor handed him a list again and said, "There is a problem. The reasons are on this corresponding list."

As the deputy people’s commissar in charge of communications, Pelesipukin is also responsible for communications in the military. In order to ensure that communications within the Red Army’s system will not be leaked, the Counter-Spyware Bureau has a dedicated station in the Communications Commission. The staff, they are responsible for the review of letters.

Because there are no envelopes for letters nowadays, the letters are folded into a triangle shape, so it is very convenient to examine them.

In fact, many of the leaks involved in communications are made by the writer without paying attention, and there are many such cases, and they are often impossible to prevent.

For example, transporters are likely to write in the letter, when they transported something, from where, this is a leak. The same are transport soldiers. They often write in the letter how many kilometers the car they drove has run, so that the tires are scrapped. There is a lot of information leaked out here, and spies can not only infer certain movements of the Soviet army from it, but also infer the durability of military vehicle tires.

The letters that Victor gave to Peresipkin were all problems after review. At the same time, it was determined that the writer was an unintentional leak. The reason why they were handed over to Peresipkin was due to As the Deputy People’s Commissar of Communications, he has issued new communications regulations throughout the army, and similar leaks are strictly prohibited.

As a general who almost died in the hands of the NKVD, Peresipkin was not only in conflict with Fitin, he had no favor with anyone from this department. Therefore, when dealing with Victor, His attitude is also very cold.

In Victor's view, in today's Soviet Union, especially in the Soviet Red Army system, people who hold the same attitude as Peresipkin absolutely account for the majority, and he is also very helpless in this regard.

In the final analysis, this kind of resentment, or even hatred, mainly came from the great purges between 35 and 38 years. As the leading party, the NKVD was naturally hated by everyone.

But the problem is that the purge had nothing to do with Victor. He was just a small non-commissioned officer at the time, let alone intervening in this kind of national movement, he didn't even have the qualifications to participate in it.

However, people’s hatred has the characteristics of map guns. They do not advocate precise strikes, but like splashing or even range damage. Therefore, as a former member of the NKVD, the NKVD is mainly responsible for it. People, Victor should naturally bear this kind of hatred.

Since he was unwelcome, Victor did not like to put his hot face on the cold buttocks of others. After completing the corresponding procedures and receiving all the equipment, he left directly and returned to downtown Moscow.

Moscow, Kopecher Street, Intelligence and Reconnaissance Academy.

The black Volga that Victor was riding in slowly drove into the campus. Behind his car, there were more than a dozen military trucks. The backs of all the trucks were covered with canvas. On the last truck, there were more than a dozen live ammunition. Of the inner guard soldier.

The Intelligence and Reconnaissance College is a school affiliated to the Ministry of National Security People’s Commission. It is specially used to train senior intelligence personnel and intelligence organization management cadres. At the same time, it also provides training for in-service intelligence personnel of the National Security People’s Commission. .

Victor came here because this academy was used to recruit members of the special radio communications battalion. So far, nearly fifty backbone personnel of the communications battalion selected in a short period of time have all been shot here.

In Comrade Serov’s definition, the special radio communications battalion does not provide radio communications services for the military. They are all independent combat units that are responsible for radio signal interception and interference within the battlefield. In terms of nature, Somewhat similar to later electronic countermeasures forces.

In terms of radio communications, the Soviet Union started relatively late. This lateness is not only related to hardware, but also to software. To put it bluntly, not only radio technology is not good, but also personnel proficient in radio work.

Although since June, as the shortage of electronic tubes has been solved, the production scale, output and technology of radio equipment have been rapidly developed, but the gap in radio application talents is still relatively large.

Here, I have to praise Comrade Peresipkin. It is this deputy people’s committee who has introduced the aviation enthusiasts’ association system into the field of radio communications. A large number of radio enthusiast associations have been established.

This semi-military professional association is training a large number of wireless professionals for the alliance.

What is the Fan Association? It is not the same as the kind of association understood by later generations. To a certain extent, it is semi-compulsive. The specific method of operation is that the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League issued a call to require young people to learn one or two more professional skills in addition to their normal studies, just like getting credits.

Now, the Radio Enthusiasts Association is one of the projects that young people can choose, and there are rewards for learning well, and they can even get medals.

With the outbreak of the war, many similar associations emerged, such as the Tractor Driver Fan Association, which trained a large number of tankers for the army.

Before coming to the academy, Victor did not issue any notice. Therefore, when he appeared in the academy, he alarmed the leadership of the whole academy, although the work related to the training school was done by Comrade Feijing. Responsible, but how he said he is also one of the four members of the National Security People’s Committee, and he is also the first deputy people’s committee, which is three levels higher than the dean of the college in terms of rank.

Therefore, when his car parked in front of the academy warehouse and the accompanying soldiers had not had time to unload the car, the leaders of the academy headed by Iparitov rushed over.

Antip Grigorievich Iparitov, the rank of lieutenant colonel, before serving as the dean of the Intelligence and Reconnaissance Academy, he was a communications officer in the Western Special Military Region.

At the beginning of the war, the Western Special Military Region suffered a disastrous defeat. Almost all senior generals in the front, including Pavlov, were liquidated. Although Iparitov was not sentenced, he was transferred from the front. Get to the rear to do education work.

Perhaps it is precisely because of such a dark history that Iparitov is very attentive to his current work. Since the task of preparing for the establishment of the special radio communications battalion was issued, he has personally caught the matter, and dozens of people selected it. He recommended more than half of the key personnel in the communications camp that came out.

Taking advantage of the opportunity of putting the equipment in the warehouse, Victor, at the kind invitation of Iparitov, went around the academy and visited a technical training class for the students. In addition, Victor is somewhat admired that this comrade dean, who is less than forty years old, is very capable in business. In the training class, he can say what the students are doing, who has made mistakes, and who has performed more well, and he can say it well.

After the visit, when introducing the key members of the special radio communications camp, this comrade Iparitov didn't even need to take the name list, so he dictated the basic information and technical characteristics of nearly fifty key members directly to Victor. 、Why recommend them and things like that, I said clearly.

Iparitov’s performance not only satisfied Victor, but also had an idea. He was going to recommend this person to Comrade Serov. He would be the head of the special radio communications battalion, and he was fully responsible for commanding all communications battalions. daily work.

Professional matters should be entrusted to professional people. In Victor's view, this Iparitov is a professional talent. As for the stain in his past resume, Victor thought it was irrelevant. After all, the defeat of the Western Special Military Region was caused by many reasons, and the poor communication was only one of them. Moreover, even for this, people like Iparitov should not be held responsible.

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