Struggle in Soviet Russia

Chapter 166: Far East

In the office outside the lounge, Victor sat on the chair behind the desk, took out the documents he had brought back from the Kremlin at night, and handed it to Sophia who was standing opposite, saying: "Look for yourself, the situation is a bit complicated."

In the Far East, there is only one enemy of the Soviet Union, and that is Japan, which is a cherished enemy. It is not only because of Russia's defeat in the Russo-Japanese War and the loss of power caused by it, but also because of the armed interference of the Japanese in the Soviet Union during the Soviet Civil War.

In fact, it was impossible to be friendly between the Soviet Union and Japan. Not only Moscow knew it very well, but Tokyo also knew it very well. Therefore, with the outbreak of the Pacific War, the possibility of Japan’s attack on the Soviet Union was greatly reduced, but the naval battle on Midway Island After the failure, Japan's vigilance towards the Soviet Union increased.

In the past two months, Japan is doing its utmost to increase the strength of its Kwantung Army. The fundamental reason is that its War Department fears that they will be attacked by the Soviet Union due to the failure of Midway Island.

Along with this trend, frictions between the Soviet Union and Japan in the border areas have occurred from time to time, and the intelligence confrontation has also intensified.

According to the document obtained by Victor, in the past month alone, the Khabarovsk border guards have intercepted more than 200 people who crossed the border in the border area. After screening, 43 of them were Japanese intelligence. The spy of the agency. Among the forty-three people, thirty-two were ordinary Chinese. They were recruited by the Japanese for the sake of money and went to the border areas to investigate the military deployment of the Soviet army. Of the remaining eleven, four are Japanese soldiers, and the remaining seven are from border police forces in North Korea and the puppet Manchukuo.

In fact, for a long time in the past, the intelligence war between the Soviet Union and Japan has never ceased. Both parties recruited ordinary people from the pseudo-Manchukuo and North Korea as spies on a large scale. Most of these spies have not experienced any Related training, there is no cover of identity, they mainly perform some simple military reconnaissance tasks. A very small part of them are trained, even those of the Puppet Manchukuo and North Korea with a relatively high level of detection. These people are basically trained in the puppet army.

In comparison, it is rare for the two sides to actually use Russians or Japanese as spies. Therefore, the situation in the past month has become quite special.

Of course, if only this is the case, the matter is not worthy of Comrade Stalin's personal attention. The real reason why Victor was transferred to the Far East was that the Soviet intelligence network in Harbin was cracked by the Japanese army.

Not only that, in the past four months, in order to clarify the situation of the three fortresses of the Japanese army, Fabel, Aihui, and Heihe, the Soviet army cooperated with the Anti-Japanese Army that had withdrawn to the Far East and dispatched six special forces to the rear of the Japanese army. Strangely, these six rangers had just entered the border of the Puppet Manchukuo and soon lost contact.

If the same thing happens only once, it can be said to be accidental, but if it happens six times in a row, it is very telling. what is the problem? Quite simply, Japanese spies were mixed into the Soviet system.

At present, the Khabarovsk side has targeted the suspected target at the 88th Infantry Brigade of the Far East Front Army. This is a unit reorganized by the Anti-Japanese Army. The previous tasks were carried out by them, and the members of this unit They are all Chinese.

But the problem is that just suspicion has no effect. They must get evidence. Therefore, Victor went to the Far East this time to deal with this hidden spy network.

As the person in charge of the intelligence work in the NKVD, Victor had some understanding of the past intelligence wars between the Soviet Union and Japan. In fact, it is different from the claims spread by later generations. In terms of intelligence warfare, the Soviet army has always been there. No advantage. For example, in the two conflicts between Zhang Gufeng and Nomenhan, the Soviet army suffered a loss in intelligence.

However, in the past two years, as the Soviet Union moved a large number of aborigines from the Far East to Central Asia, this situation has been improved to a certain extent, but the effect is not particularly obvious.

To be honest, Victor didn't understand the situation in the Far East, and he hurriedly passed by at this time, and he was not sure how things could be done. But according to Sophia's statement, his trip to the Far East this time was of a "political asylum" nature, and perhaps the pressure should not be that great.

Sophia read the document once-she is now similar to Victor's number one secretary, and at the same time, she also acts as a staff member. Many times, many things, she can put forward some of her own opinions or suggestions, and As far as the realization of this stage is concerned, she is obviously very competent.

Only from the documents, we can only get a general understanding of the situation, and it is impossible to see more specific things. However, for this trip to the Far East, some things can be arranged in advance, such as who should be brought there.

During the period of presiding over the intelligence work, Victor can be regarded as having some suitable personnel. These people can be trusted in terms of ability and closeness. Of course, these people are not loyal to Victor. After all His position changes too frequently, and Victor will not ask too much for this.

During this trip to the Far East, Victor didn't know the people there, so he had to bring some people he believed in. Otherwise, the corresponding work would be difficult to carry out and inefficient.

On Sofia's suggestion, Victor finally determined four manpower, including the previous bombing of Oguliki, who found Major Yegrović of Zozu Ashvili.

Major Yegrović is a member of the Counterintelligence Bureau. His work has always been counterintelligence work in the Moscow region. This person is an out-and-out official fan, able to speak well, and very good at flattering, but to be honest, he is also very capable of working. However, what Victor values ​​most about this person is that the opponent is a poor man like him. Victor is poor because he donated all his savings from the previous years during the defense war in Moscow, and Yegrović was poor. It is because he used most of his salary to subsidize informant fees.

Yes, even if the counterintelligence bureau wins the informant, they still need to pay. This is the so-called informant fee. Under normal circumstances, this money is directly subsidized by the NKVD, but you really want to get it. Getting this money is not so easy. The intelligence agency of the People's Committee of the Interior has its own set of evaluation standards, and related informant fees are paid according to the importance of the information provided by the informant. In other words, when there is no information provided, the informant cannot get the money.

In order to win over his informants, Yegrović would use his salary and treatment from time to time to provide some benefits to the informants. Of course, he is not a philanthropist. The reason for doing this is because he has his own pursuit. In this respect, he and Victor are similar people, but Victor is doing this unconsciously, and he is conscious.

Except for Yegrović, the remaining three people were all from the Internal Intelligence Agency. They were all discovered after Victor took office. They belonged to the shrewd, capable and experienced old agents.

When receiving the mission to the Far East, Comrade Stalin did not specify a time limit for leaving Moscow, nor did he specify a time limit for handing over the task. Therefore, Victor did not need to rush to leave, but considering Sophia’s guess, he did not choose to delay. But be prepared to set off as soon as possible.

On the third day after receiving the task, Victor submitted a report to the Organization Bureau of the NKVD. His identity is very special. Before leaving Moscow, he must report to the Organization Bureau. Otherwise, he may be caught. Characterized as defecting.

Perhaps it was to provide him with convenience, or perhaps it was the time to be promoted. Before leaving Moscow, the Organization Bureau marked in his letter of personnel introduction: "People's Committee of the People's Committee of the Interior". In other words, he is now the eighth people's commissar of the NKVD, but he is still a bit short in his rank.

In addition to this identity, the General Staff has given him the identity of a "base camp representative". With this identity, he can get the cooperation of the garrison when he starts work in the Far East-it must be clear, this garrison It's not the border guards, but the military districts of the Far East Front.

Victor has reason to believe that the acquisition of these two positions must be made by Comrade Stalin. Otherwise, at least relying on the General Staff will not have the power to give him the status of a "base camp representative".

And this reflects from another aspect that Sophia’s guess is likely to be accurate. Comrade Stalin did not dislike him, but was giving him a chance to escape right and wrong. Furthermore, he now has a question that he has been struggling with for a long time to make a decision, and that is whether to take refuge in Comrade Beria.

Yes, he is destined to not be able to seek refuge in Comrade Beria, because this is the choice Comrade Stalin made for him. If he does not accept this choice, it is estimated that even if he seeks refuge in Beria, the other party will not be able to keep him.


Far East, Khabarovsk, South Talchugyi military airport.

Yakovlev got off his military jeep and subconsciously looked up at the blue sky.

The weather today is exceptionally good, and the expected thunderstorm weather did not appear, which is really frustrating.

Yakovlev really hoped that a sudden thunderstorm would blow up the plane that was flying from Chita. In that case, he would save himself facing a lot of trouble.

God knows what the people in Moscow think. They even appointed a secret agent from the People’s Committee of the Interior as a base camp representative, and arranged for them to come to the Far East. Do those guys think it’s not busy enough?

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