Struggle in Soviet Russia

Chapter 116: Seeing the leader for the first time

Kremlin, government building, large conference hall.

Victor sits at the far right of the fifth row of the conference seats. On his left is Pavel Yakovlevich Mesik, also from the NKVD, who currently serves as the NKVD. The position of deputy director of the Ministry of Anti-Spyware Bureau. This Ukrainian born in 1910 is a person Beria trusts very much. He is a few years older than Victor and has a promising future.

However, now Victor is also a close friend of Beria, and he is less than 30 years old, which makes him look more promising. Therefore, Meschick is now his deputy, presiding over the countermeasures in internal intelligence. Spy work.

On Victor's right, there is another person sitting on a stool. He is one of Victor's working secretaries, who is responsible for taking minutes of meetings.

Today’s meeting was convened by the Logistics Department of the Armed Forces of the People’s Committee of National Defense. Stalin himself presided over the meeting. Sitting on the rostrum was Mikoyan, who was in charge of clothing, fuel, and food supplies, and someone who was in charge of railway management. Andreev; Khrulev was the first minister of the armed forces' logistics department. In addition, Vannikov, Zverev, Kosygin, Malishev, Shvernik and others who were responsible for the retreat of industry and national mobilization were all present. Only Comrade Kalinin was due to health reasons. Absent from the meeting.

The purpose of this meeting was to review the huge problems in the logistics supply in the later period of the Moscow campaign on the one hand, and on the other hand, to strengthen the material supply and logistical security of the armed forces’ logistics department to the southwest in the future. Guarantee issues.

During the campaign on the outskirts of Moscow in January, due to the unfavorable logistical support, the Red Army troops who chased the Germans in the counterattack suffered huge losses. According to the report submitted by Zhukov, due to poor logistical supplies, some artillery troops on the front line, One artillery was dispensed with only three shells. In addition, the tank fuel, soldiers' rations, etc., are quite scarce. This phenomenon made Zhukov very angry and directly sued the armed forces' logistics department in the Supreme Command.

Of course, there are many reasons why the three fronts in the pursuit of the German army have poor logistical supplies. For example, the pursuit of the troops is too fast, leaving the logistics troops far behind; the Germans During the retreat, transportation facilities such as railways and highways were destroyed, making it difficult to follow up logistics; the factories producing various supplies were moved to the rear during the Moscow campaign, which increased transportation difficulties and so on.

But in the final analysis, these are all objective reasons. Comrade Stalin does not like objective reasons. In his opinion, any objective difficulties can be overcome by subjective initiative. You failed to use subjective If your efforts are overcome, it means that your efforts are not enough.

Therefore, in this meeting, led by Khrulev, everyone on the rostrum spoke one by one. In the content of the speech, the first thing to talk about is the review, review the problems in your work, and then talk about the next step. How to overcome these problems.

Do not think that such a meeting is just a formality. On the contrary, it is a warning, a warning to all participants. Comrade Stalin’s attitude is very clear. If this problem continues to happen next time, someone will have to stand. Come out and take responsibility.

Precisely because of this, the atmosphere in the venue seemed very depressing. Everyone held their breath, and even dared not even cough easily.

At this moment, Victor's gaze staring at the direction of the podium was a little lost. Yes, he was distracted.

In fact, he was only a non-voting attendee at this meeting today. After all, in terms of logistical supplies, he could not do much work. At best, he could only ensure the safety of rear warehouses and railway transportation lines. And even for these tasks, he is not mainly responsible now.

What Victor was considering in his mind was the information he had exchanged with the foreign intelligence agency headed by Merkulov. In the past month, the Germans made a lot of moves in their so-called "allies."

According to intelligence, Goring and Keitel were active in Romania, Italy, Spain and other places, recruiting soldiers. In just one month, they recruited 27 divisions from Romania and 13 divisions from Hungary. With 9 divisions in Italy, plus three divisions in Spain and Slovakia, they recruited a total of 52 divisions.

In accordance with the order of the People’s Committee of National Defense, Victor asked the intelligence organization to closely monitor the whereabouts of these troops, and the intelligence from the forward intelligence network showed that only 4 of the 52 divisions were transferred to the direction of Smolensk. All remaining troops were transferred to Ukraine.

Undoubtedly, this deployment of forces means that the German army will take a defensive position in the theater of the Central Army Group in the next step, and place the main offensive force on the southern or southwestern direction.

However, the intelligence only grasps this step and cannot report upwards, otherwise, there is a high probability that Comrade Stalin will be scolded by comrade Stalin.

Victor still needs to figure out where the main target of Germany's attack is and when the attack will probably be launched. This is the most basic.

To understand this, it is necessary to conduct a detailed analysis of various aspects of intelligence. For example, to clarify the transportation of German materials and equipment in the south and southwest directions. Following the analysis of these intelligence data, the final deployment of the German army can be obtained. The completion time, which roughly infers their offensive time.

Of course, as a rebirth, Victor knew very well where the Germans' next offensive target was, yes, Stalingrad along the Don River.

Looking back, more than half a year ago, the Germans formulated the large-scale Barbarossa plan. Their idea was to launch a powerful attack on the Soviet Union in three ways, thereby destroying the Soviet Union within three months and ending the war.

But when the Battle of Kiev was halfway through, Berlin realized a problem. While they continued to besiege Leningrad, they could no longer attack Moscow and Kiev at the same time. Therefore, it can be said that a three-way attack was planned. , By then it was already bankrupt.

Then, at the end of the Battle of Moscow, from the outbreak of the war to the disastrous defeat under the city of Moscow, the German casualties had been close to two million. At this point, the two-way plan went bankrupt. They had to recruit troops from the vassal state while at the same time. The main attack force is placed in one direction.

Although the Soviet army has experienced repeated losses, the number of losses in the army is much higher than that of the German army, but based on the strong national strength, the losses on the front line can be quickly replenished and restored. Therefore, it can be said responsibly that with the battle of Moscow At the end, the balance of victory has been tilted to the Soviet side.

This trend may not be seen by ordinary soldiers and ordinary people, but many high-level leaders of the Soviet and German sides, and even some commanders of higher positions on both sides, can already feel it.

This trend, in turn, has affected the intelligence work of the Soviet Army, especially the foreign intelligence work. Now Comrade Merkulov can be said to be proud, because his espionage network in Germany is operating more and more smoothly, and espionage personnel are developing. When I was an informant, it was much easier than before.

But on the other hand, the internal intelligence work hosted by Victor has suffered frequent blows. This is because the German army launched a large-scale encirclement and suppression of the Soviet guerrillas behind enemy lines. On the other hand, it was because the German army began to change its policy and moved a large number of young and middle-aged people from Belarus and Ukraine to Germany as cheap labor. Many of these young and middle-aged people who have been relocated are lurking intelligence personnel.

The destruction of the intelligence network caused Victor a headache. He realized that the construction mode of the intelligence network must be changed, but this kind of work was obviously impossible to accomplish overnight, and he needed more time to arrange the arrangement.

As for the issue of the German offensive against Stalingrad, although Victor knew that it would happen, he could not report it unfounded. After all, he was a leader of a well-known intelligence work, and he was not a fortune-teller. With relevant information as the basis, any information he provided is of no value.

The almost boring meeting ended just before noon. Victor walked out of the government building with the flow of people and did not leave directly. Instead, he stood on the steps in front of the building, waiting for others to leave first.

He lit a cigarette for himself, frowned and inhaled while thinking about the reorganization of the intelligence network in his mind, thinking that he could call a meeting of the heads of various departments in the afternoon to discuss this issue together.

In the square in front of the building, cars came and drove away one after another until the people and cars became sparse, and Victor took back his thoughts and gestured towards Varenka in the distance.

Before he lowered his raised hand, he heard the voice of someone talking behind him. The voice was low and hoarse, but it gave people a very powerful feeling.

He glanced back subconsciously, and saw Comrade Stalin, accompanied by several entourages, walking towards him side by side with Mikoyan.

Hastily throwing the cigarette aside in his hand, Victor stepped back, stood up straight, saluted, and waited for the two to pass in front of him.

Comrade Stalin obviously didn't notice him, his gaze swept across his face, he nodded symbolically, and turned back to talk to Mikoyan.

However, after walking down two steps, he seemed to have thought of something, and then turned to look at Victor, his eyes with a little uncertainty, as if he was thinking of Victor's identity.

"Are you Victor Viktorovich Tarashev?" After a while, Comrade Stalin stopped, turned to look at Victor, and said.

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