Struggle in Soviet Russia

Chapter 101: Jungle trek

Victor Yoyo woke up without knowing how long he had been in a coma.

Before he could open his eyes, he felt the heat in his chest like a fire, heart-burning, and it made people want to shave his chest open and put two piles of ice in it. At the same time, the sharp pain of twitching the forehead should be an injury.

At the moment when he felt the pain, memories flooded into his brain. Victor remembered his situation before he was in a coma. The headquarters of the command station was attacked by the Germans at night and he was injured by a shell that exploded at close range.

By the way, how are Olica, Olica and Valenka?

I suddenly opened my eyes, and the light in front of my eyes was a little dim. Just a short distance away, there was a pair of high-barreled military boots stained with mud and dead leaves. Along these military boots, it looked like two small sections of calves wrapped in brown stockings. And the two arms holding the knees. There was a blond dangled head on his knees, because it was covered by long hair, so I couldn't see the face, and I didn't know who it was.

This is not Olica, Olica's hair is not golden.

The woman was clearly asleep, and Victor didn't try to wake him up, he tilted his head and looked to the other side. Only at this time did he realize that he was actually under a vigorous linden tree. Near him, there were some soldiers sitting or lying down. Several of them were intelligence analysts in his communication command center.

Victor breathed a sigh of relief, he was not left in place anyway, but he immediately felt something was wrong.

After trying hard to roll over, Victor tried to get up from the ground. Fortunately, although the injury on his head was painful, but he did not have the nausea and dizziness of a concussion. He raised his hand and touched the painful location. , There is gauze wrapped there, it should have been treated, if there is no accident, the injury should be shrapnel scratches.

"Comrade Major, are you awake?!" There was a surprise voice not far away. Then, a female soldier ran over quickly and crouched in front of Victor, staring at his face while speaking quickly. "You have been in a coma for almost a whole day. How are you feeling now? Do you feel nauseous or vomiting?"

Victor sat on the ground with his legs spread flat. He looked at the female soldier in front of him. This was a medical soldier. He estimated that his injuries were handled by the other side.

He opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but he felt a fire in his throat, unable to utter a word.

The female soldier obviously understood his feelings, took off her water bottle, unscrewed the lid, and handed it to his hand.

After drinking two sips of water, the fire in his throat and chest seemed to be extinguished instantly. He coughed twice, looked around, and asked: "Where are we? Why are there only so many people? What about people?"

The female soldier shook her head sadly. Before she could answer, someone next to her said: "Comrade Major, when the attack last night, the whole camp was in chaos. When the headquarters was withdrawn from the village, they encountered We all ran away from the German ambush, and now we don't even know where the headquarters went."

"Several of us are from the medical team," said another female soldier's voice. "After the troops were broken up, they fled into this jungle. The Germans chased us for several hours and finally got rid of them. Now There are only a dozen people who can still be found."

Speaking of which, perhaps it was because of fear that the female soldier actually started sobbing.

Victor's mood was a little heavy. He looked around and nodded. Counting him, there were only 17 people present. There were medics, communication soldiers, a military judge for his mother, and a soldier of the military class. nothing. Moreover, among these seventeen men, 14 were female soldiers, and only 2 were male soldiers, all of whom were his communications soldiers.

These female soldiers are all in their early eighteenth, nineteenth, or early twenties. They are civilians. They have never experienced anything like this. One by one has been terrified. They didn’t cry before because they were embarrassed, and Nervous, now the highest-ranking "comrade major" woke up. Everyone had a backbone. As soon as the tense nerves were loosened, they naturally couldn't help crying.

With a person taking the lead, the sobbing sound quickly amplified in the jungle.

Victor's heart was also uncomfortable. He was not afraid. After experiencing two cruel battles, his fear of death was not as serious as when he was just reborn. He is now mainly worried about Olica, but he doesn't know. How is the woman now? Has she escaped from life?

"Well, comrades, now is not the time to cry. Let's find a way to escape the German encirclement and move to the rear." After a moment of silence, Victor shed the bad negative emotions, patted his hands, and improved. Said the voice.

As he said these words, the sound of sobbing became a little quieter, and a dozen pairs of eyes gathered on him in unison.

"Now, let's count the rations," Victor thought for a while, and continued, "Who brought the food?"

Everyone looked at each other. In the end, only one female soldier with a little freckles on her face timidly took out a potato. The potato was cooked, but it had been squeezed out of shape.

"Very well," Victor nodded, and despite his sorrowful brain pain, he continued to ask, pretending to be calm, "Who carried weapons and ammunition?"

Compared with the rations, the weapon equipment is much better. The total is two pistols and one rifle. Among them, the pistol bullets are three magazines and 21 rifle bullets. In addition, there are two daggers and four... Wiring pliers.

"Who carried the map and the compass?" Victor continued to ask, putting the weapons together.

There is no map, but there is a compass.

Victor also didn't expect to be able to ask the current location from these people. Fortunately, he had a map hidden in his heart, which was accumulated since his intelligence work.

Considering that the German raid was launched from the east of the village last night, it was the direction to Gzhatsk, and the transfer of the headquarters could only go west. Therefore, this vast jungle must be Shelovezhe The forest is gone.

The Schelovez Forest covers a vast area. It starts from the Straitseletziye Marsh east of Vyazma and extends to the swamp water network belt of the Oster River. It is nearly 120 kilometers in vertical and horizontal direction. In other words , Victor and the others can walk all the way from this jungle to Mozhaisk.

But the problem now is that Victor doesn’t know their current location. Moreover, maps are one thing, and understanding of the jungle is another. Whether these people can get out of here alive is largely a matter of It depends on luck.

Of course, for the current team, how to get out of the jungle is not the first task. Their first task is to solve the problem of eating. Otherwise, they will all starve to death in the forest if they can't get out.

By this time, the things Victor had learned for a living in Western Ukraine can come in handy.

It is now autumn, and in the autumn jungle, people should not be starved to death. All kinds of berries, birds and beasts are all ready-made food. In the past day, these people depended on berries to feed their stomachs.

At the moment, Victor arranged tasks for everyone. Of course, he could not expect these people to go hunting, so he could only arrange for them to gather berries. For safety, there were groups of four. Each group had a male soldier and the rest. Stay in the camp to rest. As for Victor himself, he took that rifle and went hunting. His marksmanship was still good, at least much better than the average person.

Fortunately, Victor, the first-time hunter, had a good harvest. In less than an hour, he hunted an elk, and he also grabbed a hedgehog and a snake. Of course, snakes in this swamp jungle cannot be eaten. They have parasites on them, which is very dangerous.

When they returned to the camp, the berry collectors also returned. Their harvest was a large pile of wild fruits wrapped in military uniforms.

Although he was so hungry that his heart was pressed to his back, Victor gave the transfer order first. He had shot nearby before, and the gunshots could be spread far in the jungle. In order to prevent Germans from finding the sound to touch him, He asked everyone to move to the northeast.

Trekking in the jungle is very difficult, especially in such inaccessible dense forests. Victor took the dozen people and stumbled for more than an hour. It was not until dusk approached that he chose a slightly dry forest clearing. live.

When the bonfire was lit, Victor first skinned the elk and let it bleed. The blood of the deer should not be thrown away. Instead, it should be left and eaten. The animal's blood contains salt, which can supplement the salt needed by the human body.

Compared with elk, hedgehogs are much easier to handle. They are killed with a single knife, cut out the internal organs, then paste them up with mud and bury them under the campfire. After they are cooked, they can peel off the thorns when peeling the mud. .

When the scent of meat spreads in the jungle, almost everyone is swallowing unconsciously. Although berries can make people not starve to death, the effect of that stuff is not satisfactory. To put it bluntly, it is difficult to give people. The happiness of being full.

After a barbecue meal, everyone was satisfied. The fear of the desperate jungle seemed to be relieved a lot. Everyone felt that under the leadership of the major, maybe everyone really escaped. Hope of the day.

The camp finally had some laughter, and the atmosphere was obviously relaxed, but for Victor, who was brazenly laughing, his worries were not at all, because it was only when he was eating that he realized that the compass he relied on was actually it is bad.

In his previous life, Victor also saw some strategies for identifying directions in the jungle, but when he was actually on the scene, he discovered that many of these methods were nonsense. For example, looking at the growth of trees, the lush side is the south, and the moss-grown side is the north. But the jungle is a mess. Which side is very lush, and the ground is full of moss. How to judge?

Now, Victor only hopes that the weather will be better in the next few days, and if there is a sun, he can always identify the direction.

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