Struggle in Russia

Vol 2 Chapter 680: Mother and child

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Carl Alexander can naturally hear the insincerity of a good friend, but he is not angry, because he knows why Liszt is upset, and feelings are really unpredictable and teach life and death. Regarding the feelings between Liszt and the Duchess of Wittgenstein, although he was very sympathetic and willing to help, he really didn't want to intervene casually.

The reason is very simple. Liszt offends his uncle Nicholas I. Although he has not seen this uncle several times, he still has the most basic impression of Nicholas I. The old-fashioned paranoia is meticulous to tradition and is never allowed. Anyone provokes Romanov and his personal authority.

And the Duchess of Wiegenstein eloped on this matter, and she was too provocative of Nicholas I's sensitive nerves. If all people seduce aristocratic wives or young ladies like Liszt, and would not take the barrier between the aristocrats seriously, then what is aristocratic? There is also a fart noble!

Naturally, Nicholas I firmly did not allow this kind of provocation, and especially considering that Liszt was a habitual offender. In 1833, this product seduced the wife of another nobleman and eloped to Switzerland with Marie Dagu. , And gave birth to three children. Now his "guilt" black hand reaches out to a duchess again. If he doesn't teach him a profound lesson, will this guy continue to seduce the grand duchess or princess, or even seduce the queen or queen altogether!

Don't underestimate the charm of Liszt. This product was better than the little fresh meat in the past. It is really a popular lover, one him and one Paganini, who really is like a female killer Sea King.

Anyway, as Nicholas I, he would definitely not allow Liszt to continue to be so unscrupulous. How could he allow Liszt and the Duchess of Wittgenstein to marry openly, that is absolutely impossible!

And Karl Alexander is more embarrassed in this matter, one is his good friend, the other is his uncle, and from the standpoint of the nobility, Liszt is indeed a bit of a thing, after all, there is no man. I like the green grass on my head. Especially the higher the status, the more sensitive it is to this, but Liszt’s pick-up girl only targets noble ladies and ladies, which is too taboo.

Fortunately, Karl Alexander didn't really let Liszt compose the music, but just to turn off another feminist friend's attack. So he just slapped haha, then suddenly thought of something and said:

"Speaking of Hungary, Franz, there happened to be a relative on my mother's side who just came from Austria. He knows the situation in Hungary very well. Are you interested in hearing what he said?"

It can only be said that Karl Alexander wanted to come out and come out, because Maria Pavlovna did mention Li Xiao to him, but it was not for her son to talk to someone, but for her son. Help her husband share some of the government affairs, go to explore Li Xiao's bottom, and see what the Duke of Alexander is trying to find his son-in-law William I.

It's just that, Karl Alexander is obviously not as interested in government affairs as art. When he thinks that his friend is a Hungarian, he turns to another channel that is inexplicable.

Liszt didn't really care about things in Hungary, but his protector and good friend had already spoken, and he would be a little ignorant if he didn't go.

Not only does Liszt have this attitude, but Wagner is actually the same. If musicians like them want to survive and live like individuals, they must have a good relationship with the protector. In a sense, he and Liszt are like jesters next to the Grand Prince Karl Alexander, and they are little characters who play with Karl Alexander.

Naturally, when Karl Alexander said to go, they generally wouldn't refuse. What's more, according to the arrangement today, in addition to accompany Karl Alexander to watch the snow on horseback, they also need to accompany Maria Pavlovna to talk about music. After all, the grandfather is the one who is now the real master of Weimar .

As for Fanny, although she is a feminist, she is still different from the particularly powerful feminists of later generations. After all, the feminists of this era have never dreamed of how strong certain feminists in later generations will be. .

At this time Fanny still respected the opinions of her friends. Now that Liszt and Wagner have agreed, she will naturally not refuse, not to mention that it is not a beautiful thing to ride around in such a cold weather. She was cold enough anyway, and it was a good thing to be able to find a warm room and have some hot tea. Anyway, what she wants to say can be continued around the stove, without rushing for a while.

If there is anything that makes Fanny feel a headache, it is only Carl Alexander's mother. The grand duchess disapproved of new women like her, and would often educate her politely, which made her very annoying. bother.

But today, the situation is a little different. When Fanny and his party arrived at the Grand Duke’s mansion, the Grand Duchess who especially loved to educate her did not tirelessly scold her as usual, just glared at her and let it go. Instead, he directly pulled Carl Alexander over and said:

"Didn't I have notified you in advance, and said to come here earlier, there is a distinguished guest from St. Petersburg, how can you let the guest wait so long?"

Carl Alexander smiled and apologized: "Sorry, mom, the scenery on the road is so beautiful, I unconsciously want to appreciate it and forget the time. Please let me personally ask that. Apologize to the distinguished guest, it's so rude!"

In fact, Li Xiao stood by and looked at the mother and son. Objectively speaking, the Grand Duke of Karl Alexander is not that kind of handsome guy. After all, his **** looks are like that, but he is well-proportioned and has special features. With his bookish and artistic qualities, his temperament is very elegant. In contrast, he looks like a short winter melon.

Hey, anyway, the height is bad, Li Xiao can't afford to hurt 10,000, because in fact, his body is quite handsome, at least not inferior to the young Prince Alexander, if he can be taller, let alone 1.8 meters A tall man with a height of 1.9 meters, give him a head of 1.7 meters and he will be brilliant.

It's a pity that Li Xiao has worked hard for a year, but his muscles are sharp and sharp, but his height seems to be frozen, there is no movement at all, and he is quite speechless anyway.

For example, after the conversation between the mother and son just now, they looked at him at once, the meaning of the show is too obvious...

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