Struggle in Russia

Vol 2 Chapter 667: Spy (Part 1)

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Buda, Hungary. Buda, located on the left bank of the Danube, is more like a fortress, at least it has a lot less life than Pest, which is separated by a river.

Since the outbreak of the Hungarian Revolution, Buda has been more like a bridgehead guarding Pest against Austrian armed interference. It is precisely because of the important military significance of Buda that countless spies and secret agents are active in this fortress city.

Vladimir Adrianovich Saradov is a spy from Russia's third department. When Nicholas I, who was very wary of the revolution, heard of the Hungarian rebellion, he immediately ordered the Duke of Ordorf to send a powerful spy into Hungary to spy on the situation.

And Saradov is the outstanding one among the many effective agents, because he understands German and speaks fluent Hungarian. This comes from his mother, a Hungarian noble lady who married Russia.

Saradov not only inherited his mother’s mother tongue, but also inherited a standard Hungarian face, with sharp angular lines and long black hair. All in all, even Saradov in Russia is considered top-notch. Handsome guy.

Of course, Saradov is not only handsome, his ability is also unique in the third part. Particularly good at acting, especially good at disguising, can disguise almost as any role without a trace.

Let's put it this way, Saradov is like a chameleon, which can be perfectly hidden in the most dangerous place, and no one will notice his existence.

Relying on this superb skill, he got into trouble in St. Petersburg and successfully pretended to be Count Mikhail Konstantinovich, the illegitimate son of Grand Duke Konstantin Pavlovich, and deceived countless ignorant nobles. Girl's heart.

However, this also successfully sent the kid to prison. After all, although the Duke Mikhail is only an earl, the cheap old man is a grand duke after all. It is easy to kill a bug like Saradov. Who will let him? This kid has spoiled their family's reputation!

According to the general law, Saradov, who entered the third jail, was either sitting in prison, hard labor or exile in Siberia. It's just that sometimes luck can't stop him, because of his superb acting skills, he was spotted by the boss of the third part, the Duke of Aldorf, and he developed into a spy and sent abroad.

It should be said that being a dog for the third part is uncomfortable, but for Saradov it is much more interesting than jail or exile. And with the endorsement of the third part, he can unscrupulously display his talents, honed a set of acting skills to perfection, what is it like to act!

For example, he has been involved in the revolutionary party without any sense of disobedience and disguised as an aspiring young Hungarian who feels the inspiration of the revolution and is determined to serve the motherland.

"I have become familiar with the Director of the Archives Office of the National Defense Commission, and it won't be long before I can work in the National Defense Commission!"

Saradov happily reported to his on-line, that is, Colonel Yerosin, Deputy Director of the Hungary Division of the Foreign Affairs Office of the Third Division.

"Very well, keep up the good work, the family is hungry for information from Hungary. If you can find useful information, it will be easy to win awards. It will not be difficult to write off your kid's case at that time!"

In fact, for Saradov, it is no longer so eager to win awards to eliminate the case. Although he was really enthusiastic about this at first, he is now in love with his current life and can reasonably and legally pretend to be any character, do whatever he wants, and there is a third endorsement when something goes wrong. Such a happy and happy life is not much more interesting than returning to China as a wimpy and powerless viscount.

Anyway, Saradov was completely uninterested in this, he felt that it would be better to convert the so-called meritorious service into bonus money to him. He likes the happy days of sensuality.

"Have you heard anything special about the Hungarians recently?"

In fact, Yerosin is not particularly satisfied with Saradov's work, because the acting is good, but it takes time to sneak in, and he needs to approach the goal step by step from the outside. And it takes time to settle and accumulate. If it's Heisei days, you can naturally put the long line to catch the big fish step by step.

But at the moment, the country is hungry for Hungarian intelligence, and I can’t wait to see all the Hungarian **** at a glance. How can there be so much time for Saradov to approach the goal step by step.

And Yerosin is fed up with the life of drifting outside. He is completely different from Saradov. He doesn't think there is anything good about this kind of latent life. What he wants is to quickly perform meritorious service and receive awards and then quickly transfer back to the country for promotion and make a fortune. .

Yerosin has been enough as the deputy director. He can't wait to get regular and want to go home, so he especially wants Saradov to play a role and make a big vote. As for whether Saradov will be exposed afterwards, he doesn't care!

"You know, I was there before, and I couldn't get any useful information... and I can't be too eager..."

Saradov’s explanation was sophistry and excuses in Yerosin’s ears. He didn’t like to hear or didn’t want to listen at all, so he interrupted the other party impatiently and warned: “Then you better hurry. Point, the country is already very impatient. After spending so much money, there is always something to gain, right?"

Saradov gave Yerosin a jealous look, and then quickly lowered his head like a quail. He knew that this boss was a ruthless character, especially for spies like him who were caught by the third part. Spy, that is not treated as a human being.

If it wasn't for him, he still had some value and was valued by his superiors, otherwise he would have been abandoned by this superior. But even so, he didn't dare to offend Ye Luoxin, who knows if this guy will be a black hand.

Saradov replied very obediently: "I must work I will find useful information as soon as possible, and I will never let you down!"

"That's good!"

Ye Luoxin left this sentence coldly, and then directly waved his hand and boarded a luxury carriage and drove away.

To be honest, this scene made Saradov daring to speak up, because the carriage and Yerosin's clothes were so eye-catching that they did not conform to their low-key principles.

Look at this huge Buda. Now there are a few people who can afford to sit in a luxury carriage, even if they can, they dare not sit. After all, the ability of Kosut to beat local tyrants really makes the Hungarian rich and aristocrats scared. At this time Who dares to expose wealth!

What's more, Ye Luoxin's outfit still doesn't match the place where the car driver meets them at all. It is strange to see that, anyway, if Saradov has a choice, he is not willing to pay attention to this layman...

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