Struggle in Russia

Vol 2 Chapter 644: anger

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After hearing the news of the assassination of Duke Alexander, the old fox Nessel Rodie immediately realized that something was wrong. Who made him a human spirit too! In fact, before sending a group of hind legs to make trouble with the Duke Alexander, it was with the intention of deliberately angering the Duke Alexander.

As long as Duke Alexander couldn't help but clean up those doglegs, whether it was to use his power to teach them directly or secretly use conspiracy to cut them off, this would make Neschel Rodie very happy.

The reason is very simple. Russia is the kingdom of the Tsar alone. Whoever can be promoted and made rich depends on the preference of the Tsar alone. As long as the Duke of Alexander couldn't help but clean up those doglegs, it would be a direct rebellion against Nicholas I.

After offending the emperor and losing his favor, how can he still be in officialdom?

Neschel Rodie's mind was quite vicious, especially when he heard the news that several doglegs had died one after another, he was even more happy. Duke Alexander can be abolished with a few wastes, this deal is really a bargain!

But the Duke of Alexander was also assassinated, and the situation was completely different. In an instant, the Duke of Alexander cleared all his doubts, even if he made a small report with Nicholas I, it was useless, it was like he died a few doglegs in vain, and the situation in Austria was about to be uncontrolled. Changed.

What’s worse is that Neschel Rodie knows Nicholas I’s temper very well. After three doglegs died before, the czar would definitely suspect Duke Alexander highly, but after Duke Alexander was assassinated, this suspicion disappeared. . Instead, he was deeply angry. With his face-to-face personality, he would definitely anger Austria, and would think that Austria's incompetence caused his diplomats to encounter one after another.

"This little fox is too cunning!"

This is what Neschel Rodie said to the Austrian ambassador before coming to the Winter Palace, which shows how angry he is now.

Indeed, he was just one step away from putting his most annoying opponent to death, but he just turned things around with one move and turned the situation upside down, turning him from an absolute initiative to an absolute passive, which can be said to be full. All lose.

It has been so many years since he was in politics, and he has always turned his hands for the clouds and rains. When it is his turn to arrange for him clearly!

Anger is inevitable, but Neschel Rodie is not dizzy. The reason why he has been able to occupy the position of prime minister for more than 20 years is his greatest advantage to remain absolute calm regardless of the situation.

If something happens, you must find a solution. What is the use of sulking yourself? Neschel Rodie's mind was very clear, and immediately realized that this was a bitter trick of the Duke of Alexander, not to mention that this was a routine arranged by others.

"Then you should expose his conspiracy!"

Looking at the outrageous Austrian ambassador, Neschel Rodie sighed in his heart: "The brain is a good thing, but the problem is that many people are clearly carrying their heads, but there is no brain inside!"

Nechel Rodie knew that the most important thing now is not to expose any conspiracy, because Nicholas I would never believe it. At this time, you told him that it was the Duke Alexander’s tricks and it was all his conspiracy. I can't listen, but think you deliberately entered the slander, and deliberately defended Austria's incompetence.

In this way, everything is finished. Therefore, the correct way is to pretend that you don’t know anything, pretend to be as indignant as Nicholas I, and stand in a trench with him, fooling him to hand over the power to solve the problem.

As long as you get the initiative to solve the problem, things will be easier to handle. In the end, whether it is investigating the truth of the matter or properly arranging the aftermath, it is not his Neschel Rodie that has the final say. At that time, for Austria, the board was lifted up and then gently put down. For the Duke of Alexander, it was superficially soothing, but it was okay to come up and down in secret!

Seeing that this is the true level of the old gangsters in politics, they can unknowingly change from passive to active.

However, Neschel Rodie’s plan is very good, but not all actors listen to his director’s arrangements, especially the biggest protagonist Nicholas I is even more of a drama!

Nicholas I just faintly hummed, "That's it?"

Neschel Rodie could naturally hear Nicholas I's dissatisfaction, and his heart was even more bitter: "I still underestimated your majesty's anger on this matter, and also, people like him who want to save face will definitely not let it go! "

So he hurriedly said: "This is only on the one hand, on the other hand, the Austrian side must be instructed to catch and punish the murderer as soon as possible. In view of the chaotic situation and the efforts of the Austrian side, I think we can send some capable personnel to assist and urge them. Solve the case as soon as possible!"

Nicholas I’s face looked a little better, but he still replied indifferently: "This suggestion is good, then it is up to the Prime Minister to communicate with the Austrian side. Make sure they agree to our terms!"

Neschel Roddy was a little bit guilty in his heart, because he didn't want this result. Now Nicholas I just gave him a drudgery, only to pressure him to make Austria agree to the somewhat humiliating condition. . But the most important power to investigate the truth of the case was not given to This was completely beyond his expectation!

After hesitating again and again, Neschel Rodier suggested: "Your Majesty, in view of the seriousness of this matter and the international impact, I think it is more appropriate for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to be unified in charge. After all, this matter is too sensitive and will be handled by other departments. On the one hand, it is difficult to communicate with the Austrian side. On the other hand, some incidents may occur due to ignorance of diplomatic practices, which may damage the friendly relations between the two countries. At this time, it is better to be more cautious!"

Who would have thought that Nicholas I gave him a stern look, and said angrily: "Are we the one that undermined the friendly relations between the two countries? If the Austrians are a little bit more concerned about the case, our diplomats will be assassinated one after another, but always arrested? Not the murderer? Now even our ambassador has encountered accidents, but it took them ten minutes to arrive late. There is a little bit of friendship in it!"

The cold sweat of Neschel Rodi suddenly came down, and he realized that Nicholas I’s anger was beyond imagination. Now the tsar’s stubborn and face-saving personality has expanded to the extreme. If you can’t make him satisfied, you can’t let him. He calmed down, that official hat might be worn over today!

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