Strongest Thor In Marvel

Chapter 286 Arrival

"Holy place No. 2?" This was the first reaction of the two, they had seen the pictures provided by Thor.

"No, there's a difference, it looks like it's more armed! Anyway, it's not a good comer. Prepare to defend!"

Stark yelled, reached out and slapped the reactor on his chest, and Mark 85 spread to his whole body in an instant.

In the past few years, the nano armor has been upgraded many times, and its performance has been greatly improved in all aspects. And this Mark 85 is his latest achievement. The mecha is equipped with an energy shield to resist damage and a high-power energy cannon on the back. The cannon can absorb the power of Thor's thunder.

Beside him, Banner also launched a transformation, and Hulk stared at him. Behind him, a large number of Avengers who stayed here ran out, watching the sky vigilantly.

The various facilities of The Avengers Base were launched, and the armed firepower of the emperor on the building was ready to go.

As the spaceship boarded, Thanos gave an order: "Shoot fire!"

"Bang bang bang..."

A large number of missiles were launched from the barrel of holy place 2...

"Crooked?" Stark sullenly.

"No!" Banner's voice came from Hulk's body: "He's targeting the holy place in New York!"

Missiles that have been ahead of the earth for countless years have made existing air defense facilities a joke.


In New Asgard Castle, Thor receives a communication from Loki.

"Sirte is approaching, quick Asgard!"

Isn't Sirte on Titan? How did he come to Asgard without sanity?

Thor had no time to think about it, even though he knew something was wrong.

This is a conspiracy, he can't give up Asgard!

After weighing for just a few seconds, Thor said in a deep voice: "Jin and I will go back to Asgard together. You are ready to deal with possible problems on the earth. I am afraid that this is the other party trying to divert the tiger away from the mountain!"

Wanda was not called, and stayed on Earth as an important force to deal with possible accidents.

Jane Foster is undergoing a divine strengthening training in Asgard.

And Carol also went to Asgard a few days ago, and is studying the transformation of Bifrost, trying to construct a stable transmission channel. Her energy is powered by Tesseract

Originally the energy was somewhat common.

There are already enough people, Sirte can't afford to make big waves, at worst, send it again

Five minutes after leaving, Natalia's phone rang, and it was Stark.

"Hi, is Ganer there? Why can't I contact him?"

"What? He's back in Asgard again? Damn NYC got attacked again!"

In Asgard, tens of thousands of meters above the ground, a huge amounts of Flame Giant is swaying the energy of the flame wantonly.

Around it, three figures were flying around it, insignificant like ordinary ants in front of its huge size.

Energy waves, flying swords, and thunder kept attacking it, but they couldn't do anything except attract some hatred.

In fact, even the peak Odin can't kill it.

But they still didn't relax at all, because once the attack stopped, Sirte's target would turn to Asgard, and the three were now trying to find ways to lure it away.

If they change places, maybe they can succeed, but in Asgard, this planet seems to have an inexplicable attraction to Sirte, as long as they leave a certain distance, they will never go out again. And once the attack stopped, it immediately went straight in the direction of Asgard.

"No way, if we continue to consume like this, we will be consumed by it!"

Of the three, Jane Foster is the weakest," she panted heavily.

"When Thor comes, there will be a solution! Big deal, just like five years ago, launch Bifrost again!"

However, Thor 117 at this time probably has no time to take care of...

The originally clear sky was shrouded in a layer of black clouds, as if a huge amount of hole appeared in the sky out of thin air, and dark energy diffused out of it, quickly spreading across the sky.

The crack was getting bigger and bigger, and a huge face was looming, as if it could pass through the crack at any time and land on Asgard.

King of the Dark Latitude - Dormammu!

Dormammu is not as irrational as Sirte. Once he rushes in, he can swallow the whole of Asgard in an instant, so...

Qin Gelei stared at him, whispered: "Could it be that you want to?"

Thor hesitated for a moment, then laughed at himself: "Even Strange, a juggler, dares to face Dormammu, so what is there for me to hesitate?"

After all, he raised his battle ax and rushed straight towards Lie Zhong's looming huge face.

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