Strongest Thor In Marvel

Chapter 275: The Hero's End

In the vast space, a spaceship is passing through.

The spaceship was full of Avengers. If Thor's Millennium Falcon was not big enough, it might not be able to stay there.

Passed through one wormhole after another, and finally stopped in the orbit of a beautiful planet.

A Marauder spaceship flew towards him, and on the spaceship was an old acquaintance - Yondu.

Yondu picked up the call: "Is everyone here? Thanos arrived about twelve hours ago, via a donut ship. The specifics are unknown, and I dare not get too close to it."

Carol flew out of the spaceship: "Then let me investigate first."

Missed "180" Infinity War, she felt that she needed to perform well, otherwise she would be a marginal person...

A moment later, she flew back: "No satellites, no spaceships, no army, no ground defenses of any kind. Just himself."

"That's enough," Thor whispered.

This is a world of beautiful mountains and clear waters, singing birds and fragrant flowers.

Trembling, Thanos picked a fruit from the ground and put it in a bag, then picked up the bag, and walked into the room with a limping. Every step is accompanied by heavy panting.

His body was full of scars, like an old man in his twilight years, and he could not see the majesty of the former overlord.

The former battle armor was hung outside the house, as if it had witnessed his life.

Slowly boiled a pot of hot soup, added a handful of seasonings, and suddenly raised his head to look outside the house.

Despite being extremely weak, the perception of danger has not weakened, and he quickly raised his hand in front of him.


The dazzling light erupting from Captain Marvel was the first to rush in, knocking him to the ground, then quickly rushed forward, climbed up to his neck, and strangled him tightly.


The feeling of suffocation came, and Thanos struggled to get up, and Carol couldn't hold it down for a while.

"Boom..." Stark and Hulk broke through the window at the same time, each grabbing an arm and holding him firmly. two

Thor walked in slowly with the crowd, glanced at Thanos, and put away his battle axe.

Suddenly, I was in a trance. The scene in front of me seemed to overlap with my memory. Similar scenes, different endings.

Going forward, he glanced at Thanos' empty right hand, and asked in a deep voice, "Where's the gemstone?"

Carol's hand holding his neck loosened slightly: "Answer his question!"

Thanos said in a hoarse voice, "I don't know..."


Stark shoved him to the ground: "Are you kidding me?"

The reason why he ran here before his injury was fully healed was to get back the gems and revive Vision...

"I didn't lie to you, I really don't know now..."

Thor: "......Without the power of the six gems, you don't have the ability to destroy the original stones. Tell me, where did you put them?"

"I don't know if the gems are still there, but they are no longer with me, and I don't remember where I put them..."

Stark was anxious and at a loss: "Let's look for it, he must be lying!"

At this time, Gamora spoke: "What he said should be true. My father can do anything, but he never lies..."

"Thank you, daughter." Thanos said hoarsely, "Maybe I was too hard on you in the past...."

Thor glanced at Jyn, who nodded silently. Thanos didn't deliberately defend her mind from intrusion, and based on what she saw, she really didn't know the whereabouts of the gem.

It seems that there is really nothing to ask.

And they came here today, not just to get back the gems

"Well, we'll find the gem. Anyway, you committed an unforgivable crime against this universe and almost killed countless people, do you have any objection?"

Thanos showed an ugly smile: "I admit that everything I have done, but I never think it is a crime. The universe needs balance, and I am a practitioner, so it is destined to be so. Unfortunately, I still failed in the end."

Thor didn't bother to argue with him about the three views. This kind of thing can't be argued endlessly: "Since you have failed", you must have the consciousness of failure.

Thanos didn't speak.

Gamora spoke: "Let me do it."

Thor 4.0 glanced at her, fell silent for a while, and said, "Forget it, killing someone who is powerless to resist is quite boring.

As he spoke, he waved his hand and strode towards the door.

Seeing this, other people around also left, leaving Star-Lord and Gamora behind.

Xingjue glanced at her with some concern. Even the current Thanos is not something Gamora can resist if he violently injures others

Gamora whispered: "Go out, let me say a few words alone."

Xingjue hesitated for a while, but still walked out.

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