Strongest Thor In Marvel

Chapter 222: Choice

"Extraordinary! Extraordinary! The captain of the United States will participate in this presidential election as a third-party candidate!"

"The hero is back! The former leader will lead us out of the crisis again!"

"Most of the interviewed people expressed that they are willing to vote for the captain!"

In the lobby of the Stark Building, all the Avengers gathered together.

Outside, it has been surrounded by reporters.

During this period of time, Wakanda blossomed more, and the Avengers had to spread out to fight fires, but now there are obviously more important things that need to be decided together.

"Steve, I think, shouldn't be getting involved in politics...really, you're not a fit."

Stark weighed his words: "Also, sorry, I've never liked politicians much..."

"However, today's people 247 need unity and need a leader to unite them. No one is more suitable than Steve."

"Today's world is completely different from seventy years ago. The ideas of those years may not be able to solve the current problems."

"If Steve is elected, it means that the SOKOVIA Act can be officially repealed!"

"I didn't expect that a young man in Brooklyn would come to this step!"

"But, after all, Steve has no experience in this field..."

"Damn experience, approved the experience of dropping a nuclear bomb on New York?"

Most of the people put forward their own opinions, everyone insisted on their own opinions, and Steve's head was getting bigger.

"Okay, okay, this kind of thing, there is a reason to participate, and there are scruples about not participating, (ahba) no one can say for sure, it still needs Steve to make his own decision

Stark waved everyone to silence.

All eyes turn to Steve.

Steve thought about it for a while, and was about to speak.

"Hey! You didn't inform me of such a wonderful event? I'm not late, am I?"

Everyone felt a blur in front of their eyes, and Thor appeared at the door with a smile on his face, with Jean Grey beside him. As for Loki and the Black Dragon Princess, they are still playing the rhythm everywhere.

"Everyone, long time no see!"

"Why are there different beauties around you every time I see you?"

Stark looked depressed, and at the same time he didn't forget to provoke the relationship a little, suggesting that Thor has many girlfriends.

Qin's face was expressionless.

This kind of glib playboy is the most annoying!

Seeing Stark who was dying every day, Thor took out his phone expressionlessly and played a long recording.

"Dude, I bet 50 cents, your son will be a super big bastard in the future, and he will definitely be better than you in the future. He is definitely a role model for getting tired of playing and finding an honest man to marry!"

"Fuck you crow's mouth! Me, me, me... Forget it, if I really get what I say in the future, if I can't make a move, you can help me beat him"


little Spider-Man came to make up the knife: "Who is this? Why does the voice sound like Mr. Stark? Mr. Stark, do you have a son?"

Stark: "(;^)"

"Oh——" Then everyone understood.

A group of people were holding back their laughter, including Vision, who had the highest laugh point.


Ant-Man was the first to laugh, and then quickly apologized: "I'm sorry Mr. Stark, I didn't mean it. Believe me, I will never laugh casually unless I can't help it


Stark's face turned black, what he hated the most was that this guy put his elders in front of him!

And it's so reasonable to behave!

Pepper Potts looked at Stark with a more dangerous expression, staring him on pins and needles.

It turns out that I am that honest person!

It really is!

Stark couldn't stand the atmosphere anymore, so he quickly changed the subject: "I'll talk about my father later, let me talk about your opinion first, don't tell me you're really just passing by!"

Knowing that he was changing the subject, most people were still attracted by his words and looked at Thor.

"Don't look at me, I don't understand your politics. However, this reminds me of another thing."

"This is what another president has been through. First he was commissioned as a reserve officer in the United States Army, enlisted during World War II, and after Pearl Harbor, he was assigned as a lieutenant to the film team of the Army Air Corps. , making training and educational videos to make the most of his acting experience."

"Steve, I suddenly discovered that this guy's experience is quite similar to yours, except that he doesn't have super abilities."

Thor seemed to talk about him sideways, but everyone understood what he meant.

He supports Steve's candidacy!

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