Strongest Demonic Fiend System

Chapter 879: Zhongzhou, I, Duan Feng, am here!


The space ship shuttles through the wormhole at extremely fast speeds.

The surroundings are filled with darkness, occasionally accompanied by a little starlight, as if you are in an ethereal universe.

Duan Feng has always been in a state of excitement.

And his body and mind seemed to float out of his body, flying towards the endless universe.

“How amazing~”

Duan Feng spoke subconsciously.

While driving the space ship, Mo Yuting sighed at the shock brought by the vast picture in front of her.

Worlds, full of wonders.

But now, she has begun to understand a little bit.


The space ship burst out of the sky and was thousands of miles away in the blink of an eye.

It has to be said that the speed of the space wormhole far exceeded Mo Yuting's surprise.

If she hadn't come out of Mo's house, she probably wouldn't have known that there was such an advanced equipment.

Xiao Clan, I wonder what kind of existence the Xiao Clan, which is famous throughout the Dou Qi Continent, will be?

Mo Yuting couldn't help but think so.

Ever since she knew that she was a descendant of the Xiao clan, her heart was full of expectations and worries.

I look forward to becoming a member of the Xiao clan.

Worry, on the other hand, is the fear that one will be rejected.

However, Mo Yuting quickly shook her head and suppressed all such thoughts.

For her, the most important thing now is to reach the Xiao clan first.

Otherwise, all ideas will be in vain.

Time flies and ten days have passed.

During these ten days, Duan Feng never woke up.

He seemed to have fallen into a deep sleep.

If Mo Yuting hadn't been able to sense the aura emanating from Duan Feng, even she might have thought that something unexpected had happened to the former.


It should be arriving soon.

Mo Yuting said secretly.

Driving a space ship for ten consecutive days is indeed a rather torturous thing for her who has not even reached the level of Douzong.

I don't know when Brother Feng will wake up?

Mo Yuting glanced at Duan Feng again.

She has watched this action almost every hour for the past ten days.

But without exception, the latter did not wake up.

And just when Mo Yuting thought there was no hope this time, Duan Feng suddenly opened his eyes.

The moment he opened his eyes, a terrifying energy soared into the sky from his body.


There was also a terrifying rumbling sound. this?

Mo Yuting was shocked.

Immediately, she showed a smile.

Obviously, this is a breakthrough rhythm.

She felt pleasantly surprised for Duan Feng.


Have you finally broken through to the Eight-Star Douzong?

Feeling the aura emanating from his body, Duan Feng murmured to himself.

Although this space wormhole is mainly used for passage, I have to say that the energy here is so intense that I couldn't help but retreat.

Duan Feng smiled apologetically at Mo Yuting.


He felt a twinge of remorse for leaving her behind and letting her pilot the spaceship alone.

Brother Feng, it doesn't matter. This is of my own free will.

Knowing what Duan Feng was thinking, Mo Yuting said considerately.

Hey, you've worked hard during this period. Next, let me drive.

Duan Feng walked towards Mo Yuting and said with a smile.

It doesn't matter, I can hold on for a while longer...

Mo Yuting continued to speak.

However, at this moment, she suddenly felt a pair of big hands rushing towards her.

In just an instant, he hugged her into his broad chest.

Thank you for your hard work. Leave the rest to me. Don't say no!

Duan Feng hugged Mo Yuting tightly and whispered domineeringly into her ear.

Mo Yuting's heartbeat accelerated, and a blush appeared on her face.

But she was afraid of being seen by Duan Feng, so she had no choice but to shrink into the latter's arms.

For a moment, she felt that all her hard work had been worth it.


Next, Duan Feng will pilot the space ship.

Taking advantage of the last few days, Mo Yuting also took a good rest.

Five days later.

A light spot outside the passage then appeared in their sight.

Brother Feng, look, that's the exit!

Mo Yuting said excitedly.

Well, it's almost there.

Duan Feng also had a smile on his face.

I stayed in the space wormhole for half a month, and inside was the same pitch-black void.


If you don't have enough concentration, you may get lost in it.

It’s no wonder that there is a saying circulating in the space wormhole, ‘If you are not strong enough, don’t try it easily, otherwise, you may never come back. ’


At a certain moment, Duan Feng drove the space ship and rushed out of the wormhole.

Because the speed was too fast, the two of them flew directly into the void.


Regarding this, Duan Feng and Mo Yuting did not have any fear, but looked excited.

Zhongzhou, I, Duan Feng, am here!

Duan Feng couldn't help but raised his head and shouted loudly.

Brother Feng, look, what's in front of you?

Mo Yuting suddenly spoke.

Duan Feng looked around and saw a huge energy shield there.

Layer by layer, it looks extremely mysterious.

Nothing, that should be an area like an interception space,

Duan Feng said.

Because the speed of the space ship in the space wormhole is so fast that it is impossible to stop suddenly.

Therefore, this requires some special means to stop it.

The energy shield in front of us is one of the effective methods.


As soon as the space ship landed on the energy cover, a series of low crackling sounds sounded.

Although the sound was quite loud, it did no harm to the space ship or the monks.

Not long after, the space ship was stopped.

Duan Feng and Mo Yuting were also safe and sound.


I finally landed successfully, which shocked me. But I have to say, it was so cì jī just now.

Mo Yuting let out a heavy breath, but said with lingering fear.

Haha, I'm here, why are you panicking?

Duan Feng joked with a smile.

At such a fast speed, who can imagine where you are?

Mo Yuting rolled her eyes at Duan Feng and said speechlessly.

Haha, yes.

Duan Feng laughed loudly and immediately stuffed the space ship that flew out into the mustard bracelet.

Zhongzhou is extremely vast, and there are many places where space ships can be used in the future, so keep them for later use.

Of course, even if such an expensive space ship is not used, it cannot be thrown away casually.

Otherwise, it would be a waste of resources.

[End of chapter]

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