Strongest Demonic Fiend System

Chapter 88: Four Faces of Embarrassment

If I face Fu Guan again, I'm sure I'll kill him instead of running for my life!

Duan Feng smiled, and then he looked around, his figure flashed, and he swept up to the top of a towering tree.

The so-called standing tall and looking far, what caught Duan Feng's eyes were the cultivators who were densely wandering around the periphery.

This dead old man really doesn't give up! With such a large scale, I am afraid that the entire Proud World Hall will be dispatched.

Duan Feng couldn't help but smashed his tongue.

It is impossible to fly away from the sky. After all, the vast sky is too easy to attract the attention of others.

Of course, it is also impossible to break out from the land.

It should be noted that the cultivators of the Ao Shitang are all in groups of three or five. If they want to break through the siege with lightning speed, there is naturally a lot of resistance.

At this time, Duan Feng's situation, surrounded by embarrassment and soldiers, was full of crises.

Since you treat me as a prey, then I don't need any compassion!

Duan Feng clenched his palm tightly, thinking about it.

Then, his figure flashed, and he had already flashed out.


A remote vacant lot.

Three or five big men were sitting together for a short rest.

Mummy, it's been seven days. We have been searching for the entire Ao Shitang for seven days, but we haven't found any trace of that stinky boy. What a hell.

A big man with a face full of beards, drinking strong wine, cursed carelessly.

This jungle is extremely huge, and the spirit beasts are even more vertical and horizontal, will that kid be taken away by the spirit beasts and eaten?

Another big man was also puzzled.

100% of the time, according to what the boss said, when the guy escaped, the spiritual energy in his body was completely exhausted, and it was impossible to have much survival power.

Many big men also echoed their position.

Let's go,

Anyway, the boss said, live to see people, die to see bones. And, as long as we found out the first time, we could all win three levels in a row.

The big man with a beard face slammed down another sip of spirits, and immediately stood up.

The other big men also had smiles on their faces.

As long as they are promoted to three levels in a row, their status in Ao Shitang will naturally not be low.

Sitting on beautiful women and enjoying endless wealth, naturally, it is a matter of course.

Thinking of this, their fighting spirit suddenly began to rise again.

The group was just about to continue their search, but at this time, several sword qi flashed from the cracks in the branches and leaves in the distance.

Be careful!

The big man with a beard shouted loudly, and quickly dodged to the left.

Puff puff!

But unfortunately, there were three big men, and their reaction was still a little slow.

Who is it? We are the people of Ao Shitang. Your Excellency dares to attack us, will you not take our Ao Shitang in your eyes?

Looking at the three companions who died in an instant, the big man with beards, although a little surprised, still shouted and questioned.

Hehe, Ao Shitang, is it amazing?

A chuckle came, and then, a young man with a giant sword appeared in front of the big man and the others.

This person is naturally Duan Feng who flashed out from the depths.

You... are you Duan Feng?

Seeing Duan Feng's immature face, coupled with the domineering giant sword, the big man with beard and cheeks screamed in surprise.

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