
Duan Feng's heart skipped a beat.

The place I think about day and night is actually here?

Well, it's just to the northwest.

Hun Yin nodded affirmatively.

However, that place is quite dangerous, covered by layers of clouds and mist, and the roar of high-level spirit beasts can be heard from time to time.

A high-level spirit beast?

Duan Feng frowned.

However, when he thought that the dragon and elephant beasts were all so powerful, he was relieved.

It seems that this spiritual path trial field is not as simple as it appears on the surface. I really don't know what kind of terrifying existence this dragon and elephant beast is.

If there is a chance, I must see it.

With a mutter to himself, Duan Feng fell asleep with Hun Yin.

They have already covered the surroundings with medicines to disperse spirit beasts.

Moreover, there are some bells hanging on it, as long as any monk breaks in by mistake, they will be discovered immediately.

Of course, the most important thing is.

Both Duan Feng and Hun Yin were only seven percent sleepy and three percent awake.

This state can prevent all emergencies from happening.


Nothing happened all night, until dawn.

Since Duan Feng's injury hadn't healed yet, the two of them just did simple activities around the area during the day.

Three days passed in a flash.

And Duan Feng is also completely cured.

Although he suffered a lot of injuries this time, he was also blessed by misfortune, and his strength was greatly improved.

The body is also much stronger.


at a certain moment,

There was a rush of small sounds.

Duan Feng raised his hand, and immediately a spirit disk appeared in his hand.

And in the southeast direction of the spirit plate, there is a light spot, which is constantly flickering.

What's wrong?

Hun Yin leaned forward and asked.

If there is a situation, talk while walking!

Without any hesitation, Duan Feng flashed out towards the southeast.

And Soul Yin followed closely.

The spot of light on the spirit plate was sent by Lu Haisheng.

In this case, there are only two possibilities.

Either he himself was in danger.

Either Chu Qingcheng was discovered.


Duan Feng and Hun Yin increased their speed to the maximum, and each took a 'Speed ​​Up Pill'.

About ten minutes later.

The two of them reached the position on the light spot of the spirit disk.


What surprised Duan Feng and Hun Yin was that there was no sound of fighting here.

Even Lu Haisheng himself didn't see it.

All I saw was a spirit disk, which was randomly thrown on the ground.

If something goes wrong, there must be a demon!

Duan Feng frowned, and then his face changed dramatically.

This is a trap, retreat!

Duan Feng grasped Hunyin resolutely, even if he retreated hastily.


At this moment, dozens of blood packs came out of nowhere.

It exploded directly beside Duan Feng.

The blood mist sprayed all over the sky, and adhered to Duan Feng and Hun Yin one after another.

An extremely strong smell of blood spread rapidly.

However, it can be clearly felt.

These blood bags are not human blood.

More like the pure blood of some cubs.


In the depths of the ancient forest, there was a loud roar that shook the sky.

Immediately afterwards.

The earth trembled, and the towering giant trees fell down one after another.

Move the whole body with one hair!

All the low-level spirit beasts in the surrounding area immediately fled with all their might.

Such a terrified appearance, as if seeing some inconceivable and terrifying existence.

The originally quiet area exploded in an instant!

It's blood! It's the blood that caused it!

The soul groaned and said.

We've been tricked!

Duan Feng's face instantly turned livid to the extreme.

Wouldn't it be Lu Haisheng who did it?

Soul Yin asked back.

It's not him. If he wanted to harm me, he would have done it long ago. There is no need to wait until now.

Duan Feng shook his head.

Who could it be? Hun Yin asked.

It should be an accomplice of the people sent by Liu Yu in the last batch, and Brother Lu must still be in their hands.

Duan Feng said.

Roar~ Roar~

The sound of the huge beast's roar came out again in a frenzy.

After a few breaths, a huge spirit beast with a height of more than ten feet appeared.

Duan Feng and Hun Yin didn't leave, because they knew that it would be hard work.

The blood sticking to their bodies was the blood essence of the huge spirit beast cubs in front of them.

No matter where they go, they will definitely be pursued.

Since you can't escape, it's better to face it head-on!

Besides, Duan Feng would never leave Lu Haisheng's life alone and leave alone.


Thank you for your support, Xiaodou is not in good condition, take a break before continuing to code. Thank you brothers and sisters who never leave.

Not to mention too much, Xiaodou will definitely work hard to write more exciting plots, so that you can enjoy watching it...

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