Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 87 Taught Him To Respect The Elderly, Not To Love The Young

Suddenly screaming, Zhang looked sideways at them.

It was the big sister who the anchor had seen before. She fell to the ground not far away, her eyes full of horror.

in front of her.

At some point a baby appeared.

The baby's skin was wrinkled and covered with corpse spots. A long blood-filled umbilical cord was connected to his stomach and was dragged on the ground by it. His eyes with only whites were bent into smiling crescents. It walked towards Big Sister step by step. ser.

The scene in front of me.

The big sister was terrified, the baby was petite, clearly the size of a newborn baby, it was impossible for a child to play it.

It was a ghost baby! !

Do not!

More than one ghost baby.

Like a domino effect, as the first ghost baby appeared, many people in the hall screamed in terror.

In the hall, some strange creatures crawled on the wall, or walked out of nowhere in front of them, one after another ghost babies and ghost children appeared, surrounding those who hadn't left the hall at this moment.

"Big brother, let's play together."

The ghost babies spoke together, their voices were so pure and immature.

However, no one can be happy, and feel a chill down the spine.

Also at this time.

"Ah!! Help!! Don't come here!"

The big sister turned pale with fright and screamed, trembling and waving the Asuna weapon used by S, trying to drive away the ghost baby walking in front of her.

The ghost baby didn't care about the big sister's panic, and walked towards her, and a childish and piercing laughter sounded:

"Sister, come together..."

Before the words were finished, the terrified big sister felt a flash in front of her eyes.

A 'Uchiha Itachi' appeared in front of her.


'Itachi Uchiha' lifted his left foot and volleyed at the ghost baby.

boom! ! ! !

Before Guiying finished speaking, he was kicked away like a ball.

With a bang, the baby ghost hit the wall of the venue behind as if hit by a car. The impact was so strong that the wall was cracked and dented, and the whole body was firmly embedded in the wall.

The big sister was stunned...

I Cao? !

She yelled in her heart, and her panic disappeared under Zhang Wei's feet.

I am saved?


The big sister looked at the ghost baby embedded in the wall, and her heart was shocked.

My goodness.

This is Uchiha Itachi? ? Still really Uchiha Itachi.

She couldn't help but suspect that the kick was so powerful that the wall was dented, and the ghost baby was kicked directly into the wall. Judging by the inlay, the buckle might not even be able to be buckled off.

It wasn't just the big sister who was shocked.

The ghost babies were also stunned, staring at Zhang Wei in a daze.

【Ding! The ghost baby was kicked, what happened, where am I? What's my mother's last name? Fuck? How am I inside the wall? 】

[Host obtains system points +20]

The ghost babies who were closest to the navel were also stunned.

【Ding! The baby ghosts were stunned, what the hell is flying over? So fast! Gan! Is that...our companion? ! 】

[Host obtains system points +110]

Suddenly, those ghost babies started to feel hairy, and found that Zhang Wei was looking at them and smiling at them:

"Do you want to dance too?"

It's not loud.

It echoed in the hall leisurely, echoing in the ears of Big Sister and the others.

In the next second, under the dull eyes of Big Sister and the others.

I saw those ghost babies shaking their heads like rattles, as if they were saying silently:

"No! We don't want to! Big brother, we're just passing by..."

Zhang Wei ignored the ghost babies shaking their heads, and out of the pockets of the Xiao uniform he was wearing, paper shurikens made of folded yellow talismans flew out all over the sky, each shuriken bursting with thunder, surrounding every ghost baby.

He walked forward with a smile.

【Ding! The female ghost baby closest to the host is frightened, don't come here! Come here again and I will shout! ! 】

[Host obtains system points +10]

Zhang Wei put his hand on the female ghost baby's shoulder, and said with a smile:

"Call Dad."

Ghost babies: "?????"

big sister: "????"

The big sister ser was stunned, seeing 'Uchiha Itachi' lovingly watching the female ghost baby, her brain short-circuited...

at this time.

"Dad, Dad."

The female ghost baby made a sound.

【Ding! The female ghost baby was frightened by the host's loving smile, so she recognized her father on the spot]

[Host obtains system points +10]

Zhang Wei smiled on his forehead, then glanced at the ghost babies around him.




The voices of father recognition kept coming and going.

【Ding! The ghost babies were frightened by the host. 】

[Host obtains system points +100]

A cold reminder sounded.

Zhang Wei's voice came over:

"My children, do you know that I don't know which article of our country's law stipulates that those who threaten little Lolita will be sentenced to a fixed-term imprisonment of less than three years. This makes me very uncomfortable, but it is different now. I met you. My dear children."

in words.

With a kind face, Zhang Wei caressed the face of the female ghost baby in front of him, and then slowly said word by word:

"Fortunately, this law is only for human use."

Words come out.

The female ghost baby was trembling, trembling violently, fear and panic were written on her blood-stained face.

【Ding! The female ghost baby is extremely frightened]

[Host obtains system points +10]

It is struggling and trying to escape.

But Zhang Wei put one hand on her shoulder, that hand seemed to be as heavy as a mountain, and it was so heavy that she couldn't leave at all.


As if feeling something, Zhang Wei turned his head and looked at the ghost baby embedded on the wall not far away.

Mounted on the wall, the ghost baby watching Zhang Wei talking with the female ghost baby, seeing Zhang Wei looking over, quickly closed his eyes, tilted his head and pretended to lie unconscious.

【Ding! Guiying was so scared that he chose to pretend to be dead. Today I will pretend to be dead here. Even if the king of heaven comes, I will still pretend to be dead here! 】

[Host obtains system points +15]

boom! ! !

It exploded with a bang.

While the big sister and the others watched, Zhang Wei grabbed the female ghost baby's head and smashed it at the ghost baby on the wall.


Everyone gasped.

The fat man couldn't help asking Li Junfei:

"Brother Junfei, did Zhang Wei's teacher only teach him to respect the old, but not to love the young? It's a mess. I feel that the placentas of those two ghost babies are all screwed up."

Immediately afterwards.

The big sisters are waiting for the people at the comic exhibition, they just saw it...

After killing two ghost babies.

'Uchiha Itachi' let out a growl like the pain of losing a child, and then started child abuse.

And the children couldn't escape.

I could only cry and beg for mercy in horror.

"Dad, please don't hit me."

"Dad let me go!"

"Dad, don't come here!"

【Ding! The ghost infants could not rest in peace, before they died, they vaguely understood why Lu Bu did not end well, because it is useless to recognize his father, and he cannot save himself]

[Host obtains system points +110]


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