Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 76 The Female Ghost Knocking On The Door Returns With Revenge

Li Junfei and Fatty chatted all the way to the milk tea shop.

the other side.

After eating at Zhang Wei's place, because Qiu Xiaolin and the others had student union activities, they said goodbye to Zhang Wei, and agreed that Zhang Wei would come to the dormitory at night, and they would pick him up.

"You go too."

Qiu Xiaolin wanted to stay with Zhang Wei, but he refused, because he didn't want to delay Qiu Xiaolin's student union activities.

"It just so happens that I'm going to visit the shopping malls in Wenling City."

Zhang Wei squeezed Qiu Xiaolin's round face, and said again:

"Is there anything you want me to buy? Anyway, it's rare to come here and buy you a gift."

Qiu Xiaolin scolded Zhang Wei cutely, rubbed her pinched face and said:

"Pinch my face again, I suspect that's how you made my face round, no need, I have nothing to buy."

"Are you sure? Don't worry about my money. I went to the Northeast and made hundreds of thousands in a few days."

"Ah? Then you should have said earlier, I want a figure~"

Qiu Xiaolin's small round face, with a cute smile and two small dimples, is so cute that people can't help but want to pinch her face.


Zhang Wei and Qiu Xiaolin waved and went shopping in Wenling City.

until nightfall.

Zhang Wei just returned to Wenling University.

at this time.

On the road in the school, since it was already night, there were not many people on the road, only some bustling couples were sitting on the lawn or on seats under the dim street lights, making out and talking about sweet love there.

Zhang Wei didn't pay too much attention, and walked straight to the girls' dormitory.

"Wait, classmate, are you a freshman?"

Suddenly, someone stopped Zhang Wei.

Those were two sophomore boys. They saw that Zhang Wei was walking in the direction of the girls' dormitory, and they thought Zhang Wei was drunk.

The voice just fell.

When Zhang Wei turned around to look at them, the two of them were surprised when they saw Zhang Wei's appearance clearly.

"Hey, it's you!"

Two sophomores recognized Zhang Wei. Isn't this the boy they saw at the school gate this morning, who was surrounded by four beautiful classmates, Qiu Xiaolin and Zhang Yan, who were called Zhang Wei? Be a winner in life.

"You know me?" Zhang Wei wondered.

"No, I know Zhang Ya and the others."

One of the sophomore male students briefly explained, saying that he met Zhang Wei and the others in the morning.

Then he said:

"Student can't tell, you don't want to play with your classmates this time, so let's attack senior sister first."

Zhang Wei replied politely, because he had agreed with Zhang Ya and the others to go to the girls' dormitory now, so he didn't chat too much.

He randomly found a reason to chase girls, and walked towards the girls' dormitory.

out of curiosity.

After all, as sophomores, the two college boys knew that girls' dormitories were not allowed to enter at night, but now Zhang Wei wanted to enter the girls' dormitory in order to chase girls. They were curious about how Zhang Wei would chase and get in, and wanted to learn.

As a result, the two secretly followed Zhang Wei and saw a scene they would never forget.

I saw Zhang Ya, Qiu Xiaolin, Lin Ping, and Zhou Xiaoqing appearing at the door of the girls' dormitory.

Three of them chatted with Aunt in the dormitory.

Then, after Zhang Ya gestured with the back of her hand, Qiu Xiaolin stepped forward to Zhang Wei and put a girl's coat on Zhang Wei, and Zhang Wei walked into the girls' dormitory like that.

"My day..."

"Zhang Ya and the others..."

The eyes of the two sophomore boys looked straight.

They could see that Qiu Xiaolin, Zhang Ya and the others were obviously in collusion, and the four of them worked together to bring a boy into their dormitory.


Also see.

After Zhang Wei entered the dormitory, Zhang Ya and the three daughters hurriedly found an excuse, said goodbye to the dormitory manager Aunt, and hurried back to the dormitory.

The anxious appearance of the three female monkeys, from their point of view, looked as if they were afraid to go back one step later, and Qiu Xiaolin went back to the dormitory to eat alone.

This scene.

Their eyes were almost wet, and they felt like they were about to shed blood and tears.

Lost for a long time.

A sophomore boy came to his senses, and then said leisurely:

"Then what did the junior do, why can he be so...excellent, why don't we sneak into the girls' dormitory?"



That night.

Female dormitory, dormitory No. 2533.

at this time.

Zhang Wei was wearing Qiu Xiaolin's pajamas, playing 4399 mini-games while sitting at the computer desk, on the grounds of covering up his aura and avoiding being discovered by the female ghost when she came.

"Zhang Wei, do you think the female ghost will come today? What if she doesn't come for a few days? We can't let you live with us forever, although we have no objection."

Zhang Ya asked worriedly, she was a little scared now that it was night.

Not only her.

Qiu Xiaolin and the others were all afraid, even though Zhang Wei was here, but recalling what happened last night, they still had lingering fears.

Zhang Wei waved his hand:

"Don't worry, the female ghost won't stay away for too long. When a person dies and becomes a ghost, either he has an unfinished last wish or he has too much resentment during his lifetime. The ghost that can harm people can only be the latter. This kind of negative emotion is formed. Ghosts have always held grudges, and they said they would take revenge, so it won’t be too long, and these days are during the Ching Ming Festival, when the gates of ghosts are wide open and the ghosts are heavy, ghosts are the strongest at this time, so if you want revenge, you must choose the nearest one.”

Immediately afterwards.

He glanced at Qiu Xiaolin and the others' frightened expressions.

"Actually, you don't need to be afraid. Aren't you just a ghost? There's nothing to be afraid of."

As he talked, Zhang Wei revealed his memories and said slowly:

"My father told me when I was a child that ghosts are not scary, there are things scarier than ghosts. At the same time, he also told me that people are three times afraid of ghosts, and ghosts are seven times afraid of people, so when encountering ghosts..."

The words are not finished yet.

Zhang Wei seemed to feel something, and suddenly looked towards the door of the dormitory.

The ghost is coming.


at the same time.

In the corridor on the fifth floor of the girls' dormitory, it was 10 o'clock in the evening. The corridor was quiet, and the quiet needle drop could be heard.


It's such a quiet corridor, but it's not that there are no people.

I saw a 'woman' appearing from nowhere, walking in the corridor on the fifth floor, but there was no sound of footsteps, not even... Her heartbeat could not be heard, it was obvious that she was walking in the corridor.

watch carefully.

The 'woman' had pale skin that could be seen through her hair, and her disheveled face was covered in blood.

She was the female ghost who knocked on the door last night!

Now that the gate of hell is wide open, the yin is thick, and the injury has recovered after a night.

As Zhang Wei thought, as soon as the female ghost knocking on the door recovered from her injuries, she came to take revenge.

She walked towards the dormitory No. 2533 step by step, her bloody face was full of resentment, she looked down at a small flute in her hand:

"You're all going to die tonight!"

She murmured viciously in her heart, she had already planned to brutally dismember Qiu Xiaolin and the others.

In order to deal with Qiu Xiaolin and the others' chewing gum, the female ghost who knocked on the door got a magic weapon from nowhere. Ghost exorcists have magic tools to deal with ghosts, and naturally there are items that ghosts use to deal with ghost exorcists. This kind of item Known as ghosts and ghost weapons.


Before she came to the dormitory on her front foot, when she was just about to enter the dormitory.


The female ghost was stunned. Before she could make a move, she saw the door of the dormitory opened by itself.

【Ding! The female ghost who knocked on the door was puzzled, what's going on? The door is open? ...Damn it, did I go to the wrong door? ! 】

[Host obtains system points +10]

The female ghost who knocked on the door looked at Zhang Wei, who was standing in front of the dormitory door, wearing a lady's pajamas, and was stunned for a moment.


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