Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 47 Potential Rising Star List, Is Zhang Wei On The List?

"Ghost exorcist leaderboard?"

Zhang Wei was surprised, and was instantly aroused by the title of this post.

As he dabbled in the ghost exorcising circle, he became more and more aware that ghost exorcists are divided into strong and weak ones. A weak ghost exorcist is different from a strong ghost exorcist. The difference between full-level boss players.

And although it is difficult to become a ghost exorcist, based on the huge number of people in Daxia, even if it is difficult to become a ghost exorcist, there are still a lot of ghost exorcists.

This post is hot.

Looking at the release time, it was only released at 10 o'clock last night.

But now the number of clicks and the number of floors of the post are astonishingly high, and the popularity is not inferior to the posts discussing recent events in Northeast China.

Click to see the content of the post:

Hello everyone, I am Xiaoxuan, who everyone loves, the flowers bloom when you see them, and Xinheng Yuyi loves you even when you see them. Today is the time for updating the list once a month. Today is the list of potential new stars.

As usual, let’s introduce this list first.

This list is a ranking of the younger generation of ghost exorcists in Daxia. I ranked them based on comprehensive information such as their deeds, information, and strength, and compiled a ranking list.

in addition.

After updating the list, I will introduce the newcomers to the list, so that everyone can get to know these newcomers, it is convenient for worship, and it is also convenient for those powerful students to see if they have entered the list. List, be a lister, lol.

In addition.

Since this list is a list of potential new stars, the age group who can enter the list is 0-30 years old.

So if you want to see the rankings of those older generations, please turn left to read the post [National Ghost Exorcist Ranking], but the latest update of the list was last month, because the list is for all ages, Including ghost exorcists across the country, the data statistics are troublesome, I will update it in a few days, okay~

So it's normal.

Start introducing the list of potential new stars.

[First place: Lin Jiujiu, age: 29 years old, exorcising ghosts Occupation: credit knife man]

[Second place: Tang Ziping, age: 26 years old, exorcising ghosts Occupation: Gravekeeper]

[Sixth place: Huang Qing, age: 28 years old, exorcising ghosts Occupation: Chumaxian]

When you see the tenth place.

Zhang Wei uttered a light sigh.

He knew the tenth place, it was Wu Nian!

[Tenth place: Wu Nian, age 22, exorcising ghosts Occupation: Buddhist monk]

Looking at the message of the tenth place, Zhang Wei was a little surprised, but soon relieved. He had heard from Lu Lianxue earlier that Wu Nian was very powerful and famous in the circle of exorcising ghosts. The legend is simply full of the aura of the protagonist.

The fact is also the same, Wu Nian can deal with the red-clothed ghosts that can only be dealt with by the tiger guards with the strength of the eagle guards, and can even activate three magic weapons of Buddhist eminent monks. There is a chance to hurt the Nine Evil Gathering Yin Ghost.

Zhang Wei was suddenly curious:

"I don't know if the squad leader is on this list."

He thought that Wu Nian, as the future host of Mount Wutai, would be tenth on the list, not to mention.

And what about Lu Lianxue?

She is the candidate for the next head of Longhu Mountain.

Think about it.

Zhang Wei moved the mouse and clicked the search box on the top list.

In order to make it easier for forum friends to view the list, the poster specially made a list of the list, and it also comes with a search function. You can directly enter the name on it to find out whether the name is on the list.


The search results came out.

Sure enough, Lu Lianxue entered the list.

[Seventy-eighth place: Lu Lianxue, age 19, exorcising ghosts Occupation: Taoist priest]

"The squad leader's ranking is not low."

Zhang Wei said with a smile, his eyes fell on Lu Lianxue's age information.

One must know that whether it is Wu Nian or the other top ten, they are all much older than Lu Lianxue, the first place is a full 10 years older than Lu Lianxue, even Wu Nian is 3 years older than her age.

Look at the list behind Lu Lianxue.

They were undoubtedly over 20 years of age.

No matter how stupid Zhang Wei is, he can see that he entered the list at only 19 years old, and he is not at the bottom of the list. Years, maybe they can be among the top of the list.


Interested, Zhang Wei searched for the exorcists Zhang Chao and Lu Lianfeng he knew.

He found that Lu Lianfeng was also on the list.

[100th place: Lu Lianfeng, age 19, exorcising ghosts Occupation: Xiangxi exorcist]

"It seems that Lianfeng is not only a fool with a lot of money."

Immediately afterwards.

Zhang Wei tapped the keyboard with both hands and entered the word Zhang Chao:

"I don't know if Zhang Chao has made the list. If he didn't make the list, I have to mock him. All the ghost exorcists I know have made the list, but he didn't...huh?!"

Zhang Wei was stunned.

Looking at the search results in disbelief.

He was really right, Zhang Chao didn't make the list, but it wasn't Zhang Chao's not making the list that stunned him.

It's the related search that pops up...

Since there is no Zhang Chao, the search results give the list of people who contain the words 'Zhang' and 'Chao'.

A total of three persons surnamed Zhang appeared on the list.

Among them, a person on the list at the top of the search results:

[26th place: Zhang Wei, age: 19 years old, ghost exorcism occupation: Suspected Taoist priest, special note: This Zhang Wei student is a newcomer to this list update, his information will be placed in Below the list, in the information column of newcomers. 】

"Zhang Wei???"

Zhang Wei's expression changed when he came back to his senses, with a strange expression on his face.

This can't be me...

Same name, same age, can there be such a coincidence?

in a hurry.

Zhang Wei swiped the mouse wheel and looked at the bottom of the list for information about the newcomers.

When I entered the list, I saw information about the newcomer 'Zhang Wei'.

No one else.

It seems that this time the list of potential new stars is updated, only Zhang Wei is a newcomer to the list, and the others are from the previous list.

Zhang Wei took a look.

【Newcomer】: Zhang Wei

First of all, congratulations to Zhang Wei, who became a newcomer to the list.

This Zhang Wei classmate is powerful, although he is only 19 years old, but according to the information collected by Xiaoxuan, Zhang Wei used his body to fight against the iron coffin zombie not long ago, and finally beat the iron coffin zombie to death with his fist. People are speechless.


Before I wrote this list tonight, I also got news that Zhang Wei broke the arms of the Xishuangbanna Bronze Armor Corpse with his physical strength the day before yesterday.

The Xishuangbanna bronze armored corpse, according to reports, is a special Xishuangbanna bronze armored corpse made by Granny Wang, one of the two elders of the Xiangxi Corpse Exorcist Sect, for her grandson Lu Lianfeng, who is also the 100th on the list. .


On the day I wrote this list, student Zhang Wei indirectly rescued the little monk Wu Nian, who is the tenth on the list!

It is said that Zhang Wei gave Wu Nian a magical weapon to help Wu Nian's team successfully survive the danger, and even helped Wu Nian survive his life and death catastrophe.

And it was Zhang Wei who helped.

Wu Nian and the others survived, allowing the Secretary of Health to follow the information provided by Wu Nian and the others to find out hundreds of ghost exorcists that happened in the Northeast recently.

When Zhang Wei saw this.

Already determined.

The newcomer Zhang Wei is himself!

"I actually made it to the list..."

Zhang Wei looked weird, did I eat melons and eat myself?

in words.

He glanced at the comments below the post from the corner of his eye.


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