Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 42 Nine Evil Spirits Gathering Ghosts Are Dumbfounded, What Is That?

this moment.

The photo thrown by Wu Nian is like a big sun in the western sky, the Buddha's light blooms, like a tsunami, flooding this place, and the Buddha's light shines on the earth one after another, reflecting this graveyard like daytime , according to the holy and peaceful, even if this is a cemetery.


The shrill screams resounded from all the siege to Wu Nian, Zhang Chao and their ghosts.

They were illuminated by the Buddha's light in the photo, as if they had been scorched by the sun, they were scorched and screamed again and again. Those who were close to Zhang Chao and the others, who were weak, didn't even have time to scream, and were instantly annihilated by the photos. .

【Ding! Haunted Horror]

[Host obtains system points +100]

【Ding! Fierce ghosts frightened]

[Host obtains system points +100]

In the Buddha's light in the photo, one-third of the group of fierce ghosts died in an instant.


The Nine Evil Gathering Yin Ghost did not choose to rescue, his attention was all attracted by the photos.

I saw that photo, the blooming Buddha light, with the photo as the center, forming a Buddha-like light Buddha ring, the Buddha ring is huge enough to accommodate a person in it.

Immediately afterwards.

The Nine Evil Gathering Yin's grimace was about to change color with fright.

he sees.

A holy bergamot stretched out from the Buddha ring and grasped it.

No, no, that's not just a bergamot.

That's a... real living Bodhisattva! ! !

He is about to come out of the Buddha ring.

【Ding! The Nine Evil Gathering Yin Ghost was dumbfounded, wdn, I just said it casually, why did you take it seriously, the real Nima invited Bodhisattva? ! ! 】

[Host obtains system points +50]

【Ding! The fierce ghosts trembled, my God, do you want to play such a big game. 】

[Host obtains system points +100]

It all happened so fast.

The Buddha ring was not a Buddha ring at all, it was clearly a gateway leading to the Western Paradise of Ultimate Bliss. In Wu Nian's whispered Buddha's name, the door opened wide, and a bodhisattva was invited out by him.

Under the watchful eyes of everyone and ghosts.

The Bodhisattva pulled on the Buddha ring, and stepped out of the Buddha ring step by step.


【Ding! The Nine Evil Gathering Yin Ghost was stunned, I, Cao, what is that? ! 】

[Host obtains system points +50]

【Ding! The fierce ghosts trembled and froze halfway. Is that... Bodhisattva? ! 】

[Host obtains system points +100]

The Bodhisattva invited by Wu Nian is the same as the Bodhisattva passed down from ancient to modern times. The treasure is solemn and full of sacred peace. The only difference is... the Bodhisattva is not holding a jade bottle or a willow branch, but a thick, big and Black Gatling Gun! !

"Is that a Bodhisattva?"

The one who spoke was the red-clothed ghost that Zhang Chao and the others were chasing. It looked at the Bodhisattva holding Gatling in both hands, with a bewildered expression.

【Ding! The ghosts are dumbfounded. 】

[Host obtains system points +100]

If it weren't for the opposite now, the ghosts couldn't help but rush up and ask, why is it not a jade bottle in your hand? I can accept a baby in your hand. At least you can say that you are Songzi Guanyin, but You have a Gatling in your hand, what is that?

Don't say it's a ghost.

Zhang Mei and the others were also dumbfounded.

Even the parties were stunned without thinking.


Wu Nian kept his palms together, but his mouth was slightly open. Amitabha had forgotten to read, and there was only one thought left in his mind...

Zhang Wei didn't lie to me, is there really Namo Gatling Bodhisattva? !

Also at this moment.

The bodhisattva holding Gatling, with a pair of loving eyes, swept over the ghosts gathering ghosts and all the ghosts present.

Immediately, a long sound of the Buddha came out from the mouth of the Bodhisattva.

"Namo Amitabha."

Then he raised Gatling in his hand.


With the rotation of the mechanical gear, the Gatling barrel rotates at high speed in an instant.


Gatling shot a Buddha's light from the muzzle of his gun. It was obviously the flame of gunfire. It was turbulent and deafening, but it made people feel quite serene and peaceful.

Chug chug chug! ! !

The Buddha light of the gunfire was blooming, and the bullets full of peace were shooting out, pouring crazily towards all the ghosts present.

The roar of Gatling's barrel dominated the sound of the place.

for a moment.

In all directions, the fierce ghosts rushing to the forefront were all beaten into sieves, and their screams followed the roar of gun barrels one after another.


"help me!!!"

"Do not--"

【Ding! The fierce ghosts were scared to pee, and they agreed that the Bodhisattva was merciful. 】

[Host obtains system points +200]

Just can't blink.

All the ghosts in front of them were shot, and there were no bones left, not even scum left.

【Ding! The fierce ghost who was shot did not die with peace in his eyes, this bodhisattva...does not talk about martial arts. 】

[Host obtains system points +80]

This scene.

Seeing the scalps of the other surviving ghosts go numb, they were both terrified and grateful.

【Ding! The surviving ghosts are lucky, fortunately I run slowly, the ancients are right, shoot the bird that stands out, it is absolutely true! 】

[Host acquisition system +80]

Don't even hesitate for 01 seconds.

Whether it's other ghosts or ghosts gathering yin, they turn around and run away.

A second ago, a hundred ghosts were attacking violently.

In the next second, all the ghosts were rolling and crawling, one by one, as if they were Teslas without brakes, without stopping.

Zhang Mei and the others exclaimed as they watched.

"Steamer, Wu Nian lied to me, saying that his Buddha string is the most powerful magic weapon he brought, so the photo is it."

They remember clearly that not long ago Zhang Chao asked Wu Nian if he had any other magical artifacts from Mount Wutai, and Wu Nian replied that he did, but the Buddha String was the strongest.

Compared to Zhang Mei and the others, Captain Li and the others were even more shocked.

"Is that really a Bodhisattva?" Captain Li couldn't help asking.


The bodhisattva held Gatling up with a kind face, and shot back and forth at the group of ghosts.

Zhang Chao responded to Captain Li:

"Yes, she is a Bodhisattva, Namo Gatling Bodhisattva, why, Captain Li, you haven't heard of it, Namo Gatling Bodhisattva, six clean depleted uranium bombs, 3,600 rotations per breath, great mercy and great compassion to save the world"

Unlike others, he knew the origin of the Bodhisattva, and he also knew that the Bodhisattva was not created by Wu Nian at all, but by his new friend Zhang Wei.

"Great mercy saves the world??"

When Captain Li heard this, the corners of his mouth twitched.

He subconsciously looked at the ghosts not far away. They fled in all directions, but none of them escaped Gatling's baptism from the Bodhisattva:

"It is able to survive the world..."

Just when Zhang Chao was about to respond.

A familiar ghost voice sounded, interrupting Zhang Chao's opening and attracting everyone's attention.

I don't know when.

The Bodhisattva seemed to have discovered that the Nine Evils Gathering Yin Ghosts was about to run away. Suddenly, the Buddha's light was aroused, and he stepped forward. When he reappeared, he had already blocked the Nine Evils Gathering Yin Ghosts.

Look at the Bodhisattva who is close at hand.

And the Gatling gun barrel on his forehead.

Nine evil spirits gathering ghosts have the heart to scold their mothers.

【Ding! Nine evils gather ghosts and fear. 】

[Host system points +50]

Seeing the Gatling gun barrel in his brain hole turning, the Nine Evil Gathering Yin Ghost was terrified, and quickly opened his mouth and yelled:

"Don't do it, don't kill me, Bodhisattva! My Buddha is merciful, my Buddha is merciful!"

See the Bodhisattva as if you don't see it.

The Nine Evil Gathering Yin Ghost became impatient, and shouted out in a panic:

"Bodhisattva, don't kill me, I have a destiny with the Buddha! Look at the power of the Buddha, I have a destiny with the Buddha!"


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