Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 40 Nine Evil Spirits Gathering Ghosts Appear, Fierce Ghosts Attack

Hear hurried footsteps.

In Wu Nian, everyone's expressions froze.

Then the next second.

Fog surged ahead, and with the sound of footsteps, five figures appeared.

"It's Captain Li and the others."

The companions beside Zhang Chao recognized the person who came, it was Captain Li and the others.

But the number is wrong.

When I saw Captain Li and the others before, there were six of them, why one was missing.

However, they didn't wait for them to think about it.

They all felt that there was a terrifying yin qi surging in the direction of Captain Li and the others, and at this moment, Captain Li and the others were approaching with Zhang Chao and the others.

This look.

Zhang Mei and the others changed color.

It was different from seeing Captain Li and the others before. They lost their composure and looked flustered. They were running towards them in a hurry, looking embarrassed. One of them was covered in blood and was carried by another companion. The blood stained his companion's clothes. The back was stained red.

Captain Li also saw Zhang Mei and the others.


He waved at Zhang Mei and the others, and shouted eagerly:

"Captain Zhang, run quickly!!!"

The moment the words were uttered.

Captain Li seemed to sense the turbulent Yin Qi surging from behind him, and he hurriedly looked back, his color changed instantly.

Not only Captain Li.

Zhang Mei and the others also noticed the back of Captain Li, and their pupils shrank suddenly.

In the direction Captain Li came from.

The shadows were indistinct, densely packed, there were too many figures, at least hundreds of them, and I felt the terrifying yin energy before, and it was those figures that gushed out, and they were all dark, or hideous or pale and terrifying... …

That's not human at all.

It's a ghost!

Hundreds of evil ghosts, ghosts, and ghosts in red!

They roared and attacked Captain Li, choosing to devour them.

Watching the group of fierce ghosts approaching.

Captain Li bit his tongue fiercely, took out a piece of golden talisman paper from his pocket while running, and painted a Taoist talisman with special cinnabar.

He held the golden talisman paper with one hand and two fingers.

Spit out a mouthful of blood essence and spray it on the golden talisman paper.

With two fingers on the other hand, he pointed at the golden talisman paper, gesticulating unknown lines in the air, and then swipe his thumb at the blood essence on the golden talisman paper.

The action is fast, happening within a second.

next second.

He threw the golden talisman paper like a dart towards the group of fierce ghosts:

"Xuanzong of Heaven and Earth, the root of ten thousand qi, I entrust the Taishang Laojun with an urgent order like a law, five thunder spells, imperial edict!"

boom! !

Captain Li said the way in his mouth.

On the golden talisman paper, the talisman patterns on it burst into thunderous light, like a thunderous deafening burst, dense thunder burst out, covering an area of ​​five meters, blocking the dirt road behind.


The crowd of ferocious ghosts poured in, and many ghosts screamed pitifully when they encountered the thunder. One or two of them were hit by the thunder and instantly disappeared.

But it's just a hindrance.

There are too many ghosts.

They quickly bypassed the range of the five thunder spells, and the death of the two ghosts inspired them to be more ferocious and roared to kill.

This scene.

Captain Li's scalp felt numb.

But what frightened him was not the ghosts who bypassed the five thunder spells.

It's a ghost in the group of fierce ghosts.

It was a ghost with a kitchen knife stuck in its chest, with dirt attached to its body, its skin was livid and covered with corpse spots.

It is different from other ghosts.

He walked straight to the area of ​​the five thunder spell, and then stretched out his hand covered with corpse spots, letting the thunder hit his body, and swung it towards the five thunder spell, a dark energy gushed out of his hand.

boom! ! !

The Yin Qi collided with the Five Thunder Mantra.

The five thunder spells that were invincible before were scattered by the ghost with a wave.

This scene.

Except Captain Li, Zhang Chao and the others also saw it, and their hearts beat wildly.

You must know that Captain Li is a tiger guard.

Huwei, that is the ghost exorcist who can deal with the red-clothed ghost alone, the five thunder spells he cast must be powerful, but he easily waved the ghost away.


Zhang Mei and the others have already confirmed the identity of that ghost.

That is the ghost in the Nine Evil Gathering Yin Cave!

Only that ghost has the strength to easily break Captain Li's Five Thunders Curse.

"Quick! Zhang Chao, save people, Wu Nian, you and I will help Captain Li."

The situation was urgent, and Zhang Mei made a decision immediately.

She didn't obey Captain Li's words and gave up on them and ran away, because she knew very well that if Captain Li and the others were left here, it would be very bad luck for Captain Li and the others.

At that time, the group of fierce ghosts will kill them, and it will be their turn soon. She doesn't think that Captain Li and his group of fierce ghosts can be wiped out. Or if they deal with the group of fierce ghosts together, there may be a chance of survival.


The two sides meet.

Zhang Mei and Wu Nian came to Captain Li, Zhang Chao helped to carry the bloody team member, and the two ran away from the group of fierce ghosts together.

"Captain Li, let's cut off together and reduce the number of ghosts."

"it is good."

Captain Li nodded, he could reach the captain level, he could see what Zhang Mei was thinking, and quickly reminded:

"Be careful, there are four or five red-clothed ghosts inside the ghost."

The red-clothed ghost is comparable to a tiger guard.

Then he added:

"Be careful with the ghost with the kitchen knife in its chest. It's too strong. It's definitely not an ordinary red-clothed ghost. It appeared just now. With just one ghost, it killed one of my team members in front of our team. .”

Captain Li's eyes were red, full of anger and unwillingness, no one would feel bad if a teammate who had fought side by side for many years died.

next moment.

Zhang Mei and Wu Nian joined.

The three of them performed their respective ghost exorcism together.

"Xuanzong of Heaven and Earth, the root of ten thousand qi, I entrust the Taishang Laojun with an urgent order like a law, five thunder spells, imperial edict!"

"Money can turn ghosts around, go!"

Zhang Mei threw a copper coin sword made of copper coins.


Wu Nian held the Buddha string in his hand, and turned the beads, and the beads bloomed with dazzling Buddha light.

With the blessing of two tiger guards and a magic weapon, Wu Nian, who is comparable to tiger guards, performed the ghost exorcism together.


Buddha light, Dao light, and thunder light cover the road behind.

Faintly audible.

There were ghostly howls on the dirt road behind, obviously some ghosts were killed by them.

However, Wu Nian and the others still looked tense.

Don't even dare to stay for a while.

Seeing that the group of ferocious ghosts were stopped by them for a while, they hurriedly led the group away quickly.

It's not that they are cowardly.

It's just that they saw that after they released the ghost exorcism, the ghost with nine evils gathering yin did not stop at all, and faced the attack range of the three of them.

That brave move.

Either crazy.

Either the opponent is strong and not afraid of their ghost exorcism.

Don't even think about the answer, it must be the latter, that is the ghost that has successfully absorbed the Nine Evil Gathering Yin.

as predicted.

Not long after Zhang Mei and the others left.

On the road behind, the Nine Evil Gathering Yin Ghost went straight through the exorcism technique performed by the three of them, grinning in the direction Zhang Mei and the others were leaving, smiling grimly.

That look.

He was not angry at all because Zhang Mei and the others escaped.

on the contrary.

It seemed to be enjoying it, it didn't pay attention to Zhang Mei and the others at all, and enjoyed the teasing like cat and mouse.

"Can you escape?"

The Nine Evil Gathering Yin Ghost smiled grimly.

"In my ghost domain, where can I escape, who should I kill first..."

In its mind, the appearance of no thought appeared.

"Let's start with that monk."


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