Speaking of which.

Zhang Wei patted Wu Nian on the shoulder.

"Brother Wu Nian, does what I said make sense?"


"You said that these Bodhisattvas and Tathagatas cannot exorcise ghosts, and no Buddhist family uses these to cast down demons."

"That's because you don't need it."

Wu Nian frowned.

Folding his hands together, he replied:

"Donor Zhang Wei, what you said does make sense."

"Whether it's the City God or the Immortal, they condense the incense body, it doesn't happen overnight, it's not so easy to condense."

"Not to mention the Immortal Buddha."

"If it's just pure faith, in the eyes of the monk, it's not cohesive enough."

Although Zhang Wei spoke clearly and logically.

But after all.

Wu Nian did not believe his statement.

When Zhang Wei heard this, his pitch-black eyes were full of light, shining brightly.

"That's because you don't know how powerful sand sculpture netizens are. Don't underestimate the beliefs of sand sculpture netizens."

Zhang Chao also nodded.

He looked at Wu Nian seriously.

"Don't underestimate the second dimension, and don't underestimate the sand sculpture netizens. Their obsession, I believe that one day the paper man's wife will come back to life! Ula!"

at the same time.

Looking at Wu Nian, Zhang Wei fell into deep thought.

By chatting with Wu Nian about these.

It had an idea.

I thought about asking someone to help me, let him take the things I bless the system points to deal with the ghosts, let the ghosts get emotional, and see if I can get the system points.

Isn't now an opportunity!

A young eminent monk who has attained enlightenment calls out the Tathagata Armor of the Western Heaven, or Namo Gatling Bodhisattva, to deal with ghosts.

The ghost's emotional reaction must be very intense.


If you can really get system points, then you will definitely get a lot of system points.

Think about it.

Zhang Wei couldn't bear it anymore and interrupted Wu Nian's conversation with Zhang Chao.

"Well, since Brother Wu Nian doesn't believe it."

"As the saying goes, empty words are empty."

"Then let's do this, tomorrow I will give brother Wu Nian a picture of Namo Gatling Bodhisattva that I have been enshrining all the year round."

"Brother Wu Nian, take a chance and use it to drive away ghosts, how about it?"

"At that time, we will know whether there is Namo Gatling Bodhisattva."

After hearing this, Wu Nian was stunned for a while, revealing that she couldn't laugh or cry.

Think about it.

Finally nodded.

"Forget it, since the benefactor Zhang Wei said so, I'll try it sometime."

Not only Wu Nian was stunned.

Zhang Chao was also stunned.

Pulling Zhang Wei to his side, he whispered.

"I said Zhang Wei, have you been drawn into it by no thought, or are you impatient."

"There's no need to argue with Wu Nian, he's always been the best at debating. In the past, an eminent monk debated Buddhism with him but he didn't win."

"Not to mention that you still have to test whether Gatling Bodhisattva exists."

"How could there be Namo Gatling Bodhisattva? Isn't this the son of a hard-drawn cow, pure nonsense?"

"Later, I'll give you a step down to prevent you from being slapped in the face."

Zhang Wei smiled.

I am about to decline Zhang Chao's kindness.



It seems to have a feeling.

All three of Zhang Wei stopped in their tracks.

at this time.

They are located some distance away from the construction site, on a road.

Because the road is remote and it is midnight.

There were three people on the road except Zhang Wei.

No one else.

The surroundings seemed so quiet that when they stopped, you could hear their breathing if you listened carefully.


They didn't stop to hear their own breathing.

Instead, he looked towards the roadside grass not far ahead.

Borrow the dim light of street lamps.

faintly visible.

There was no wind shaking the grass, and there was a sparse sound, as if there was something there.

next second.

Under Zhang Wei's attention.

A short figure emerged from it, and its position was right at the edge where the dim light source couldn't see, making it hard to see its full shape, only a blurry figure could be seen.

The figure doesn't look very tall.

It's less than half a meter.

Although the figure is standing there straight, it seems to be wearing a black mandarin jacket, like a villain.

But that's not people.

Because of that human-like figure, there is a tail flicking behind it.

"It's interesting to meet Huang Pizi."

At this moment, Zhang Chao spoke, turned his head to Zhang Wei and Zhang Wei, and lowered his body so low that only the two could hear.

Zhang Wei and Wu Nian both nodded.

Although the figure was deliberately hidden from the light, Zhang Wei and the others recognized each other's identity at a glance.

It was a weasel.

In the Northeast, the locals call the weasel Huangpizi.

Just as Zhang Chao said his words.

Huang Pizi looked at Zhang Wei and the others.

A hoarse, human-like voice came out from his mouth.

"People in front, do you think I look like a human or a fairy?"

It's not loud.

But on this road in the dark night where no one is silent.

It echoed in the ears of Zhang Wei and the three of them, and they heard it clearly.

This scene is scary

On this road of no one's night.

A weasel is not only dressed in human clothes, but also speaks human words.

Be someone else.

Absolutely scream in fright and run away.

However, Zhang Wei and the others were calm and understood what was going on.

This is not a ghost encounter.


Encountered——Huang Pizi asked for a seal.

According to ancient classics, there are three dragon veins in the Xia Kingdom, and the Kunlun Mountains and Changbai Mountains in the northeast are exactly the Began Dragon, one of the three dragon veins, and they are also the dragon heads.

The land of dragon veins always gathers the aura of heaven and earth, not to mention the head of the dragon vein, where the aura of heaven and earth gathers, and the essence of the sun and the moon gathers. The animals here also benefit from this, and it is easy to obtain spirituality. .

This is why there are horse celestial beings in the Northeast.

Because it is easy for an animal to become a spirit, but to become an immortal, it is not enough to have the essence of the sun and the moon where the dragon veins gather the heaven and the earth.

After all, this world.

Talent is the true spiritual strength.

Therefore, animals that become spirits will choose people to worship them and obtain incense of merit and virtue. While people use animals to help them, animals also borrow the incense and incense offered by people, who are spiritually strong, to achieve positive results and become immortals.

And Huang Pizi asked for seal.

In fact, Huang Pizi reached a certain bottleneck in his cultivation and got stuck on the bottleneck.

to this end.

They found someone.

He wants to use the mouth of man, the leader of all spirits, to obtain titles and rewards, so as to overcome that hurdle.


Man is the leader of all spirits, and the words spoken by his mouth contain the luck of all spirits.

If people tell Huang Pizi that it is like a fairy, it is like blessing his body with the luck of all spirits in the dark, so that Huang Pizi can benefit from the luck of all spirits and change towards the luck of all spirits that the person said.


in the northeast.

Huang Pizi often appears and asks passers-by whether he looks like a human or a fairy.

If the answer is like a human.

Then Huang Pizi will receive the fate of all spirits, and he will only be an adult for the rest of his life. Once his Taoism is gone, he will be able to walk upright like a human from now on, but he will not become a fairy.

Huang Pizi will take revenge on this person, who made you abolish his hundreds of years of practice.

And if the answer is like Sin.

Then Huang Pizi will be canonized by the luck of all spirits, and he is expected to become a fairy.

But this is not necessarily a good thing for people.

Man is the leader of all spirits, once he opened his mouth to help him become a fairy, he secretly lent his own luck of all spirits to Huang Pizi, it would be fine if Huang Pizi could use his luck of all spirits to become a fairy.

Once Huang Pizi fails, he will not be able to become a fairy smoothly.

After all, human beings are the masters of all spirits, and it is true that they have the fortune of all spirits, but the amount of fortune of all spirits varies from person to person, depending on the merits and virtues accumulated in their past and present lives.

The same is true for Huang Pizi, the difficulty of becoming a fairy depends on the karmic retribution he has done.

Once the luck of all souls is not enough to make Huang Pizi become a fairy.

Except that it will attract Huang Pizi to retaliate.

What's more, because of the luck of all spirits in your body, you will be exhausted, at least you will end up with bad luck, and at worst, your life will be aggravated, and you will lose your children and grandchildren!

This is why it is often rumored in the Northeast that when Huang Pizi asks for a seal, people's expressions change.

And now...

The three of Zhang Wei also met the legendary Huang Pizi for the seal.


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