The little boy's eyes widened.

The little red riding hood beside him was eating deliciously, and blood was flowing down the corners of her pretty mouth, which made the little boy's head explode!

With a "swoosh", the little boy jumped up six or seven steps!

Looking at Little Red Riding Hood again, the little boy said in a trembling voice: "You...what are you doing? He is our companion!"

Little Red Riding Hood said vaguely: "Companions cannot be wasted, just to replenish my physical strength."

After saying this, Little Red Riding Hood stared at the little boy, with a different light in her eyes.

Little boy: "...I replenished Nima!!"

The little boy cursed and turned around and ran!

With his heart pounding, the little boy now had only one thought, that is, to return to Liu Feng!

"Little Red Riding Hood is crazy!"

"Old White must not have been killed by Case 111, Case 111 doesn't have that strength!"

"Old White must have been killed by Little Red Riding Hood!!"

"This crazy woman of mine is so unreliable, even worse than Old Black!"

The little boy's mind raced, but when he reached the fifth floor, he paused again.

"No, 924 can't go back there, I have to go in from Ward 111!"

The little boy didn't have time to think about it, and ran again!

Passing through the sixth, seventh, eighth, and ninth floors...

The little boy continued to climb up the stairs and soon reached the first floor!

"Brother Feng, save me!"

The little boy didn't care whether Liu Feng could hear him or not, and he shouted into the corridor as soon as he reached the first floor.

A familiar figure appeared in the little boy's sight again...

"Little Red Riding Hood!?"

The little boy stopped walking.

In front of the door of Ward 111, Little Red Riding Hood was standing there.

The only difference from before was that the head in Little Red Riding Hood's arms was gone, and the blood at the corner of her mouth was wiped clean.

The little boy didn't dare to get close, but warned sternly: "Brother Feng is right next to you! Don't mess around!"

Little Red Riding Hood couldn't help but look surprised when she heard the little boy's words: "Why am I messing around?"

The little boy backed away and said: "You ate Lao Bai's head, what are you messing around with?"

After saying this, the little boy added: "Try to touch me! Brother Feng can kill you with one slap!"

Little Red Riding Hood was even more surprised after hearing this, and said: "Lao Bai was killed by Case No. 111. I tried my best to escape here. When did I eat Lao Bai's head?"

The little boy looked at Little Red Riding Hood's surprised expression, and there was only one thought in his mind: "This woman is really crazy!"

The little boy kept backing away, trying to keep as much distance as possible from Little Red Riding Hood.

Then he bumped into someone behind him...

The little boy hurriedly looked back!


The little boy was stunned when he saw the person behind him.

Because the person he bumped into when he stepped back was not someone else, but Little Red Riding Hood holding the head of Bai Wuchang!

"Two Little Red Riding Hoods?"

The little boy was stunned!

At the same time, a voice came over——

Little Red Riding Hood in front of Ward 111 shouted: "Come here! The one behind you is Case 111! She has turned into my appearance!!"

The little boy came to his senses and ran to Ward 111 without thinking too much!

Little Red Riding Hood biting a human head is not a good person no matter how you look at it!

"It turns out that Little Red Riding Hood is not crazy, but Case 111 has turned into her appearance!"

The little boy finally knew the truth.

He said that Little Red Riding Hood is much more normal than Hei Wuchang, and has never shown signs of being evil. How could she do such a thing as biting her companion's head?

It turns out that it was all Case 111 who did it!

"Damn, is this case number 111 so scary?"

"Old White and Little Red Riding Hood not only failed to take him down, but he killed one of them!"

"Is this really case number 111?"

The little boy was terrified.

Fortunately, he didn't go looking for case number 111, otherwise Old White's fate would be his!

The little boy now hated his parents for not having two more legs, and he wanted to run to Little Red Riding Hood in an instant to get rid of case number 111 behind him!

However, a pale hand pressed his shoulder from behind...

The little boy didn't need to look back to know that it was case number 111 behind him who was holding him down!

The little boy immediately looked anxious and wanted to struggle desperately!

"Don't go over there!"

"She is the transformed case number 111!"

The voice of Little Red Riding Hood came from behind, which made the little boy stunned for a moment.

"At that time, Old White and I acted separately, and she turned into my appearance and deceived Old White."

"Old White was caught off guard and was successfully plotted by her!"

"Later, she turned into Old White and deceived me."

"If I wasn't smart, I would have ended up like Old White!"

The little red hat behind him continued to explain.

The little boy who wanted to struggle suddenly became quiet!

One second, two seconds, three seconds...

Seeing that the little red hat holding Old White's head behind him never meant to hurt him.

The little boy couldn't help but hesitate.

If the little red hat behind him was fake, then now that he was caught, there was no need to explain so much!

Wouldn't it be enough to just kill him?

For a moment, the little boy couldn't help but look at the door of Ward 111 and observe the other "Little Red Riding Hood".

After a careful look, the little boy didn't find anything unusual, but he felt an indescribable sense of weirdness.

Looks exactly like Little Red Riding Hood, and has the same demeanor and behavior...

"Which one is real?"

The little boy was confused.

"If what's behind me is true, she did bite the head of Old White!"

"But if she is case 111, why didn't she attack me?"

The little boy couldn't figure it out.



The little boy suddenly found something wrong!

Although Little Red Riding Hood in front of her didn't look abnormal, the absence of abnormality was the biggest abnormality!

"How could Little Red Riding Hood be so calm when facing case 111 who was biting Old White's head!"

"Her expression shouldn't be so calm..."

"Especially when I was caught by case 111, she should be furious!"

"Her correct reaction is either to rush over to save me or to open ward 111 and ask Brother Feng for help!"

"It's impossible for her to stand there motionless like now!"

The little boy subconsciously took a step back when he thought of this.

Seeing this, Little Red Riding Hood at the door of the ward couldn't help but say in a deep voice: "Don't be bewitched by her! Do you want to be eaten by her too?"

The little boy thought of Bai Wuchang's head and couldn't help but touch his neck.

Goose bumps appeared on his body layer by layer, and the little boy really didn't know who to choose...

Turning back to look at Little Red Riding Hood behind him, the little boy said calmly:

"Explain to me again, why do you want to eat Lao Bai's head?"

"He is our companion!"

"Now he is dead, why don't you even let his body go?"

Little Red Riding Hood explained: "Case 111 is stronger than we thought! I can't beat her, so I can only increase my strength by eating human heads!"

The little boy immediately asked back: "Then why don't you eat others? Do you have to eat Lao Bai?"

Little Red Riding Hood: "There is only Lao Bai's body around me, and I don't have time to eat others."

The little boy stared at Little Red Riding Hood for a while, and finally quickly retreated behind Little Red Riding Hood.

Look at the figure in front of ward 111 again...

If case 111 is really as scary as Little Red Riding Hood said.

The little boy said solemnly: "She is guarding the door! She won't let us go in for help! Little Red Riding Hood, think of a way to notify Brother Feng to come out to help us!"

Little Red Riding Hood didn't respond immediately, but continued to gnaw on Bai Wuchang's head.

The little boy saw it, although he knew that Little Red Riding Hood was doing this to strengthen her strength.

But the familiar companions gnawing on each other still made the little boy feel a strong physical discomfort!

Little Red Riding Hood at the door of the ward shouted loudly: "Come here quickly! Don't stay with her! She is the one pretending to be case 111!"

The little boy was unmoved.

Since he chose to believe the people around him, he would not be deceived again!


Little Red Riding Hood finished gnawing on Bai Wuchang's head and threw it on the ground.

After wiping the blood from the corner of her mouth, the breath of Little Red Riding Hood was much stronger.

Seeing this, the little boy rubbed his hands and said: "Let's go together. Even if we can't take her down, we must try to get into Ward 111!"

Little Red Riding Hood said "hmm" and looked down at the little boy next to her.

With a strange smile, Little Red Riding Hood said in a sinister tone: "One head is not enough, bring your head here!"

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