The old man was very angry, but he was very angry.

When Hei Wuchang heard what the little boy said, he could not help but slowly typed a question mark in his mind.

Is he begging for him?

Why does he feel something is wrong!

The audience in the live broadcast room was also stunned!

[Good guy! Accurate finishing blow! ]

[I thought he really wanted to beg for Lao Hei! ]

[Little boy: Begging? ? I just want him to die quickly! ! ! ]

[Hahaha, it seems that the child is not stupid at all. ]

[If this old black guy lives on, I'm afraid the child will not be able to live! ]

The second live broadcast site.

The actor pretending to be a ghost was embarrassed!

He just said that the little boy repays evil with kindness, but the little boy came to finish the knife directly!

Actors pretending to be ghosts: "... Damn, I have to kill him now!"

On the show.

Xiao Qi couldn't help showing a satisfied look after hearing what the little boy said.

Looking at Hei Wu Chang again, Xiao Qi showed a weird smile: "It seems that everyone agrees. The team is restless because of you."

Hei Wu Chang: "???"

Hei Wu Chang: "Fuck! Who the hell did I offend? I work the most, so I have to die first?"

Hei Wu Chang pointed to the extinguished candles at his feet and emphasized: "If it weren't for me, these candles would still be lit! Xiao Qi, you can't cross the river and burn the bridge!"

Xiao Qi was too lazy to talk nonsense, and his black hair directly wrapped around Hei Wu Chang's neck!

Hei Wu Chang was shocked!

Subconsciously, he wanted to call for help, but his throat was tightly wrapped, and Hei Wu Chang couldn't make a sound!

Live broadcast room——

[Old Black: Die, die, die, die! ]

[Ahem, rest in peace. ]

[What a pity, he died in the hospital, we can't sell his coffin...]

[Old Black: I'll sell your mother!!!]

[Hhh, brothers who sell coffins, don't go too far, be careful that Old Black will come after you after he dies! ]

On the show.

Just when Hei Wuchang was about to faint, Liu Feng's voice came over-

"Stop it!"

"Come and see who's in the last corner?"

Hei Wuchang felt his neck loosen, and then he took a big breath of fresh air!

The little boy secretly said "what a pity", he was just a little bit away from killing Hei Wuchang!

Seeing Hei Wuchang's resentful look, the little boy quickly ran to Liu Feng's side!

He glanced at the candle lit in the last corner...

The little boy asked curiously: "Brother Feng, is there no door here?"

Liu Feng shook his head.

Seeing this, the little boy couldn't help but stretch out his hand and feel forward.

Soon Xiao Qi and Hei Wu Chang also came.

Both of them stretched out their hands and felt, but they couldn't touch the door at all!

Hei Wu Chang couldn't help but mutter: "There is no door, and the candle won't go out... What is this last corner?"

Xiao Qi frowned and didn't speak.

She knew what the last corner was.

But what she didn't expect was that there was no door where there should be a door!

If the last door can't be found...

"Is there something missing?"

"Why didn't her door appear?"

Xiao Qi muttered in his heart.

Several people stood at the last corner of the pentagram, and they didn't have any ideas for a while.

Later, Hei Wu Chang even lay down and blew air at the candle on the ground!

As a result, no matter how hard he blew, the candle on the ground was still lit...

The little boy couldn't bear it anymore and said, "Stop blowing! It's useless!"

Hei Wuchang said unhappily, "Then what do you say we should do?"

Little boy: "We have to figure out who this last corner represents first!"

Hei Wuchang climbed up and thought for a while and said, "It should be Little Red Riding Hood's sister, right? She led us all the way here, and it's time for her to show up."

Xiao Qi nodded and said, "It's indeed her sister. Her sister is not dead, so the candle can't be extinguished."

The little boy rolled his eyes and said, "If we can't find Little Red Riding Hood's sister, we can't use her sister's blood... What if we use Little Red Riding Hood's blood?"

Hei Wuchang and Xiao Qi were stunned when they heard this!

They really haven't thought about this aspect!

Xiao Qi came back to his senses and couldn't help muttering, "She looks a lot like her sister. If they are twins, maybe it will work!"

Hei Wuchang: "...but she's not here!"

Hei Wuchang looked back as he spoke.

There were only a few candles left to lead the way behind them...

Not to mention letting Little Red Riding Hood come over, even whether they could return the same way was still an unknown!

Hei Wuchang couldn't help but complain: "I should have let her follow us earlier.

, Case No. 111, Lao Bai can handle it alone!"

The little boy was unhappy when he heard it, "Isn't it you who are fighting for it? Let me catch Case No. 111 earlier, there won't be so many troubles!"

Hei Wuchang's face turned black, and he said angrily: "Little brat, who are you teaching a lesson to? Believe it or not, I will beat your ass!"

The little boy hid behind Liu Feng, looking at Hei Wuchang with a fierce face, and said fearlessly:

"That's right!"

"You guys are fighting for Case No. 111, aren't you ashamed!"

"Do you need to fight for that little role?"

"It's because you are afraid that you will die if you follow Brother Feng, and you all want to find a chance to run away, so you are looking forward to acting alone! "

The little boy is getting more and more exaggerated!

Hei Wuchang's nose is crooked with anger!

Live broadcast room——

[Oh my god, this little guy is really venomous!]

[Old Black: You can't say this on TV!]

[Hahaha, although Old Black does want to run, you can't say it openly!]

[Little boy: This Old Black is the bane of the team, Sister Xiaoqi is going to kill him!]

[Hahahaha, Old Black is really sweating profusely now!]

On the show.

Hei Wuchang looked at the little boy behind Liu Feng and really wanted to slap him to death!

Seeing this, Liu Feng taught him a lesson: "It's time to fight among yourselves! Now the most urgent thing is to bring Little Red Riding Hood here!"

As Liu Feng finished speaking, Hei Wuchang and the little boy could only look at each other and temporarily put aside the argument.

Hei Wuchang said with a smile: "Brother Feng, how do you say we can bring Little Red Riding Hood here? It seems we can't go back..."

Hei Wuchang said, glancing at the way we came.

The tortuous road made it impossible for him to return to the original road at all!

The little boy said with disdain: "Just because you can't go back doesn't mean Brother Feng can't go back! You can't remember the way back, can't Brother Feng remember it either?"

Hei Wuchang was a little unhappy with the little boy's expression, but the boy's words reminded him!

Slapping his forehead, Hei Wuchang said in surprise and joy: "Yes! Brother Feng has great magical powers, he must remember the way back!"

Hei Wuchang looked at Liu Feng expectantly...

Liu Feng's face darkened and he said: "Such a long road, only ghosts can remember!"

Xiao Qi, who had been silent, said: "...I remember."

Several people looked at Xiao Qi.

Liu Feng was surprised and said: "Your memory is so good?"

Xiao Qi shook his head and replied: "I used the doll's blood to mark the way I walked."

Liu Feng: "?"

Little boy: "? ? ”

Hei Wuchang: “? ? ? Fuck!”

The audience in the live broadcast room were also shocked!

[Fuck! Am I hallucinating!?]

[The blood of the puppet…]

[The puppet that Xiaoqi is holding is a young man who cultivates immortals, right?]

[I have come such a long way, I must have bled dry!?]

[Young man who cultivates immortals: Save me, save me, save me!]

[What else can I save! The corpse stinks!!]

[Fortunately, Xiao Zhang is not in Xiaoqi’s hands, otherwise the feast would have started now!]

[Lao Hei: I said I am a good person, but you still don’t believe me… Now you know who is the kindest, right?]

On the show.

Xiaoqi continued: “Are you waiting here, or are you going back with me and bringing Little Red Riding Hood?”

Hei Wuchang and the little boy said in unison without thinking: “I will go back with you! "

Xiao Qi nodded.

However, Liu Feng objected: "There is no need to go back the same way, you are too tired."

Xiao Qi was surprised and said: "Do you have any other way to contact her?"

Liu Feng: "No."

Xiao Qi: "...What do you mean? ? ? "

Hei Wuchang and the little boy also looked at Liu Feng, their eyes full of confusion.

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