The show was a big success, but the audience was shocked.

"Hello, audience friends, this is the show "Street Ghost Scare People"."

"I am the host and actor, Zhang Hao."

"New friends may not know the situation, let me explain it briefly."

"This show scares passers-by by pretending to be ghosts and tests their reactions."

"The result is similar to what everyone thinks, most passers-by are scared to death!"

"But this time it's different."

"Our program team met a real master!"

"A living god who disguised himself as a takeaway man and experienced life in the secular world!"

"He didn't know that the ghost was pretending, He only wanted to get rid of the evil spirits."

"First he used the evil-killing talisman, and then he performed a ritual to invite the Black and White Impermanence!"

"Now he got the branches of the thousand-year-old willow tree and killed seven female ghosts nearby!"

"I witnessed the whole process. The master's methods are really unpredictable!"

"And now!"

"The scene you see does not mean that the master is crazy."

"It's that this willow tree has become a spirit, so the master used the willow branches to beat him!"

"The master didn't beat the tree, but the demon!"

"Can the master get rid of this thousand-year-old tree demon?"

"Let's wait and see... Shit!"

Zhang Hao suddenly couldn't continue.

Around this willow tree, there are more evil spirits!

At a glance, there are more than a dozen!

"Master, please forgive others when you can."

"I am devoted to Buddhism and have no intention of harming others."

"I hope Master will spare me!"

"I will give you that willow branch as a gift."

A voice came from inside the willow tree.

A dozen evil spirits looked fierce and prepared to fight to the death!


Liu Feng stopped when he saw that things were going well.

He now understood that it was the tree demon that was causing trouble when it was so difficult to find willow branches!

There were thousands of willow branches, but only one of them had divine power!

The tree demon had been moving that willow branch.

Until he pulled out all the willow branches and there was no place for that willow branch to hide.

He finally succeeded.

But this tree demon was indeed a Buddhist.

After thousands of years of practice, he didn't fight back even when he was beaten like that.

It can be seen that he really had a heart devoted to Buddhism.

It's just...

"There are so many evil spirits around you, which doesn't seem to match your devotion to Buddhism!"

Liu Feng swung the willow branches, wondering whether to catch all these evil spirits.

"There is a lot of yin energy around me, which will naturally attract evil spirits."

"I want to help them to be reborn in the Pure Land with my devotion to Buddhism."

"Although the effect is minimal, there are always successful cases."

"I am willing to keep trying."

"Of course, if the Heavenly Master wants to take action, I will not stop him."

"All this is their fate..."


The tree demon expressed his own ideas.

The evil spirits around him became more ferocious, as if warning Liu Feng not to mess around!

"I see..."

Liu Feng nodded.

"What about the female ghost having an affair with the monk in this temple?"

As soon as Liu Feng finished speaking, the tree demon couldn't help laughing.

"How can a monk be called a monk if he breaks the vow of chastity?"

"They are just a bunch of ordinary people, not real monks."

"This temple is not a real temple either, it is just a place for ordinary people to make money."

"Monks and female ghosts, believers and monks..."

"They are willing to fight and be beaten."

"As long as no one dies, I will not interfere."

While the tree demon was speaking, willow branches began to emerge from his body.

In just ten seconds, it returned to its original lush appearance!

However, the willow branch with divine power is gone.

It will take at least several years of recovery before it can sprout again.

And to reach the level of the willow branch in Liu Feng's hand, it will take at least hundreds of years!

This willow branch can be said to be a magic weapon naturally derived from the tree demon's practice.

Although it is precious, it does not affect its Taoism if it is lost.

It is just a lack of a handy "weapon".

So seeing that Liu Feng was determined not to return it, the tree demon had no intention of continuing to ask for it.

The tree demon didn't want to quarrel with anyone, especially when the other party was a heavenly master!

"I'll borrow the willow branches for a while and return them to you another day."

Liu Feng said perfunctorily.

Turning around and taking the stunned Zhang Hao with him, Liu Feng walked out of the temple gate.

The audience in the live broadcast room finally came to their senses!

[Wow, there are really monsters!!!]

[So many ghosts... Is this a live broadcast room in the underworld?]

[You said the show was a lie before? Keep shouting! ]

[I was wrong, I shouldn't have doubted the master, this is a real god! ]

[The master can easily draw a thousand-year-old tree demon, his Taoism is amazing! ]

[My master in society is ruthless and doesn't talk much, he just kills ghosts! ]

[After killing seven ghosts at once, the master finally came out of his autism! ]

[Autism? How can such a great person be autistic? ? ]

[Of course! Because the program group is too mean, hahaha...]

[That... I have a question. ]

[Since the master is so powerful, why can't he find out that the ghosts of the program group are fake? ]

[Yes! Why can't the master find out? ]

[Master Zhang should know, let Master Zhang explain it! ]

The second live broadcast site.

The director looked at the questions in the barrage and couldn't help but look at Zhang Suihan.

Now the old Taoist priest is still recalling the scene just now.

He muttered something like there really is a thousand-year-old tree demon, and his life was worth it.

"Master Zhang, Master Zhang?"

The director interrupted Zhang Sui Han's recollection, which made Zhang Sui Han a little unhappy.

"Master Zhang, everyone is asking why the master can't find out that the staff is a fake ghost?"

"Can you tell me the reason?"

Zhang Sui Han rolled his eyes when he heard this.

He had already told the director once before, but he didn't expect to have to explain it a second time.

"To see through the true form of the ghost, you need the third eye!"

"Although this master is powerful, he is still young after all."

"Without cultivating the third eye, he cannot distinguish between humans, demons, and ghosts."

"Although there are some auxiliary means..."

"But it's not necessary."

"The ghosts in your program are too realistic!"

"The master thought it was a real ghost at first glance!"

"He has no doubt at all, so he won't waste energy to verify it."

"Unless your actors reveal their flaws themselves."

"Only when the master becomes suspicious will he have the intention to verify the authenticity."

"But from the current point of view, your actors are very dedicated."

"Anyway, if I were the master, I wouldn't be suspicious!"

Zhang Suihan answered the audience's doubts.

The director showed a look of sudden realization!

"I understand!"

"Just like the seven female ghosts, the master went up and killed them!"

"In less than thirty seconds, the seven female ghosts were scared to death!"

"Before that, do you think it is necessary for the master to verify the authenticity of these female ghosts?"

"Absolutely not necessary!"

"Just do it!"

The director said it very bluntly.

The barrage immediately set the rhythm, madly insulting his behavior of inserting advertisements!

But what the director, Zhang Suihan and the audience don't know is.

Liu Feng is just an ordinary person.

Even if he wants to verify the authenticity of the actor pretending to be a ghost, he can't verify it!

"Dear audience, the actors pretending to be ghosts in our program group are ready in the parking lot at the foot of the mountain."

"The third battle between the master and the evil ghost is coming soon!"

"What do you think this time..."

"Can the master get rid of the ghost successfully?"

The director smiled slightly and immediately diverted the firepower of the barrage!

[What the hell? The actor pretending to be a ghost is here? ? ? ]

[How dare he! The master just killed seven ghosts! ]

[He is not still riding the master's electric car, is he? ]

[? ? Don't do it! The master will kill people if he sees it! ]

[Hahaha, the master saw his own electric car in Nanjiang and was so angry that he vomited blood! ]

[This tells us a truth, cars and wives are not allowed to be lent out, you don't know how others will ride them! ]

[The brother above has a story, please chat privately! ]

[Don't do it, the program team! The master is murderous now, and someone will die! ]

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