Leo felt he could explain.

First, it's not an inflatable doll. He knew what an inflatable doll was, and Xueba liked the museum. When Leo was a student, he rarely went out, but when he went out, he went to the museum. Inflatable doll is the originator of the robot who loves robots. It is simple and rough, and it is incomparable with the current technology.

Then, although he never associates with others, he also goes to some forums and communicates with others online. As far as he knows, single adult men with one to several dolls in the bedroom are really normal things and should not be surprising.

Thirdly, even if he does not associate with others, he knows the minimum etiquette. So he didn't blame him at all, all blame her for casually entering the absolute field of single men.

Fourth, this cannot be said. The idiot of the system, he said that all the small movies are packaged and encrypted. This idiot does not know how to extend the concept extension to package and encrypt the monitoring records in the bedroom! I can't believe he created such a stupid system.

Although Leo's mind flashed so many thoughts quickly, in fact his body was stiff, and even his neck became red, not to mention the explanation, he couldn't put out a fart.

At this moment, three "Han Yanyan" came around, or surrounded him tenderly or jokingly. Those who held their arms and pulled their arms would pull him to the bed. Leo usually returns to his absolute field and naturally enjoys this treatment.

But now Han Yanyan is standing there with a smile and watching!

Leo felt a volcano in his body and it was about to erupt.

"Off, close!" With his command, the three "Han Yanyan" who yanked at him suddenly seemed to be motionless as if he had been immobilized.

"System! Let's get rid of them!" Leo blushed and ordered thickly, "Hurry up!"

The hatch opened, and a robot came in immediately, lifting the three dolls away.

"Master, what do you do?" The system asked indifferently.

Leo waited to format it.

"Destroy!" He shouted angrily, "The furnace is destroyed!"

"Observe." The system answered meticulously.

Hurry up and disappear for me.

As soon as the hatch was closed, Han Yanyan and Leo remained in the room. Without Yingying Yanyan, she calmed down.

Han Yanyan looked intently at Leo and took a step towards him.

Leo took a step back.

Han Yanyan raised his eyebrows and took another step.

Leo took another step back.

After a few steps, Leo's back was pasted against the wall, and he was back. Fortunately, Han Yanyan stood still and did not move on. But she held out a hand to Leo.

Leo watched in horror as she stretched out her hands, pressed her arms tightly against the wall, and affixed herself with a capital "m" on the wall.

Han Yanyan's hand reached three centimeters next to Leo's cheek, and he stopped suddenly, poking him with a finger.

Leo shook as usual, but fortunately these days he got used to Han Yanyan's approach and did not show any ugliness.

Han Yanyan looked at him for a while, and was very sure: "Virgin."

Was found! Leo's entire face was like a big red cloth.

Han Yanyan closed his hand and looked at him holding his chest: "You live alone, but you have the money, the technology, and the ability. Even if you can recruit women, you can afford senior girls, not to mention you can abduct casually People come to your boat ... "

"I always thought you were just social terror, but you are a dozen years old or a virgin?" Han Yanyan sighed. "Leo, you are a scared girl."

Leo's complexion turned from red to blue.

"The distortion of personality is mostly due to childhood shadows. Who has hurt you?" Han Yanyan stared at his eyes. "Mother? Sister? First love?"

Han Yanyan knew the answer decades ago, but pretended to see the pain deep in his soul through his eyes, and sighed: "It was the mother? She, did she hurt you?"

Leo squeezed her lips tightly, her face pale and refused to answer. Refuse to recall the pain, sadness and depression of the past.

"After all, she was the one who gave birth to you ..." Han Yanyan seemed to be soothing and stabbed him in his heart.

Leo's eyes suddenly sharpened.

"She's a female watch!" He said sharply, "She was abandoned and misplaced by herself, and she punished me for all her mistakes! She's a waste! An inferior gene that does nothing!"

Han Yanyan pressed his finger on his lips.

"Shh--" she leaned close to him, and whispered, "Don't say that, she's your mother, gave birth to you, and raised you."

Leo sealed her lips, her eyes filled with resentment.

Han Yanyan leaned close to his face, took a deep breath, snatched his air, and made him feel breathing hard.

"You have become like this, is there anyone other than her ... who is gentle to you?" She asked.

Leo's eyes clearly answered, no.

Han Yanyan looked at the young man with pity, rubbed his lips with his fingertips, and asked, "So ... I'll try?"

She leaned over and wiped his lips lightly. Like a spring breeze, gentle.

Leo trembled, losing all strength. Strictly speaking, if you don't count the figures in the doll and the world, this is his first kiss. Throughout his life, he was looking forward to being treated so tenderly by a woman.

He finally waited.

Han Yanyan touched the button of his shirt, Leo closed his eyes, waiting for the happiness that could not have been imagined to come to him.

Unbuttoned one, two, three, then stopped. Han Yanyan suddenly separated from his close body. Leo waited for a moment and opened his eyes.

The gentle atmosphere disappeared. Han Yanyan held his chin and looked at him strangely.

Leo bowed his head, his shirt was open, and two round pieces of soft metal were attached to his left and right chests. One piece on one side, very symmetrical, looks like a perverted transvestite.

"Emmmmmmm ..." Han Yanyan rubbed his chin and said entangledly, "I may want to get out of the way, you still want the system to send the baby back."

Having said that, she hurried forward and turned away.

no no! It's not what you think! Leo's heart collapsed and mad, shouting silently!

Back, back! Well, things are ...

Invisible armor! found it! Han Yanyan walked quickly, thinking to himself, it was personal.

She had observed long ago that Leo wasn't wearing any of the usual wearable devices like rings, bracelets, necklaces and even earrings. She had been worried that his stealth armor was buried subcutaneously. If it were that, she would have no choice.

Fortunately, it is sticky.

She had every confidence to let a man take off his clothes. Now, she is going to try to let a man take off his armor automatically.

Han Yanyan walked through a corridor with portholes and stopped to look out.

The warship of the Duke of Clinton was icy luster, suffocating dangerously. She has been resting for seven or eight days. How much time can the man in white give her?

Han Yanyan stood by the porthole and rubbed his lips with his thumb.

At breakfast the next day, Leo was dispirited with obvious dark circles. He ducked Han Yanyan's gaze and was afraid to look at him.

Han Yanyan was full, wiped his mouth, sat upright, and said, "I'm ready."

"Ah?" Leo didn't respond.

Han Yanyan said calmly, "I'm ready to go back to the sleeping cabin."

It seemed that a layer of warm and hazy veil was torn open, and the true relationship between the two people was revealed.

Leo held the spoon and choked up and said nothing.

After a moment of silence, he asked, "Why do you want to go back yourself?"

"Sooner or later." Han Yanyan picked up the black tea and blew the smoke from it. "The difference is nothing more, just go back, or ... before you sleep and go back."

Leo's face turned blue and white. Want to justify, can't justify. He obtained the opportunity to get along with Han Yanyan alone from the attendant. What was it for? Even if he didn't want to admit it, he knew it.

"Except for the bridge and the arsenal, I have turned almost all the places where the spacecraft has been traveling. Do you know what I have come to?" Han Yanyan said with a tea. You wo n’t be able to escape the battleships outside of you. This is the reality, I see. ”

She was holding a tea cup and dreamed: "That Duke Klin is really difficult. But at the time, Yao Chen was still a little useful? Could you save some energy and copy the world directly? I will go in again?"

do it again? Did you try your best to seduce Yao Chen again?

Leo remembered those clips that were secretly replayed in the bedroom. At that time, Xiang Yan was exciting and evocative. But now ... thinking of Han Yanyan returning to the dormant cabin to enter the "world", he would have to linger or be passionate with another man. Although it was fake and virtual, Leo still felt a sense of irritability in his mind. Rush.

He snapped the tableware on the table, and said muffled, "Can't you do something else? You're not a woman! You have to seduce a man with a flutter!"

Han Yanyan sneered, opened the chair and turned away.

Walking into the corridor, Leo chased after him, and in a desperate situation, the patient of feminism caught Han Yanyan's wrist.

"I, I didn't mean that," he flushed, explaining.

"I was originally a person who lived on my own labor. I made money to buy a house and provide a house, and everything depended on my own hands and mind." Han Yanyan sneered. "If you think I'm like a woman, think of who I am. Pushed me into such a situation. "

Leo's face became hard to look at.

Han Yanyan broke his hand and turned to leave. Leo gritted her teeth and caught her wrist again.

"I ..." he said, "Duke Kling's order must be resolved, and I can't help it. But after solving him ... I, I ..."

To overcome the tension, he raised his chin and said high above, "I allow you to live with me later."

Unfortunately, Han Yanyan was not as surprised as he expected, thankful.

She sneered: "I don't care whether you want to propose or to please, I hope you can learn to talk first. If you don't know how to learn, I suggest you to watch the drama" 10,000 Proposals " . "

"But if you please ..." Han Yanyan drew back his hand. "I'm really not interested in transvestite metamorphosis. You can continue to play with your baby."

She turned and left, leaving Leo with red ears on the ground: "I, I am not ..."

Han Yanyan did not show up at lunch, and so did dinner. She had dinner in her room, waiting for the robot to clean up and leave. She asked the system: "What is he doing?"

"After watching Ten Thousand and One Proposal, I haven't done anything now," said the system.

In other words, in a daze.

Han Yanyan said, "If he comes to me, please tell me in advance."

The system did not respond to him.

Han Yanyan asked: "Why doesn't he forbid you to tell me his whereabouts? Isn't this bad for him?"

The system was silent for a long time, saying, "The higher probability is that he wouldn't expect anyone to care about where he is and what he is doing. He is by the side of him, like air."

At about midnight, Leo finally made up his mind and walked to the door of Han Yanyan's room.

"She, what is she doing?" He asked.

The system responds: "I'm lying in bed."

"Is there a weapon?" Leo finally warned.

The system scanned it: "No weapon held."

Leo took it easy, took a deep breath, and prepared the system to open the door. But he suddenly remembered something, hesitated for a moment, didn't break in, and knocked at the door like a normal person.

After he knocked a second time, Han Yanyan came over and opened the door.

There was no light in the room and it was a little dark. Han Yanyan was wearing a thin silk nightdress by the door.

"What are you doing?" She asked lazily, "Isn't it going to send me back now?"

Leo covered her nose and tried to block back a nasal spray. He looked so stupid that Han Yanyan couldn't help rolling his eyes.

She put her hand on her forehead, covering the light in the hallway, and said, "Come in, dazzle."

The hatch was closed and the room was gloomy. The light of a distant star shot obliquely into the porthole and fell to the end of the bed, becoming the only light source.

"Say, what is it?" Han Yanyan asked, holding his arm. This action made her Moon-Hungarian look fuller.

Leo was afraid that he would be ugly again, and he dared to look at the floor. After brewing for a long time, he finally spoke.

"When I was a kid, the person who gave birth to me often hit me with my hands, with my shoes, with a stick and a belt. Once she was drunk and almost strangled me. I ... I was scared of women since I was young , Always feel that women are, and are, terrible creatures. "

"I only liked one girl later. But I didn't dare talk to her, so I just dared to secretly put the best nutrition in her cabinet and give it to her. But she saw my roommate was drinking too It ’s the same, thought he sent it, and the two of them were together. "

"I thought I liked her, but I didn't dare talk to her, let alone touch her."

"You ... only you are different."

Leo looked up and looked at Han Yanyan's eyes.

"I, I often dream about having **** with you."

"I dare touch you, especially want to touch you."

"You're different to me ... I'm ninety-two years old, and I'll probably live 300 years."

"I ... Han Yanyan!" Leo Parker gathered his courage. "For the next 300 years, you ... would you like to spend every day with me?"

Han Yanyan laughed. This is the first line of proposal from a male lead to a female lead in "One Thousand and One Proposals". Although Leo plagiarizes, he can be said to be human.

"Then ... do you want to propose or please?" She laughed.

Leo blushed, lowered his head, and whispered, "All ..."

Han Yanyan looked at him with his lips pursed, and frowned, "Don't you wear that lingerie now?"

Leohoe looked up and blushed and said, "No! Then, that's not ..."

He didn't finish talking, the woman's soft and fragrant lips wiped his lips like petals, his voice stopped abruptly, and people froze.

Han Yanyan smiled, got close to him, and kissed him again, but suddenly he paused: "Your system is still being monitored?"

"It, it's just a program."

Han Yanyan pulled back: "It can talk, it can watch, it can also record."

Leo was in a hurry and called: "System! Turn off monitoring!"

The system replied, "Yes, master." Then it was silent.

Han Yanyan smiled, kissed him gently, and looked at him for a while. Leo was tense, with no intention of initiative. Wanting to be touched is already a challenge for this woman with phobias.

Han Yanyan sighed, holding his hand to pull him to the end of the bed, and gently pushed Leo, who was already weak, to the bed.

Leo was shaking with nervousness. He looked up, and Han Yanyan stood in the light at the end of the bed, gently flicking the thin band, and the silk nightdress slid off the floor. The stellar light illuminated her body as if to shine. She looked at Leo, leaned over with a smile, and took off her last clothes.

Leo was dazzled by the light she shone. He lay down with his head up, panting heavily, waiting nervously for happiness to come.

He didn't know that when Han Yanyan leaned down to remove his final clothes, **** reached into his body, gripped a thin but sharp glass, and slowly pulled it out.

Han Yanyan woke up in this room and broke a mirror. After Leo left, she crawled over and hid the slender, sharp glass before the robot took away all the glass slag.

She never dared to touch the glass until she was 100% sure. This was her last weapon.

Han Yanyan stood up. There was blood on the glass and she held it in her hand.

Studying you for decades ... You have your suffering, you have your sorrow. I know your pain in childhood.

But this cannot be your reason to imprison me, enslave me, and torture me.

How much did I die before, how much did I go crazy? Can you count?

You let me go, not because I'm alone, but because I'm a woman. Because I happen to satisfy your sex, your emotions. And after me, there will still be people like me, lying in that glass coffin, cold and helpless, until they are crazy, right?

Han Yanyan climbed up.

Leo opened his eyes excitedly.

Han Yanyan smiled charmingly at him, leaning down and kissing his lips.

You should not sleep that night. Do you think I'm still Ding Yao and Yao Chen? Do you think that for freedom and better treatment, I will be willing to exchange for the price.

You really shouldn't miss my last world. You don't know what kind of person Donck Bernat made me.

Han Yanyan's lips fell on Leo's lips, and the sharp glass in her hand penetrated into his carotid artery.

Blood splashed on the wall like a high-pressure gun.

Leo's eyes were round and convex, unbelievable.

Leo, what if I die in the world?

You give me good! If you dare to die, I will let you die!

Leo turned into a white light and died. Han Yanyan's pupils shrank!

In the end, he was deceived!

Here! It's still "the world"! !! !!

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