The taste of each bite is different. It's really different from the cooking machine. This is ... belongs to a woman.

Leo was a little dazed.

Han Yanyan raised his eyes and gave him a glance, and laughed: "Why is this such a big man ..." She shook her head with a smile.

Leo quickly wiped with a napkin, only to find food and soup on his mouth. He could not help turning his face flushed.

In fact, he was taught etiquette when he was young, and most of them were roared by his mother. But his mother actually didn't have much control over his mind. Most of them just watched him eat up, and his irritable temper broke out again.

Later he became rich in technology, owned his own ship, and left human society to live in isolation. Had it not been for the servant officer to bring the fleet directly to death this time, he would not have face to face with other living humans for decades.

Alone, naturally you can eat whatever you want. Who can see if he has elegant table manners.

Laughed by Han Yanyan, Leo's face became flushed. When he was hesitant to get angry and angry, Han Yanyan suddenly took a napkin and wiped his cheek: "Don't move ..."

She rubbed softly, every time it seemed to touch the bottom of Leo's heart.

Annoyance can't be annoyed, anger disappears, and the rest is only ashamed. Han Yanyan clearly saw that every time she touched him, he shook.

What the **** is this?

Han Yanyan was silent for a while, loosening his hands, dropping the napkin, and directly touching Leo's face with his hands. Leo watched her hand stretched out in horror, but his body was stiff and unable to move, because she touched her face.

Han Yanyan watched Leo shake a few times with an electric shock, and then ... she smelled a smell that was unique to men.

Leo ran away. But the faint smell was still in the air.

Rao is a woman like Han Yanyan, but she doesn't know what to say.

Leo said he was three times her age. A hundred-year-old virgin, maybe the reaction is bigger, right? But when she violently attacked him on the first day, the area of ​​skin contact was larger, and she was even fruit. Why didn't she see any reaction?

Han Yanyan looked at the dishes on the table ... This is really true.

Leo was ugly in front of Han Yanyan, anxious to die immediately, never to see Han Yanyan again.

No woman has ever touched him like this!

Since he remembered, his mother barely held him, she hit him more often. The pain in the stockings tied to his hands and feet, and the pain of the belt pulling on Chigo's body, occupied most of his memory.

No need to mention girls in school. Even a female teacher who was very gentle to him, he happened to hear her feelings with other teachers: "Leo Parker is really a clever boy. Unfortunately, he looks somber and people do n’t want it near."

Han Yanyan was the first woman in his life to touch him so gently. When her fingertips touched his cheek, she was careful, as if he was very fragile.

Never, never before.

He really didn't mean to be ugly in front of her! It was such a sense of electric current that he couldn't control it.

Leo Parker felt utterly ruthless, and he never wanted to see Han Yanyan again!

However, as he tumbled on the bed like a fried fish, the alarm sounded.

Leo didn't move. Han Yanyan has triggered the alarm too many times and he is used to it.

But soon, the alarm sounded a second time. This time, the system issued a warning: "Hanyanyan's vital index has been greatly reduced, and his vital signs are weak. It is recommended that he be rescued immediately."

Leoten turned up and asked in amazement, "Where is she? What happened to her?"

Leo found the unconscious Han Yanyan in the cooking room.

There is a knife in the cooking room. Although she cannot take the knife out of the cooking room because of system monitoring, she can use it in the cooking room.

Han Yanyan tried to damage the dog ring on his neck with that knife. She tried it twice because the interval was too short, and her dog's second injection of inhibitors even doubled the first time.

This is a high-concentration injection.

When Leo found her in the pantry, not only was she in a coma, she had also cut at least three wounds on her neck with the knife herself. Blood flowed to the ground, but fortunately no arteries were injured, otherwise the gods could not save her.

Han Yanyan was of course rescued.

She opened her eyes and was already in her room. Someone was walking around the bed, exuding a sense of irritability.

As soon as Han Yanyan opened his eyes, the system promptly said, "She is awake."

The man turned around stupidly. Holding his arm in one hand, the other hand was on his lips, and he kept biting his fingers. Not others, but Frankenstein Leo Parker.

Seeing her waking up, he stopped biting his fingers, but stood by her bed, not approaching.

"Are you stupid? I told you! If you move, you will get double injections!" He looked dull, "This is a high concentration inhibitor!"

People are saved and their bodies are unharmed. However, high concentrations of inhibitors remain in the body, and the feeling of weakness caused by them will not subside for a while.

Han Yanyan lay down for a while before he could speak vigorously.

She asked, "Leo, are there animals like dogs in the world around you?"

"No, what's that?" Leo was furious. "Never heard of it."

Han Yanyan closed his eyes and stopped talking.

"Hey!" Leo's anger hadn't dissipated yet, and she wanted to ask her what was suddenly going crazy and couldn't get through the collar.

"Uncomfortable, let me rest for a while." Han Yanyan said.

It is sure to feel uncomfortable and weak if high concentration inhibitors are injected. Leo knew she was not lying. For the first time, Han Yanyan was so weak in front of him. He wanted to scold her, so he couldn't get out of anger, turned around and left.

"Leo ..." Han Yanyan on the bed stopped him suddenly and whispered, "The soup is still in the pot, don't waste it ..."

Who wants to drink soup? He just wanted to know what crazy she was!

Leo left in a rage, but when he returned to God, he was already at the restaurant. Leo was speechless, stood for a moment, and said to himself, "Here comes it."

The four-character mantra gave him a reason, walked to the door of the cooking room, but saw that it had been cleaned up.

"Where is the soup?" He asked annoyed.

The robot quickly opened the holding cabinet and took out a pot of soup.

The system says, "The cooking method is primitive and wrong. It took too long to make the soup completely spoiled, and the protein was completely destroyed. This pot soup has very low nutritional value and is not recommended for you."

But Han Yanyan is like this, Leo knows.

In Yao Chen's world, she cooks a pot of soup for a whole day, waiting for Yao Chen to go home to drink from morning to night. When Yao Chen praised Tang Wei well and asked her how long she had cooked it, she would be happy and proud to report the time. In her understanding, it seemed that the longer the time, the better the soup would be.

Thinking of this exaggerated soup that Yao Chen had drank, although Leo knew that the system was definitely right, he still ordered the robot: "Give me a bowl."

The warm soup was in his hand, and Leo took a careful sip.

Whether it's meat, bones, or spices, it's cooked for a long time, and the flavor of all the ingredients blends into the soup. For a moment, the taste buds blossomed.

It's delicious.

No wonder Yao Chen liked it every time.

Leo finished drinking a bowl, hesitated, and asked the robot to serve him a second bowl.

The cooking room door opened, and Leo glanced again at the cleaned floor inside. When the second bowl of soup was on the table, he was still dreamy.

When Han Yanyan did not wake up, he had already watched the surveillance playback.

He was ugly in front of Han Yanyan and ran away in shame. Han Yanyan was lying on the table laughing for a while. After that, he happily ate. At about the same time, she said to herself: "It's a little greasy, make another salad."

She went into the cooking room, found a fruit knife, and began to cut fruit. Then she paused suddenly.

Han Yanyan thought about the knife for about five or six seconds, then he did not hesitate to point the blade towards himself, and inserted the blade tip between the collar and the skin ...

Completeness is a temporary intention.

Why she ...

Leo finished drinking the second bowl of soup, put down the bowl, and ordered the system: "Search in her consciousness, what is a dog?"

The search was completed in a second, and many light screens opened in front of the chat. Han Yanyan's knowledge of "dogs" was presented in front of Leo.

Dog, human domestic pet. No matter what kind of breed, whether it is large or small, there are collars on the neck.

Han Yanyan also wears a collar around his neck.

Leo was silent.

Han Yanyan's room door was separated to both sides.

In this spaceship, Leo is the owner and the highest authority administrator. There is no door on the ship that means "closed" or "locked" to him. He can open any door, no matter who lives in it.

Han Yanyan opened his eyes and looked at the ceiling, and said a little helplessly: "Can't you knock on the door before entering the lady's room?"

Leo's footsteps paused, and he quickly walked towards the bed.

Han Yanyan looked up at him, but found that his face was somber, holding a silver-white, pistol-shaped thing in his hand. Han Yanyan frowned and asked, "What do you want?"

Leo snorted and climbed into bed. Han Yanyan was still too weak to resist, and he pulled his arm and turned over. Leo pressed her, unzipped the zip on the back of her skirt, and shot at her vest.

Han Yanyan felt a pain, like the pain of an injection or blood. She gritted her teeth and asked, "What have you done to me again?"

The voice fell, and suddenly his neck loosened. Leo, who was close to the skin, was released by Leo and thrown to the ground. The cleaning robot immediately drilled out and packed away.

Han Yanyan touched his neck, raised his eyes in surprise, and said, "Why is it so good?"

Leo snorted again and said, "I've injected you with a subcutaneous sustained-release capsule. You can replace this."

Han Yanyan said angrily, "If you have such a thing, you still wear me a dog ring!"

"Because the collar time ... is longer ... longer ..., gel ... capsule ... hour ... hour ... hour ..." Leo's face became redder and slower, but his eyes went straight Staring at Han Yanyan.

Han Yanyan bowed her head. It turned out that she was angry and propped up her body.

Her body was genetically optimized and tended to the golden ratio. The **** are thin, the hips are round and the legs are long. The intense visual stimulus brought to men can be seen from Leo's uncontrollable life.

Han Yanyan sneered, slowly propped himself up, pulled the neckline of the skirt, and covered the good spring.

"If you want to roll the sheets, I advise you to another day." She laughed with disdain. "I am too weak today and you have no fun."

Looked down! Leo blushed and said, "Who, who wants to follow you ..."

Han Yanyan squinted his eyelids, his eyes faint, and looked at him with a smile, Leo could not say the latter part of the sentence.

Han Yanyan and he both knew-Leo wanted to roll the sheets with her, but couldn't!

Leo ran away horribly. Today is the second time.

Han Yanyan looked at his wobbly back with interest, and touched his neck.

Her kennel is unloaded. When can his invisible armor be taken off?

"System." Han Yanyan shouted.

"What's the matter?" The system appeared.

"Leo Parker, how do you usually solve your physiological needs?" Han Yanyan asked with a smile.

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