Han Yanyan watched the history of the Ami King Empire for one night, and got up the next morning, and asked Leo to ask for clothes: "Some good-looking clothes, make sure I have a change of clothes every day. Specific ones, depending on your plan Let me rest for a few days. "

Leo's work schedule has been disordered for a long time, and Leo has not yet woke up: "..."

"I've given you permission, you just give the system instructions to let it synthesize for you." He turned over and continued to sleep.

After a while, an alarm sounded.

Leo: "..." Cover your ears and turn over.

There was another alarm.

Leo: "..."

The alarm sounded persistently and tenaciously with a probability of once every twenty seconds to half a minute.

"Han Yanyan !!" Leo finally went violently, yelling at the internal communication system, "Don't try it! You don't have permission! No guns, knives and weapons of destruction can be synthesized!"

"Oh ... I see." Han Yanyan's voice came through the internal communication, and the clouds were light and light.

Leo: "..."

Lie down and continue to sleep.

Upon waking, Leo asked the system: "Where is she? What is she doing?"

The system responds: "In the plant cultivation room."

"Is she armed? Is it safe?" Leo asked as he washed. You can't be too careful about Han Yanyan. She is too deceiving and too dangerous.

The system has fully monitored and scanned Han Yanyan, 100% guaranteed that she is now safe.

Leo wiped her face and was about to step out of the bathroom, then suddenly stepped back and took a picture in front of the mirror.

This face definitely looks good. He was originally okay, and he used a genetic modifier he personally formulated. He optimized it twice, adjusted his bones twice, and his face value exceeded most people.

It's just that the hair is a bit long. Leo frizzled his hair and was a little tangled.

"System, bring out the images of men who have a close relationship with Han Yanyan in the simulated world." He ordered.

When Leo appeared in the plant cultivation room, he had already cut his new hairstyle, his spirits were refreshed, and he was refreshed. Even the shirt is not the same plaid shirt as before, and changed to a pure white shirt. With such a clean up, the youth, who was slightly gloomy, suddenly refreshed.

Leo walked into the training room calmly, with a look of hope and kindness.

Coming to the face is the unique breath of plants. This is the place where Leo can feel the "life" most on the icy spaceship. The area of ​​the training room is not small, and it must have two or three floors. Rows of culture tanks are like bookshelves. Some plants have grown golden ears, some have just given off green sprouts, some are singularly scented, and some are precious oxygen-generating plants that can photosynthesize high concentrations of oxygen. Mini-robots shuttle between plants and take care of them.

The outermost bulkhead of the training room is a curved transparent dome, which falls from the top of the head to the floor, and the deep universe is outside.

Han Yanyan synthesized a comfortable lounge chair for herself, lying half under the dome, the light screen was a foot away from her face, and the text was brushed screen by screen. For ordinary people, the speed of page turning is a little too fast. Basically, a few lines have not been read clearly, and a page has turned over.

"You read very fast." To ease the tension, Leo found a suitable opening remark.

Look at me, look at me.

"I've been reading very fast, but thanks to you, obviously the speed has now doubled." Han Yanyan did not leave the light screen and focused on reading.

"I'm eight times faster than you," Leo Aojiao said. "Since I started school, I haven't met anyone who reads faster than me."

Look at me, look at me!

Han Yanyan said a faint "Oh" without turning his head.

Leo: "..." Turn around and see if I will die?

There was silence in the training room, and "Oh" was the best word to end the chat.

Leo stood for a while, and said dryly, "I'm going to experiment." After that, he said fiercely, "I hate others to disturb me when I'm doing research. Why do you stay alone and love? Anyway, don't make me noise! ​​"

Unfortunately, such intimidation did not make Han Yanyan look up at him.

Han Yanyan suddenly moved, Leo heartbeat for a while, but she just got up slightly, picked up the juice on the small table next to her, and drank slowly.

Leo screened in the room for half an hour and selected Qiao Chengyu among men close to Han Yanyan. Although these men look like her personal aesthetics, Qiao Chengyu is very different.

He tailored it for her.

Leo cut Qiao Chengyu's hairstyle and wore the white shirt Qiao Chengyu often wears. Many times, while Miss Han Yanyan kissed Qiao Chengyu, she couldn't wait to unbutton the white shirt and praised him as "sexy and hot."

Leo felt that the effect of wearing a white shirt should be similar. Distressed, he wanted Han Yanyan to look at him and praise him.

Who knew that Han Yanyan's eyelids weren't squinting, she took a cup and took a sip of juice, then put down, and said, "I see."

Leo stood for another half a minute, turning back in frustration.

Suddenly I heard Han Yanyan exhaling a long breath. He looked back and saw her turn off the light screen. He immediately stopped and asked, "Read it?"

Han Yanyan finally turned his head and gave him a glance at his face. Leo jumped a few times in his heart. Han Yanyan only said "um", stood up and stretched.

Leo pressed his disappointment in his heart, and insisted, "How?"

"After the sixth generation, it started to go downhill," Han Yanyan commented. "Absolute power and too extravagant life corrupted an excellent family."

"But Ares I can be said to be awesome. The world is chaotic and the era of hegemony is really desirable." Han Yanyan stood under the dome, sighing at the universe outside the transparent bulkhead.

The guard of the Duke of Clintons parked there quietly. In the quietness, there was a storm that the attendant was about to suppress.

If he has no interest relationship with her, the first attendant officer will be in trouble with her, maybe there is a high probability that she will reach out to her to save the beauty once. But unfortunately, the one he must coexist with and retreat with now is a mental dead, and she must be resurrected by her architect.

So he sent her back to the dormant cabin and lowered the hatch without any hesitation.

"Huh!" Leo was in a very bad mood now. His bitter sarcasm: "I can see that your strong mind is really heavy. Isn't Ding Yao's lesson enough for you?"

Han Yanyan glanced at him and asked strangely, "I got you?"

Leo froze and muffled. "No, I didn't sleep well. This is getting up."

It's you! It's you! It's you!

Han Yanyan said nothing: "How old are you ..." After that, he turned to look at the fleet in the outer universe.

When can you really get in touch with the attendant officer? She was more interesting than Leo, she thought. However, Leo was defenseless against her, and it was too difficult to find such an opportunity.

Leo was very frustrated. He glanced at Han Yanyan as if he was dreaming, and asked angrily: "What do you want?"

"Is that the White Army?" Han Yanyan asked, "A private army that has been passed down from generation to generation by the Callander family?"

"Only white clothes can make the enemy's blood more beautiful." Leo said, "This is a silly motto, a group of rough men who fight from head to toe, every time they see it, they feel so stupid."

This sentence came out of Leo's mouth, it sounded really silly.

But this is the first sentence of the opening chapter of Huanghuang Empire. Han Yanyan read in bed last night and was shocked at first glance.

"Have you read this history of the empire?" Han Yanyan asked.

"Of course, I have collected several versions of the history of the Amicin Empire, and this is the best." Leo said.

Han Yanyan discussed with him: "What do you think of Shao Tang?"

"Is it the Queen of the Scarlet Clothing?" Leo said, "That's the goddess of war, the helm of the Scarlet Clothing and the Fire Cloud Fleet, and the woman who is awesome."

Han Yanyan appeared for a while and said, "She's so powerful, but she has become a queen."

Leo was inexplicable: "It is because she is so powerful that she can be the Queen of Ares."

The legendary founding queen is a mystery. The book's origin and background is still a mystery, but it can be confirmed that her existence has made an inestimable contribution to the end of the race war between humans and Zerg.

Her personal combat power burst, she is said to be above Emperor Ares. She holds the Scarlet Garrison and the Fire Cloud Fleet. Although the fleet was originally an affection gift from Emperor Ares, she grew along with her baptism in the race war.

Then the end of the race war, the universe was a mess, all forces were reshuffled, and the unowned starfield was everywhere. How many people were busy occupying the mountain as the king and seizing the territory. In this situation, a woman holding a strong army stood firmly next to the man, making his left arm and right arm, his **** of war, and finally ... his queen.

Han Yanyan looked at the battleships under the stars, full of regrets for this woman!

She obviously! You can split one party! Even if you can't become an emperor, you can be a female lord!

But she chose to be a wife.

What a, what a ... sorry!

If she gave her such a fleet ... Han Yanyan looked at the Duke Kling's Guards outside and was possessed by the female host Han Yanyan, and she could not help pressing her hand against the transparent bulkhead.

Her eyes were so hot that Leo was alert.

"Han Yanyan!" He called, "what do you want?"

Han Yanyan turned his head and looked at him with a smile: "Guess?"

That smile is really annoying. Leo snorted and said viciously, "Don't think about it, I won't let you get in touch with that guy. Otherwise you think I drove him back."

"Yes, you are the master of Leo who has everything in your palm." Han Yanyan's exaggerated meekness, "Me, I'm a little builder who can never get out of your palm."

Leo frizzled: "Don't be weird."

Han Yanyan exhaled, his expression indifferent: "So, Mr. Leo, how long do I have?"

Leo didn't respond for a moment: "Ah?"

"I mean, how long can I enjoy outside? When will you shut me back into the dorm?" Han Yanyan asked.

Leo paused, saying very badly: "Look at your performance!" After that, he shook his head: "I'm going to experiment, don't bother me. I'm annoying, and throw you back to the hibernation cabin. Inside. "

"Rest assured, I had a hard time breathing, I wish I could never see you." Han Yanyan didn't look at him, and waved his hand directly backward, "Well, I won't give it away."

Leo looked at her slender back, her eyes seemed to stick to those warships, and he was unwilling to give him more than a glance. He couldn't find any more to tell her, and turned frustrated and walked out.

"Leo." Han Yanyan stopped him suddenly.

"Huh?" Leo paused helplessly and looked back at her.

Han Yanyan said with a clear smile on his mouth, praising: "The hairstyle is good."

"..." Leo straightened his chest, shook his head, raised his chin, and proudly said, "It's too long to block my eyes, annoying."

Well, you know, you definitely didn't cut your hair because of what I said yesterday.

Han Yanyan watched Leo Ang's head fall from the reflection of the glass curtain wall and fled with a knowing smile.

It seemed that Leo had no plans to lock her back immediately. It is good to have time, she is afraid that there is no time.

In the mech world, I have studied you for decades.

Now that you're willing to give me time, it's time to add some food.

Leo Parker, are you ready?

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