Han Yanyan didn't know that she should thank the attendant. Because she missed Leo Pike because of social terror, because of long-term outliers, and weak understanding of human normal feelings. In particular, empathy is weak. He feels very light about the sadness, pain, and despair of others, and it is extremely difficult to be moved.

If she knew this, she would have to scold him.

"Then ... isn't she pretending?" Leo Parker asked hesitantly. He actually knew a little about himself. Immerse him in research, and he felt his brain was extremely clear. When he was put into the crowd, the reaction of the people around him always made him feel blank, and he always felt that he had missed them. Then those ridiculous, ironic, and pitying eyes made him even more unwilling to contact others.

"How do I know. I have to ask you," said the attendant. "What happened to your former builder?"

Leo hesitated and said, "Some are similar to her ... some are crazy, some are like her, start not talking, and then they can't build the world."

The problem is serious if we cannot build the world.

The attendant's official face looked like water, and gritted his teeth: "I don't think she looks crazy, I don't care what you think you can do to save her back!"

Leo stared. "How can I save?"

The attendant squeezed out a voice from his teeth: "That's your business. If you don't come back, you and your boat can disappear." In the face of a woman, the attendant can be gentle and graceful, facing a man ... From all these competitors, he killed the siege all the way and became the first aide to the Duke of Clinton. The chief confidant has already proven his strength and wrists.

Through the porthole, you can also see the outer battleship reflecting the light of the stars, emitting a faint cold luster. Leo had countless mmp in his heart, and at last he could only bite his head and said, "I'll try it." Then he said busyly; "then give me time!"

The attendant extinguished the smoke: "Okay, how much time do you need?"


Hearing this voice, Han Yanyan looked up and saw Leo again in the virtual space. She sat up slowly and stared at him silently.

Leo squatted in front of her, feeling uncomfortable-the fidelity here was really super realistic, she just sat on the floor with her **** sunk. With Han Yanyan two people stared at each other with big eyes. Both eyes had deep vigilance against each other.

The alertness and apathy in Han Yanyan's eyes made Leo feel a little relaxed. If she had been weak and begged humblely, no matter whether the servant official believed it or not, he would never force her to believe her.

"What do you want?" Leo asked her, staring.

Han Yanyan raised his eyes: "I want to go home."

Leo opened his mouth and refused: "No."

There was a silence in the space, and that was how the otaku chatted to death.

The two continued to stare at each other for a while, Han Yanyan moved back, lay down on the ground and shrunk, and closed his eyes.

Leo: "..."

"Sit down." He jumped up. "Han Yanyan, I tell you, I count to three, you get me up to work! Otherwise don't blame my hands!"

Han Yanyan moved, leaving his back to him.

Leo jumped angrily and started raising his fingers high: "One! Two--! Steve--Ann--"

"Three!" He finally extended his third finger. But Han Yanyan ignored him, still lying on the ground, curling his body and giving him only a back.

Leo was furious.

I want her to **** power! he thinks. If he is controlling Han Yanyan from the screen outside the virtual space, he should now start punishing the electric shock without hesitation.

But now he is in the simulation space, and Han Yanyan is in front of him. She lay on the floor, her black hair splashing in ink. The lines of the body suddenly collapsed in the middle. The waist was slender and the arms were slender. Even the calves and ankles exposed outside the long skirt were slender.

Leo was reluctant to approach her simply because her female characteristics were too obvious. Her femininity made him feel threatened and she lost the sense of control over everything.

For example, now, should not hesitate to order the system to increase the power to punish Leo Han Yanyan, looking at her thin white shoulder and moving her lips twice, that instruction could not be issued.

Obviously across the screen is easy, and it is no different from pushing BoSS in the game. The "builder" has no gender, just a slave.

She is a woman, the servant said.

Han Yanyan hugged his arms and bent his body. Leo looked behind her and found that she had slender fingers.

Her feminine characteristics finally awakened Leo's consciousness of being sexually insensitive to others, and she really felt that the servant officer was right. This builder, this is Han Yanyan, she ... is a woman.

Leo struggled for a long time, crouched down at a safe distance, and said, "You give me half a year, and I let you go."

Han Yanyan asked, "How long is it now?"

"Half a month," Leo said.

Han Yanyan "huh" said, and returned to silence.

"Hey!" Leo called her.

"For six months, it doesn't make sense to let me go. By then, I must have been crazy." Han Yanyan asked softly, "The former builders were all crazy?"

Leo froze.

Han Yanyan closed his eyes and stopped talking.

Leo rolled his arms around the space several times before finally squatting back to Han Yanyan, saying, "Let's do this, I'll let you rest."

Han Yanyan didn't move.

Leo paused and said, "I'll let you out to rest."

Han Yanyan moved. After a few seconds, she rolled up and sat up, turning to stare at Leo.

Leo blinked and said, "I mean, let you out of this simulation system to let you out of the sleeping compartment. How about it?"

Han Yanyan's lips moved and she didn't speak, but her eyes showed a strong desire. This desire does not require acting, it is a real desire.

If others show a longing for something, and exactly that kind of thing is in your hands, it will make the person who masters it have a strong sense of control and accomplishment. Han Yanyan's uncontrollable eagerness gave Leo a certain indescribable pleasure. It even weakened the sense of threat that his feminine characteristics brought him.

He was in a good mood and said, "Would you like to go out ...?" This protracted way of speaking brought a bit of playfulness to the palm of your hand.

Because Leo and Han Yanyan know that Han Yanyan has no other choice. She is too eager to get out of this simulation system.

Han Yanyan moved his lips and finally said, "I want to ..."

"Okay, that's a happy decision. I'll let you out and breathe, you rest and give me a good job!" Leo unilaterally made a decision.

Han Yanyan pursed his lips without agreeing but vetoing.

Leo knew that it was a headache to make this sloppy woman speak soft, and he didn't wait for her to answer, and disappeared directly from the white virtual space.

Han Yanyan held his knees and waited quietly in the space.

There is no sense of time in such a space without borders or reference objects. Han Yanyan didn't know how long he had waited, and suddenly his eyes went dark.

What followed was a sense of coldness, the mouth and nose were all liquid, and there was a panic to drown. Han Yanyan instinctively reached out to grab, grabbed the edge of the cabin, and struggled to sit up!

"Keekekekekeke" she coughed loudly, coughing out the culture fluid that had entered the nasal cavity and trachea, panting and purring, her eyes looked around.

It was still the cabin she had woke up from before, but now she has been transferred to the sleeping cabin on the other side, and the sleeping cabin destroyed by her has been replaced with a new one. The previous mess has been cleaned by the robot and no trace can be seen.

She ... is she out? Have you left that hell?

Han Yanyan couldn't wait to leave this dorm-like dorm, but her body was weak and weak, and she rolled down to the ground, making a "bang".

"Hey! Are you all right?" A man's voice sounded.

Han Yanyan supported the floor with both hands and raised his head. Leo was holding a blanket and standing at one end of the dorm room, looking at her nervously.

This man! Han Yanyan wants to kill this man!

She propped herself firmly on the floor, stood up with her dormant cabin, gasped heavily, and walked towards Leo Parker step by step.

Ah, I really want to kill him ...

Facing this naked woman, Leo wanted to hand her the blanket, and then she didn't start. But he was not a servant, and the first reaction to see Han Yanyan's fruit was to take off his clothes and cover her. Han Yanyan walked towards him step by step, Leo's eyes stared at her body, could not move his eyes.

Damn it! Looks like he's never seen a woman!

He's in the virtual space, all kinds of women have played!

Han Yanyan helped the dorm to go to the back of the cabin. In the last few steps, she had no place to help, but could only walk steadily.

As she approached, Leo's heartbeat accelerated.

Han Yanyan stretched out his hand at him. But no matter how strongly she wanted to kill him, these short steps made her realize the weakness she had just gotten out of the dorm. So her hand touched his chest, and the whole man flew into his arms ...

Leo took her by the ear and caught her in her arms, her heart pounding. It was only when Han Yanyan closed his eyes and lost consciousness that he was relieved.

Han Yanyan woke up in a well-designed cabin.

This is a bedroom. Han Yanyan now knows that she is actually in a spaceship. Bed, bedside table, wardrobe, desk, chair, gone. Simple, standard and uncharacteristic. She bet that the layout of this bedroom was exactly the same as Leo's appearance when he bought the spacecraft.

Han Yanyan lifted the blanket over his body, turned over and sat up, feeling that his physical strength had recovered a lot.

Suddenly the door of the cabin was separated to both sides, Leo strode in and said, "I see the monitoring data, you wake up ... Ouch!

"I've put the clothes there for you! Why don't you wear them!" He flushed.

There was indeed a skirt on the bedside table and shoes on the floor, all of them women's. But Han Yanyan didn't wear it, she stared at her hand.

This hand has slender wrists and long fingers. Although it looks good, it gives her a feeling of something wrong.

"Hey! You're wearing clothes!" Leo turned his head. "You woman, why don't you know shame!"

Han Yanyan's hand touched his collarbone. When she was very young, she had hemangiomas there and was removed with a laser, but the skin was damaged and the potholes were uneven. As a result, she rarely wore clothes with a large neckline since she was a girl. She felt it now, but her skin was smooth and there was nothing.

Han Yanyan's gaze swept across the room quickly, and she stood up and flung her feet to the desk. A mirror inlaid on the wall next to the desk.

Han Yanyan glanced at the face in the mirror, smashed the mirror with a fist, grabbed a piece of sharp broken glass with blood, and rushed towards Leo just like he was crazy!

"You lied to me! You lied to me!"

"This is fake!"

"Here is the simulated world !!!"

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