"Crouch!" Leoten jumped into the operating cabin. "Inject inhibitors!"

The needle shot out, pierced Han Yanyan's body, and injected an inhibitor. However, the outbreak of Han Yanyan could not be controlled. With the help of Tang Ke, Han Yanyan's spiritual power was completely formed, and finally the spiritual power broke out!

With the rattling sound of "Kaka Kaka Kaka", the hatch that trapped Han Yanyan's cabin appeared ice-crack-like cracks, spread, and spread!

"Give her another one!" Leo shouted!

Another needle ejected, piercing Han Yanyan's skin. The rate of crack propagation is visible to the naked eye. Han Yanyan felt the power to try to restrain her.

She was an S-Class psychic in the first round, and she broke through to the SS in the second round. In these 40 years, she has been preparing for this moment!

In the first round, she was still exploring the mental power. In the second round, she took a ruthless cultivation path from the beginning. Everyone around her knew that her mental power was extremely tough, brutal, and rampaged! What they didn't know was that Han Yanyan knew from the beginning that it would not be easy, and she had been simulating the day of obstruction and restraint!

The speed of crack propagation slowed down for a second, and then suddenly increased explosively!

The cultivation of mental power has never been easy or uncomfortable, otherwise there will not be so many people in their lifetimes whose mental power levels stay at the level of second or even first stop. Only those who are the most diligent, hardest, and cruelest can make breakthroughs again and again!

Han Yanyan is a ruthless person. In other words, she was forced into a ruthless world by one world after another.

Boom! The hatch exploded and shattered!

Han Yanyan picked up the bulkhead and turned to sit up. She vomited and expelled the fluid from her mouth and nose. She took a deep breath and took a deep breath.

How long has she not breathed real air? It's real air! o2 and co2! Not data!

Han Yanyan was choked twice and coughed. She lifted up and left.

The third needle shot into her arm!

Han Yanyan held the needle and wanted to pull it out, but her body didn't know how long it hadn't moved, and she had a weak sense of stagnation.

Han Yanyan pulled out the third needle, and the needle was still spraying different colors of medicine. But the fourth needle shot out and hit Han Yanyan's calf!

Han Yanyan reached out and wanted to pull.

"Don't stop! Give her another!" Leo screamed at the data that couldn't stop on the light screen!

He is the owner of the entire ship, the administrator of the light brain system, and what he says is instructions. The system executes without hesitation.

The fifth needle penetrated Han Yanyan's spine.

At Leo's end, the line that had been running on the light screen finally stopped and began to fall sharply. Leo leaned back and sighed with relief.

"Damn, this woman ..." He unbuttoned his shirt and wanted to scold, but didn't know what to scold.

For Han Yanyan, a woman, Leo was really in a mixed mood. He has abducted and tied so many constructors, men and women, all of whom are in his palm. Occasionally he can subdue them.

Only Han Yanyan, a woman, made him worry all day long! Exciting!

"What's the matter?" The attendant asked.

"She's exploded," Leo said, pulling his neckline.

The attendant was surprised: "Did you not give her two injections of the inhibitor last night?"

Leo looked at him resentfully: "I just gave her five shots before restraining her."

The attendant's face changed: "Is she still alive?"

"Live. Life indicators are normal." Leo said dissatisfied, "Do you think my gene improver is the kind of big money that can be bought outside? The original gene of her was a big luck for me. And the body culture fluid that I used for her is a premium product that you can't buy at all, I have an exclusive formula! "

Even so, he jumped out of the operation cabin and said, hurriedly walking towards a door.

The attendant followed him.

The hatch opened, Leo stepped forward, and the attendant stepped forward. Leo glanced at him with a subtle expression.

He is a technical person who really hates the fact that others break into his own territory. But the attendant looked at him and raised an eyebrow-his guns had not been stolen. Not to mention that there are two sturdy soldiers in white military uniforms next to the operation cabin, who are always there with the town like a gunmen.

Leo could only swallow his throat, put his hand in his forehead, pushed his bird's nest back and forth, and hurried forward.

The attendant followed Leo through two doors and came to a cabin.

The room was a mess. The hatch that was smashed by the mental force was covered with dregs everywhere, the body culture fluid was also spilled, and a large sticky ground was on the ground. Han Yanyan was eventually subdued by five inhibitors, lost his consciousness, and fell from the dormant cabin to the floor. The naked body fell into this liquid.

The attendant frowned, took off the white uniform and threw it on Han Yanyan to cover her.

"What now?" He asked.

Leo looked back. He pointed to the intact dorm room next to him and said, "Put her there first. I have to re-adjust her body culture fluid, and I have to add inhibitors. This woman, this woman is really a headache! Trouble! "

While he was talking, he gave instructions, and a row of cleaning robots came in and packed up silently.

The attendant picked up Han Yanyan and thought she was very slender. He walked to the other dormant cabin, and the front of his shirt tightened suddenly. He lowered his head and saw the woman in his arms with his eyes half open, as if conscious, and grabbed his placket.

Her lips were even moving.

help me.

The attendant's action was delayed.

He stared at Han Yanyan, then looked away, put her in the new sleeping cabin, and fastened the hatch tightly.

"You are hostile to me! You lightly!" Leo instructed the robot to clean up the damaged dorm bay, and turned back to dissatisfied.

The attendant is not an ordinary person. He is a warrior and can smash the dorm with a single punch. He was so strong that Leo was really afraid that he would damage the dormant cabin, and then he had to move it out of the warehouse again.

The attendant looked down at the woman in the cabin.

She sank into the body's culture fluid, her lips opened slightly, and she spit out a small string of air bubbles.

But she was still conscious at this time. She opened her eyes and slowly raised one hand to support the hatch.

She kept looking at him, her lips moving slightly.

help me.

The attendant lit a cigarette, stood next to the dorm, and watched her quietly.

Leo finished packing the other side and came over to activate the dormant cabin. There was a dim light in the cabin. In this light wave, Han Yanyan closed his eyes, and the hand holding the hatch also slowly dropped.

She was soaked in culture, her hair drifted, and she looked very peaceful.

However, the attendant clearly remembered her despair just now. Desperate, but refused to give up, this is a tenacious woman.

Leo operated the control panel and muttered: "The inhibitor is mixed into the culture medium, twice ... no, no, three times. Keep this concentration! Don't let her play with me again!"

This woman is so sleepy that she doesn't sleep well!

There are different liquids mixed into the culture medium, and the dilution is quickly diluted and fused, and the traces disappear. In such a culture medium mixed with inhibitors, she could no longer struggle and could not resist, the attendant thought.

After Leo finished the operation, he turned his head and saw the attendant staring at Han Yanyan. Han Yanyan was naked at this time, naked. Leo was unhappy.

Han Yanyan is his architect. In the mind of Leo, Han Yanyan is his belonging. He slid his finger twice on the operation panel, and the transparent hatch darkened and became opaque.

In fact, the attendant was not so insignificant at all, he just stared at Han Yanyan's face. He glanced at Leo, holding a cigarette, and said, "I didn't expect to be a beauty."

Leo snorted and said, "She has to thank me. The effect of my gene improver is not blown out. She is now at a level not lower than yours, and her bones have been readjusted. It is optimal, of course. It will look better. "

"Ouch!" Leo suddenly remembered, "my client!"

He pulled out a large light screen, with an instrument in the screen, a cyan light hovering in the center of the instrument.

The attendant was surprised: "SS level?" It is said that the SS level mental power source in the activated state is blue. The attendant himself was nothing more than an S-class.

"It's a big man. An admiral from Yin Sai Mei Gao." Leo was proud, "Look, I awakened him."

Isn't that lacking virtue?

With the exception of individual religions, the consensus of the entire universe on the source of spiritual power considers this to be a half step in human evolution. If these deceased's spiritual power sources are well-preserved, maybe with the development of life forms and the development of technology in the future, they can be truly resurrected or eternal.

"Well, he's active now, I'm going to pack him in." Leo started to operate.

The two hemispheres slowly moved towards the blue spiritual power source one by one from left to right, and finally closed together into a ball, storing the group of blue light in it.

This spherical metal box, called the "House of Sources", is here equivalent to the ashes of Han Yanyan's hometown.

It was only a thousand years before the technology of the House of Sources was invented. Within an hour after the death of the flesh, the source of spiritual power was closed, and the **** came out of the flesh. At this time, it was captured in the house of the source, and then it can be stored for a long time, waiting for the day when human technology can be resurrected.

However, once this closed source of mental power is reactivated, even if it is stored in the source house, it can only last for a few dozen hours at most, and will naturally dissipate.

Completely annihilated from the universe.

Disturbing the deceased to sleep peacefully.

Leo's business, which is located in Han Yanyan's hometown, is as bad as digging people's ancestors' graves. Not only did Han Yanyan feel that he was low, the attendant officer even looked down on him.

But this is such a business, there is a constant flow, and sometimes you need to line up.

As for prices, Leo's fees have been rising steadily over the years.

"Did it happen to the Chou family?" The attendant asked. His thinking went the same way as Han Yanyan, thinking about major events first, state secrets, political events, military deployment, and so on.

Leo chuckled.

"I tell you, if you do my business, you will know." Leo said ironically, "Open your house of origin and make you disappear from this world. Ninety percent of you are you. The so-called relatives. Among them, 75% are for heritage, and others are just shit. Sometime you ca n’t think of it, for these reasons, they dare to open the house of relatives. . "

Attendant: "..."

The attendant smoked a cigarette and did not want to listen to these broken things. He watched quietly that the general's mental power source was once again housed in the source house, and then the white light transmitted flashed and was transmitted back to the payer.

After thinking about it, he still smoked. At least one condolences for the last such ending of a once strong man.

He was the first aide to the Duke of Clinton, and he was also a nobleman. He grew up with elite education and self-cultivation.

Just as he saw Han Yanyan's naked body, he would not stare like Leo, but would untie his clothes to cover her. This is his accomplishment and demeanor.

But again, when Han Yanyan asked him for help, he refused indifferently. Because he needs Han Yanyan.

In front of his needs, Han Yanyan's despair was confined in a small dorm, immersed in the cold medium.

Han Yanyan opened his eyes and knew that he could only rely on himself.

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