With a punch, the treatment chamber split into two sections. The circuit board was cracked, the cable was broken, and sparks sparked.

Tang Ke's hand cut through and blood was shed. Tang Ke's eyes were about to bleed.

He wants to kill him!

He wants to kill her!

What he does is unforgivable!

And she knows everything! She just looked at it and made fun of it!

Tang Ke remembered that when Xin Ya first knew that Han Yanyan had called him a white rabbit, his face was pale. It turned out that from then on, Han Yanyan ... knew everything!

He smiled so vividly when she thought of her vicious words in the study. If the devil has a face, it must have Han Yanyan's face.

In this way, we can do evil while being charmed.

Tang Ke remembered what Xin Ya said to him last night. It turned out not to be an illusion, but it turned out to be a will.

He became an S-Class mental force in the second explosion, and she was finally at ease, no worries and spoiled her life.

His tears rolled down.

Sorry, mom ...

I will never let anyone call me a little white rabbit again.

Tang Ke's heart was stuffed with hatred. He conceived countless ways to kill Han's homeowner, only to find it ... difficult.

Mental power is only a part of the military force's value. People with strong mental power have a great advantage in controlling mechs. However, if no weapon is used with bare hands, the person's fighting skills, combat experience, and physical strength are all important factors that affect victory or defeat.

Han Jun has been immersed in martial arts for decades and has killed countless people on the battlefield. He is a true strongman.

Not to mention his identity, rarely acting alone. If Tang Ke couldn't kill him with one blow, he would be backswept. Not to mention they are the two strongest fathers and daughters!

Tang Ke thought about it all night and wanted to understand that he had not yet been able to kill him. This reality calmed him down. Once the mind calmed down, they found the stilts.

Han Yanyan asked the servant to tell him to go to the home study. He didn't think much at that time, but now she remembered that she wanted to find him and just call his brain. Servant messages are usually addressed to guests and subordinates. Although he is not yet her lover, his relationship with her is not so unfamiliar.

What about videos? Why are there those videos, and why does it suddenly play automatically after he goes?

Who is behind all this? What is the purpose?

Whether to kill the owner of the Han family or to find an answer, no matter what, Tang Ke eventually has to return to the manor.

For the first time in that year, I was stunned by the magnificence of this manor and the young lady as beautiful as an angel. Now when I step into this place again, my mood is completely different.

One day, he's going to sweep here.

One day, he will pay the price of Han.

Before returning to his room, his brain was shaking, and Han Yanyan called him: "Come to my study."

Han Yanyan has his own study. Compared with Han's study, her study is more feminine. Similarly, compared to Han's study, Tang Ke is much more familiar with it.

Han Yanyan sat behind the desk without raising his head and said, "Where have you gone? I didn't see you this morning. My father and I are going out soon. This is a training plan for you. When I am away, Jun is responsible for supervising you. "Then, he sent the training plan to Tang Ke's brain.

Very detailed and strict.

Tang Ke remembered her various attitudes towards him since she knew it. He has been gentle with him since he was a child, and then suddenly indifferent, causing him to panic and find himself wrong. When she recovers, he will be full of gratitude, and his loyalty will rise again ...

This training has a long history.

How obsessed he was before, how much he hated her now. Tang Ke manually moved, killing intentions rose, but then forcibly restrained.

Han Yanyan was about to go out. He heard their conversation yesterday and knew that she and his father were about to kill her mother. And she is likely to do it herself.

This is a woman who meets and kills her biological mother without a change of color, and robs her foreign family. If he can't be fatal with one blow, she won't have any mercy and tolerance on him. He will have no choice but to avenge himself.

Tang Ke has never hated himself enough like this!

"Huh?" Han Yanyan looked up and frowned. "What happened just now?"

Tang Ke controlled his emotions and tried to relax and ask her: "You called me here yesterday, I came, why aren't you here?"

He was obviously asked to go to the owner's study, and the teenager also learned to test. Han Yanyan thought, his face made nothing, frowned: "Yesterday? I didn't call you. I was very busy yesterday."

It ’s not Han Yanyan, is there really someone else pushing it? who is it?

Tang Ke said: "A manservant called me."

Han Yanyan asked: "What time?"

Tang Ke said. Han Yanyan recalled for a moment and said, "I was in the large study at that time, not here."

She shrugged indifferently and smiled, "Is it being played? Isn't it Han Jin? He's not honest."

Definitely not Hanjin. Han Jin did not dare to provoke him for a long time, and Tang Ke did not believe that he had such a skill. He uncovered these matters under the eyes of Han Yanyan and the owner of Han.

He said, "It might be him. That day he said bad things about me, and I taught him a little bit."

Han Yanyan rubbed his forehead; "You start to tap lightly later. His mother came to me to cry and complain, but it bothers me."

Tang Ke returned to his room with suspicious doubts, but saw something that had been missing for a long time—a light-colored envelope printed with lace, lying quietly on the desk.

Once upon a time, the little fairy was warm and a little joy in her boring life.

Later, he experienced the pain of losing his mother, and his spirit was pinned on Han Yanyan. He was crazy about her, and dreamed at night.

The little fairy's little rural girly little romantic Xiao He is no longer interested. No more reply to her, and gradually, she lost her voice.

Tang Ke thought that this was another girl's feelings wrapped in a little chicken soup. He pulled out the stationery, but saw the beautiful font as usual, but the content of the book made his heart suddenly shrink!

"Reveal the truth and see the reality?"

It was her! It turned out to be her! How could it be her! Who is she?

Below that sentence, a string of numbers was left, which was the communication number. Tang Ke immediately entered it into his brain and dialed in the past.

The other party refused to answer, but quickly sent a text message.

"You know what you should know," she said.

Tang Ke asked: "Who are you? How do you know those things?"

The little fairy replied: "I found it by accident."

"Why did you let me know?" Tang Ke asked.

The little fairy was silent for a while, and replied, "I don't want to see you become her dog."

Tang Ke gritted his teeth, knowing that she was right, he was going to be trained by Han Yanyan, a woman, to become the most loyal dog.

"Who the **** are you?" He asked.

The little fairy said, "I will not let you know who I am until the day of death."

She refused to reveal her identity, and Tang Ke stopped questioning. He stared at the light screen, watching the next sentence she sent.

"With the truth, what are you going to do?" She asked.

"I want to kill him and her." Tang Ke replied.

The little fairy replied almost without thinking: "You can't do it."

Tang Ke bit his teeth and bleed quickly. He couldn't help asking: "What should I do?"

"School and family training will only make you a better dog. The real strong are tempered on the battlefield." She said, "If you have the determination, I will help you. Little star, I stand On your side, forever. "

What kind of girl is she?

She used to bring him warmth. Later, he grew up, and compared with Han Yanyan's noble coldness, her rural girl was so embarrassed that he didn't look at him.

What little fairy, little star, is like black history. He deliberately indifferent her.

But now, I do n’t know now ... In this world, sincerely to him, except for his mother, probably only this mysterious girl, right?

Tang Ke took a deep breath and replied, "Please help me."


The Han family and the Yin family won a great battle.

Yin Wei died in the hands of her own daughter. The Yin family ’s routes and mineral stars all fell into the hands of the Han family, and they changed their names to Han. The current homeowner is in his prime, and the future homeowner has been exposed. The father and daughter are joining hands, which is very scary.

Of course, this is the feeling of outsiders, and the family is naturally flourishing and united.

In such an atmosphere, discordant notes appeared. The distant relative Tang Ke, who has always been funded by the Han family, sneaked into the study hacking system while the owner and young owner went out, stole the latest mecha and weapon information developed by the Han family, and then disappeared.

People feel incredible.

This boy received financial support from the Han family since he was a child. Because his qualifications were so good, he gave him the best treatment along the way, and never treated him badly. Not to mention that he has a close relationship with the young owner and has a great chance to become her husband. His actions are really unexplainable.

So the secret stories about Xin Ya and the owner, the younger generation and the younger generation, spread all over the world.

Han Jinzhi is particularly keen to spread rumors.

The owner of the Han family pumped him a meal himself, and he was not allowed to use the treatment cabin. He was only allowed to use topical drugs. He stopped, and the rumors and scandals stopped.

Han's owner traced it for a while, but all traces were wiped away by Han Yanyan, and eventually left.

After two years, the Han family battled with the mercenary group in the r457Z5 star domain. At that time, the records of the family were identified by the technical staff of the family. Model. Tang Ke's whereabouts generally have the answer.

No matter what happened in the middle, Tang Ke made such a life choice, no matter what, he chose his own life path. Even on this road, the Han family owner was quite appreciative.

"Although it's not what you expected, he's like a man now," he murmured.

The "little fairy" Han Yanyan has maintained contact with Tang Ke at a frequency of two to three times a year.

The so-called "mermaid" is called a mercenary when taking business, and a bandit when not taking business. Mostly gathered in the political free zone and lived a life of licking blood with a knife.

On the deck, the humanoid mech stopped and opened open like a belly, Tang Ke jumped out and landed steadily. If Han Yanyan were here, a comparison would reveal that he was already much taller than her.

The fierce battle made him sweat on the suit, and he lifted his hands off and threw it to his men: "Wash me."

"Yes, boss." His men caught it.

Tang Ke randomly put on a coat and left the deck with his chest open.

The spacecraft was dark and dim, and people's makeup was strange. There is no elegant etiquette here, only exquisite life, only iron, blood, gunpowder and drunk dreams. He lived the opposite of his childhood.

But everyone who saw him gave way to him and bowed his head to him.


"Boss is back."

"The leader is so awesome, wipe out!"

It took Tang Ke eleven years to climb up step by step from a small soldier who gave his life to others, seized the mercenary group, and strengthened it with one hand. The forces that become the hegemon can confront many large families.

On the battlefield, SS-class powerhouses have been tempered. The name Tang Ke has been known to everyone. His ruthlessness and ruthlessness were horrifying.

Tang Ke went back to his room, undressed and entered the bathroom. The hot water washes the strong body, wide shoulders and narrow waists, and muscle masses bulge. At that time, the young man with a good body has disappeared.

After washing and returning to the bedroom, unread information was displayed on the brain. Opening it, the little fairy sent a message: "Happy birthday."

This day is actually not Tang Ke's birthday. This day is the day Tang Ke left the Han family. On this day, Tang Ke seemed to be born again.

Tang Ke put on his pants and replied, "Twenty-five."

He entered the Han family that year, and there were no girls younger than him who had lived in the manor at that time. Tang Ke sent a message: "You should be at least twenty-five, are you married?"

The little fairy replied, "No marriage, are you waiting for you to marry?"

Tang Ke laughed: "The day I returned to the Han family, if you weren't married, I would marry."

The little fairy said, "At that time, you will find that I may have died in your hands."

Tang Ke was silent for a moment and asked, "Will you still tell me who you are?"

The little fairy still said: "Until the day of death, you won't know who I am."

Tang Ke said: "You always say death."

The little fairy replied: "You and I will die sooner or later. Isn't your life facing death every day? Besides, I'm not kidding, I have a loved one dying in your hands. Don't forget, I Last name is Han. "

Tang Ke was silent for a while, but there were a few people whose last name was Han who died in his hands. He didn't know which one was her relative. In fact, strictly speaking, they are both.

He asked, "Hate me?"

The little fairy sneered, "What's so hateful, they died because they were too weak."

"You have a strong heart," Tang Ke said, "but you will not die in my hands."

He said, "For you, I won't kill Han women."

"Only one person."

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