Everyone knows that Tang Ke is Han Yanyan's pet. Except himself.

He was immersed in the joy and satisfaction that the new school and new environment brought him. He also made new friends. Although Han Yunqi and Han Shao sometimes over-enthusiastically overwhelmed him, or they could disturb him and her sister alone. But after all, they were the first to move closer to him in the new environment.

A child who is weak and inferior in the bones like Tang Ke, and encounters such a person in a new environment, naturally wants to seize them and make them feel “incorporated”.

On weekends, families will send cars to pick up their children home. Tang Ke called Xinya from the academy at noon: "It's not used to pick me up, Sister Yan Yan will arrange a car to take me back." He was cheerful and obviously had a good week on campus.

"Okay, then be careful yourself." Xinya said softly, holding her wrist-type brain.

"Mom has a cold?" Tang Ke asked.

"No." Xin Ya said, "I have a bad throat. I have something to do with it."

The call hangs up. The man threw the intellectual brain in the woman's hand aside, holding the slender wrist and pressing it.

Xinya's hand was struggling for a while, and she finally grasped the silk mattress tightly. The man gently called "Little White Rabbit" in her ear, causing her closed eyes to tremble slightly.

Tang Ke returned to the apartment in Han's car, and soon found the treatment cabin at home.

"You will use it later." Xinya reluctantly said.

"But this is super expensive." Tang Ke was a little worried. He had no memory of a rich life when he was a child. When he started to remember, his family was in trouble.

And the treatment cabin is not a one-time investment. The body repair fluid to be used in the treatment cabin is a continuous and long-term large expense.

This thing can't get around, the child is too old to cheat. Xinya can only tell the truth: "It was funded by your watch. So is the repair fluid."

She was afraid that Tang Ke would ask why, and show why she was so generous. But Tang Ke was naive and simple, and could not think of so much.

"Beauty is really a good person," he said cheerfully. Cousin is Yan Yan's father. Their father and daughter are super and super nice people.

Xin Ya lowered her eyes and said "um".

Ask about Tang Ke's school, everything is fine. He is clever and study hard. He has fully kept up with the progress this week, and for the first time has touched the basic mech.

When asked about classmates and partners, Tang Ke has been saying "Make friends" and "Yanyan sister is especially good to me". As for Han Jin and Han Cheng's harsh words, he deliberately said that he was a "poor relative in the autumn wind." He didn't say anything at all when he boarded the boat and tripped over him.

He has grown up and should not worry his mother.

When he asked his mother how the week had gone, Xinya understated: "I've been tidying up."

"I've been a bit busy these days. It will take a while to find a job."

"Don't worry about money, the savings are enough for our lives."

"That's good." Tang Ke breathed a sigh of relief. "The mother, don't worry, just look for a job after this time."

Xin Ya lowered her head slightly.

She doesn't understand either. Among Han's lover, she is older, and she has no advantage over those younger. But these days, her cousin comes very often. To this end, he also provided her with a treatment cabin.

Xinya stroked her smooth arm. Body repair liquid is more expensive than that of ordinary beauty salons. Of course, the repair effect is better, not to mention that the Han family owner provided her with the best repair liquid. Xin Ya even seems to have firmer skin on her face and looks younger.

The body is naturally smooth and flawless. Can't see anything.

He said he had never done this to others. But when she wept and begged him, he would not stop pitying.

Why, why only to her?

"Aunt Xinya added a treatment cabin at home." Han Yanyan said, holding her cheeks.

Han's eyelids were stubborn: "What's wrong?"

"The most recent use of the treatment cabin in the suite is Aunt Xinya." Han Yanyan continued.

The owner of Han finally narrowed his eyes.

Han Yanyan sighed: "My little white rabbit is still alive. Don't let your little white rabbit be ruined."

"Don't stretch your hands too long." The Han owner lighted a cigarette.

"Then don't give me such a high level of authority." Han Yanyan said, "Suddenly finding that I have been granted so many permissions made me a little sincere and horrified. I suspect that you have mistakenly operated your hand."

"Those kids are not enough to train you. You can bring them up and let them listen to you." Han said, "From now on, you are allowed to take part in formal affairs."

In the previous round, Han Yanyan didn't get his father's approval until he was sixteen years old and gained greater authority. With the bottom of the previous round, this round, everything is easy to handle. If it was not for fear of scaring the father, in fact she can take over everything now.

As for whether her performance is too precocious, too surprised to be brilliant, haha, you have to believe a man's self-confidence and pride in his bones. Heirs who inherited his genes and were carefully cultivated by him, take for granted.

It's another week.

Tang Ke returned to the manor on Sunday evening and slept sweetly, looking forward to the beginning of the new week. On Monday morning, the little boy stepped on the spaceship with great energy.

Han Yanyan appeared early that day and was sitting in his own fixed position with his eyes closed.

"Sister Yanyan, early!" The young man was full of energy and ran over in three or two steps, sitting next to her. For the past week, Han Yanyan always took him and asked him to sit there. In the mind of the teenager, that has almost become his exclusive position.

"Sit back." Han Yanyan said coldly without opening his eyes.

Tang Ke couldn't fully respond, and subconsciously said, "Sister, it's me ..."

"I'm talking about you. Don't understand me?" Han Yanyan opened his eyes, looked at him coldly, and said with a slight disgust, "Sit behind."

Tang Ke heard Han Jin's smile. From the moment he sat to the last row, his head froze. Han Yanyan never looked back all the way.

Tang Ke was in a restless mood all day, and began to think about what he had done wrong. At the school, Han Yunqi and Han Shao met him and went straight without saying hello, making his mood even more depressed.

Tang Ke is not stupid. He has long understood that Han Yunqi and Han Shao's enthusiasm for him is actually directed at Han Yanyan. But people always love to deceive themselves, he always makes himself believe that they are good to him because they want to be friends with him.

But the reality is that Han Yanyan was suddenly indifferent to him, and the two of them followed.

Tang Ke's depressed mood continued for a day until he boarded the spacecraft in the evening. He saw that Han Yanyan was already sitting in the first row, he hesitated, wondering if she should ask her what she had done wrong, but she was afraid to make her unhappy again.

Han Yanyan turned her head, no haze on her face, and smiled cleverly: "Why don't you stand there and sit." She patted the chair beside her.

As if things had never happened in the morning, her smile was still so gentle, like a spring breeze.

The low mood that had been lingering for a day immediately dissipated. Tang Kesan took two steps and quickly went to her.

"Oh, yours." Han Yanyan gave him the juice.

Looking at her sweet smile, Tang Ke, who had wanted to ask what was going on in the morning, swallowed those words and just drank the fruit juice.

Han Yanyan smiled and touched his head, like a gentle white rabbit.

Han Jingshan and Han Jun sisters looked at each other and looked at Han Wei sitting on the other side together. Coincidentally, Han Wei also looked at them. The three eyes touched each other and they communicated silently.

Han Jun was younger and couldn't help but took the lead. He opened his mind and sent a text message: Is it training?

His sister: Shut up!

His cousin: Take care of your mouth.

His sister twisted his thigh, Han Jun grinned silently.

His cousin gloated: take care of him.

His sister: Don't worry about you!

Han Jun rubbed his legs and sent another one, sighing: People in this family are terrible.

His cousin: ... take care of him! Teach him to shut up!

His sister: I see!

Han Jun grinned again, and did not dare to make a sound. His sister's hands were so fierce that he drew gas.

Han Yanyan in the first row suddenly turned his head and glanced slightly from the gap between the chairs.

All three of Han Jun were short of breath.

When Han Jun did her job properly, the young lady in front had turned her head again, and she could only see her long curly hair in the gap. Obviously only a little older than him, why ... so terrible?

Han Yanyan was thinking, these three are still so detached.

In the first round, they all became her trusted people, called right and left arms. She took them, and the elders of the family all praised "awesome afterlife." At that time, all of them could stand on their own, and even the youngest Han Jun capital was deep. She forgot that they still had this aspect when they were teenagers.

She glanced at the little boy who was drinking juice. A child without a father, who is hungry for love and friendship, is quiet and well-behaved. She reached out and touched the top of his head, thinking to herself: When did you really ... start bullying you?

She turned her head to look at Han Jin diagonally back, her youngest brother. Probably it was this guy's IQ and EQ that hurt her dad's self-esteem. Since then, Dad has never given birth to anyone else. There are so many idiots ... it really hurts the face. But at this stage, the main force of bullying Tang Ke depends on him.

She patted Tang Ke's head and praised him: "It's so good, I really want a brother like you."

It's not loud, but enough for a few people nearby to hear. Han Jingshan and Han Wei face each other. Han Jin snorted heavily.

Only innocent Tang Ke was blushed with shyness, and I didn't know that Han Yanyan gave him another wave of hatred.

Back in his room, Tang Ke had completely put down the morning thing. Sister Yanyan is a girl, and her mother said that girls like to play with their tempers, so let them be a little bit. She may just be in a bad mood and play with her temper.

He stopped suddenly.

Most of the boys who grew up with single mothers were delicate. Tang Ke felt that something was wrong in the room, like someone had entered. He glanced, and immediately found the cute handmade cloth bag on the desk, printed with a cartoon mech pattern, but sewn with white lace. It was like trying to be a boy, but she breathed the girl's breath.

There is a cute note paper under the bag, and the font on it is beautiful: "Bake cookies yourself, for the first time, please don't discard it."

Open the bag and look at the star-shaped cookies. Take it up and bite ...

Taste emmmmmmmmmmmm ......

It really is the first time!

There is a kind of indescribability.

This little bag, sticky note paper with cute patterns printed, and baked handmade biscuits, outlined a cute little girl who carefully wanted to be friends with others.

Tang Keer was all red.

First, I received a gift like this for the first time! She, she wants to be friends with her?

But who was n’t left without a name? There are more than twenty children living in the manor, not counting Han Yanyan, there are eight girls, and five are close to him. Who is the one?

Han Yanyan handwritten a bunch of beautifully typed notes.

She will have several fonts, her own, Miss Han, female student Han Yanyan, and this girl Han Yanyan. Only the last one was unavailable, and the rest chose the font of Han Yanyan, the most beautiful girl student.

She gave those to her cronies: "Once a week. Make it realistic."

The reason why a close friend can become a close one is because he can only execute orders faithfully, no matter how inexplicable the young lady looks, he never asks why.

Tang Ke slept extraordinarily to have an unknown new friend. The next morning the boat, he couldn't wait to share this joy with Yan Yan sister.

"Sister Yanyan, yesterday ..." His voice stopped abruptly when he saw the two girls who had just boarded the ship.

He is not familiar with them because of gender. But both of them were among the five he had guessed.

Compared with the boy's uncle, the girls who can live in the Hanjia Manor are all precocious and quiet. As they passed, both girls nodded slightly to them and whispered early.

Tang Ke remembered the note without a name and the baked cookies. That girl ... It should be quiet and introverted, so I didn't dare to give him the cookies in person, but quietly put them in his room.

She must not want others to know about it.

Tang Ke felt particularly understanding.

"What happened yesterday?" Han Yanyan asked.

"Um ... Yesterday, I took a second test in the class." Tang Ke temporarily changed his mind.

"I said it yesterday, little idiot." Han Yanyan squeezed his face. "The next time I want to take the first test, my sister only likes the first idiot."

"I will cheer." The little boy quickly grabbed his face, his ears red.

I hope Yanyan will not treat him as a child, I'm so sorry.

Although the young boy likes the angel-like smoke sister, he also has his own secret. Gifts from unknown friends always appear in his room on Monday night. He speculated that she must have quietly entered his room while he was leaving in the morning before boarding the ship.

He deliberately left early every Monday, leaving her enough time, and returning in the evening was always full of expectations.

She must be a stupid little girl, he guessed. Her cookies were baked three times, and the fourth time she didn't taste bad. But he ate it every time and was happy.

This time he ate a biscuit with no taste, and he suddenly reacted. Since she could leave a gift for him, he could also leave a message for her. So another Monday morning, he left a note on his desk before leaving the room.

In the evening, Han Yanyan returned and received this note from a close friend.

"Who are you? Can you tell me?"

Han Yanyan thought that he was so good to this child that his brother and brother were jealous and envious, but he concealed this little secret from himself.

Sure enough, men are big pig hoofs, since childhood.

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