Leo had no experience at first, and the trembling East hid in Tibet, working odd jobs to support himself. But this kind of life is not very good, not to mention that he has a bad character and will not get along with people.

Finally, one day he was fired again. He was so destitute that he had no food to eat, and his heart was swept away. He finally embarked on the road of science and technology to make him rich.

Now, he "has achieved great success, is highly respected, and is respected by those who love him as the Creator, the Awakener of the Undead, the Pioneer of Science and Technology, the Forbidden Magician, the Resurrection, the God of the Gospel, the Light of the Dead, Great His Excellency Leo Parker. "

"..." Han Yanyan dropped the book, rubbing his temples, and felt his head hurt.

Leo ran on the wild road of scientific research. It was about dissatisfaction with this world. At first, he was obsessed with analog technology, but he just wanted to create a world for himself. Because there was a precedent for death, he did not try it directly with a living person. He switched to a mentally dead person. The subconsciousness enclosed in the source of spiritual force can be used to replace the superficial consciousness. If he died ... then He died, anyway, he was declared dead by medicine and law anyway.

The dead lived. The mentally dead who was declared "dead" by the hospital was revived in Leo's hands.

Leo was so famous that he began to earn a living and made a lot of fortune.

But this person has no interest in eating, drinking, and having fun, and all the money he has earned is invested in scientific research. Sometimes customers are not charged for money, and they directly ask for a machine or even parts that are difficult to obtain, as compensation.

His actions not only violated the Basic Law of the Universe and Life, but also violated the Technology Management Law and Bioethics Law of many countries. He is therefore a wanted criminal in several countries. He did not set foot on any political force. Anyway, the universe is so big and the spacecraft is so fast, he drove his spacecraft in the political vacuum zone.

And because his banned technology is dedicated to serving the elite, these people at the top of the pyramid value their lives more than others. Many people open his eyes and close his eyes, give him a green light, and ignore his existence. .

This is another great achievement of Leo on the system.

Han Yanyan walked to the window and saw an unmanned machine in the manor's courtyard automatically trimming the lawn. And the men and women who can reflect the status of power and the enjoyment of life are dressed in uniform, hurried through, each performing their duties.

Well, she was abducted by an alien science lunatic for scientific research, or to be a slave to him and a money-making machine, Han Yanyan thought blankly. Even her, she thought it was incredible at the moment that she was actually in a spaceship in outer space.

In this world, all these people are fake and data.

Han Yanyan stood in front of the window for a long time, combing the information she obtained from "Leo Biography".

It can also be seen from many "success stories" that he brags about the system that this person later became more and more contrary to "conscience" or "law". He said it was because Yao was too difficult to kill and killed his three builders, so he caught her. But even if she succeeded in resurrecting Yao, could Leo really let her go home?

He really let go of some builders because they were all crazy.

In such a world where the dust on the bookshelf is so realistic, after many years, one world after another, how can it not be crazy?

On this day, everyone, maids, drivers, school classmates, club staff, and even Han Yanyan's father, noticed that Han Yanyan was extremely cold to them.

Indifferent to the bones, as if they were not flesh and blood, no need to care.



Leo woke up.

Leo used a deep compression sleeper, but he still couldn't sleep well. When he woke up, he felt his eyelids jumping.

Thinking of Han Yanyan, he cursed bad words. I don't know why, I always think that this dead woman will continue to do things to him in the future. While enjoying automatic washing, he asked in a vague voice: "How is that Han Yanyan? Honest?"

The system replied, "It's quiet."

As soon as Leo wanted to relax, he heard the system say, "It's still in the simulated world."

Leo spit out the mouthwash and said, "What? Still? How long have I slept?"

"Five hours. Because it is deep compressed sleep, the sleep effect is equivalent to 1.5 times the normal sleep, and is equivalent to 7.5 hours of sleep." The system responded.

"Don't say these nonsense, why is she still in the world? Five hours is enough for her to solve a world." Leo hurriedly put on her clothes and hurried to the operating room. "Did you forget to adjust the time double? Does it work? "

Yao's people go to work on breaks, some guard Yao's body, some guard the operating room, in case this notorious lunatic scientist makes a fool. Leo was very upset, but the opponent had a gun in his hand, and he could only admit it, and let the other side swallow his voice and let him be the anti-passenger on his ship.

He hurriedly walked into the operation room, got into the operation cabin, and called up the data to see: "Well, how is this?" Han Yanyan's behavior trajectory and the task target's behavior trajectory, except after a little contact at the beginning, Basically, two parallel lines are drawn at the back.

Leo looked at the time record again and almost did not twist his nose!

In this world, Han Yanyan has not dealt with the mission goals at all, but he has opened a super high speed time flow. He has been leisurely in the world for more than twenty years! She's fucking! !! !!

A dead woman! !! !!

Looking at the mission goals again, under the arrangement and operation of Han Yanyan, the mission goals lived a safe and steady life, and An An's steady efforts became an ordinary outstanding person. This is too far away from his ups and downs in his life, there is no effect at all, and the deceased's spiritual power source shows no sign of waking up!

Leo is going to be furious!

The world has developed like this, there is no need for existence, he cut off the world directly.

Han Yanyan, who has inherited the title of family, suddenly returned to the pure white space, and knew that Leo was finally awake.

She had been in the world for more than two decades, and she had forgotten what Leo's voice was like. But as Leo's growl sounded in space, she remembered again.

"Han Yanyan, you dead woman! What the **** are you doing!" Leo shouted.

Han Yanyan smiled and said, "I think you are going to bed. I should take a break and enjoy my life."

"You **** give me passive work!" Leo was furious.

Han Yanyan provocatively said, "Even a black laborer, he must have the right to breathe. Since you have all gone to bed, I will rest."

Leo calmed down and sneered and said, "Do you think I can't take you? What's the matter, I thought you did a good job and didn't want to do this to you."

Suddenly a current passed through Han Yanyan's body, Han Yanyan suddenly fell in pain, his fingertips trembled, and he couldn't speak.

"Give you a little lesson." Leo said, "Now I restart the world, you **** give me a good job!"

Han Yanyan successfully diverted Leo's attention to the previous world and wanted to smile. But in the last world, she was exposed to a lot of technologies that her world did not have, and she has understood that in this pure white virtual space, it is not that she can hide her expression by lowering her head. She held back, responding to the pain in her body, and made a painful expression, and said nothing to Leo, as if helpless and submissive.

Seeing that the dead woman's clothes were soft, Leo was very satisfied, and while operating, she told her: "I restarted, I speeded up the time flow rate, and you quickly settle this for me."

After he finished speaking, the scene in front of Han Yanyan's eyes changed, and she opened her eyes and returned to more than twenty years ago, the pink bed of the princess room was soft, her arms were thin and her **** were flat.

Han Yan sat up and looked around. This room was later remodeled as she grew older, and at this moment it seemed a bit missed.

Han Yanyan knew that Tang Ke would arrive in a taxi with Xinya later.

But it doesn't matter. Tang Ke is a client, a Leo client, and not her client.

Han Yanyan returned to this world, or the twelve-year-old girl with innate mental strength only A grade. She couldn't wait to try one thing.

In the last round, she worked **** all the theories related to mental power. The most mainstream doctrine of this is that mental power always exists in the source of mental power, and there is a corresponding burst of release at the corresponding stage as people's bodies mature. People's daily so-called exercise and cultivating of mental strength only release it through artificial means.

Han Yanyan grabbed the soft silk mattress with both hands and took a deep breath.

For more than two decades in the last round, she focused on only two things, mental power and mech. When the world was cut off by Leo, she was already an SS-level mental power. She deeply engraved the feeling of mental power running into the memory, and brought this memory to this round.

Now she is going to try it.

A humble hover taxi entered the gate of the manor. Tang Ke was stunned by the vastness and magnificence of the manor.

"Is this here? Mom?" He asked nervously.

Xinya touched his head and said softly, "I'll be polite when I see your cousin."

Tang Ke nodded.

I got off the taxi because I had made an appointment in advance, and there were already trained male servants waiting for them outside the gate of the main building. Although the servant was polite, his attitude was not enthusiastic. Obviously, I have seen more of this kind of relatives who are fighting against the wind and asking for help.

Although Tang Ke was young, he could feel the hidden attitude inside. But he was shocked by this palace-like majestic building and couldn't help looking up.

At this moment, as an A-level mental strength, he suddenly felt a dangerous breath! He instinctively opened up a mental shield to cover himself and his mother. But he is still young, and has just exploded his mental strength, and he is not yet proficient in using it. The servant was a little far from him, and he couldn't take care of it in a short moment.

At the same instant, a loud noise came from above. There was an explosion in a room overhead, and glass, steel, cement, and stone were all shattered into **** and blasted out!

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