"Does Xiao Ke know which school your aunt wants you to let?" Han Yanyan asked.

Tang Ke knew that he said, "Dongchen."

Dongchen is Han Yanyan's school. The students in it all have a good blood lineage. They have a wealthy family background, and their innate mental strength must be at least A grade. All are destined to become excellent mechs from birth.

There is the most elite education, the best mecha, and many successful big men have made deep connections here when they were teenagers. This is the wealthy circle, the elite.

Xin Ya wants to get Tang Ke into this circle, from the perspective of a mother, it is understandable. However, according to Han Yanyan's setting, in order to train Tang Ke into an elite mech, and for the expensive investment that she could not afford, she finally gave up her self-esteem and committed herself to the Han family owner, becoming one of his mistresses. .

Han Yanyan does not intend to let the plot go in the direction it should have been going. She has her plan, and she plans to stay in the world as much time as possible before Leo wakes up.

She doesn't need Tang Ke to wake up.

"Xiao Ke, my sister knows that you are a very clever child. She explained to you the situation inside." She took Tang Ke sitting on the lawn under the shade of the tree and gently explained to him the situation of Dong Chen.

"Everyone has a net worth background. They like to hold groups with people of the same background, and then go higher together." She said, "But for those children who should not belong there, they are cruel, bullying, crowding out and even bullying. . "

She tore up the child's innocence and cruelty. She looked into his eyes and knew that he understood everything.

"Your mother wants to get out of the way," Han Yanyan said. "She thought you could get the best, the best learning environment and the best friends there."

"But no one will be friends with me, right?" Tang Ke asked. He is a clever precocious child and knows everything.

"What your mother thinks will not be realized, but poor interpersonal relationships will hinder your study. Expensive tuition will force your mother to do things that are against your heart." Han Yanyan told her.

Tang Ke's face suddenly became very ugly. He could even understand the sexual cues in her words.

Xin Ya was so beautiful. In the past few years, she had inevitably encountered some nauseous men in the process of seeking medical advice for her husband. Tang Ke must understand what he has seen before.

"Xiao Ke, although my sister saw you for the first time, but I especially like you. My sister wants to give you some suggestions. Would you like to listen?" "Han Yanyan asked.

Tang Ke looked at her beautiful angel-like face and nodded heavily.

Han Yanyan opened the intellectual brain worn on his wrist, sliced ​​the light screen, and called up a piece of information. With a flick of his finger, that information was "snapped" and transmitted to Tang Ke's intellectual brain.

Tang Ke raised his wrist, stared at the light screen, and read out, "Olin?"

"It's not the best. It's not as dazzling as Dongchen, but the school style is rigorous and the teaching quality is not much worse than Dongchen. The biggest shortcoming is that it doesn't have the good hardware conditions as Dongchen." There are many classmates who can be friends with you, and you can also study with peace of mind. "

She touched the boy's head and looked into his eyes. "Aunt always wants to give you the best. She was wrong."

"You don't need the best, you just have to do your best."

The maid saw the boy who was a guest standing up from a distance, and hurried to the main building. She came to ask Miss: "Do I need to follow him?"

"No, please go." Han Yanyan said.

After the maid stepped down, Han Yanyan stared at a small flower near her feet.

There is a strange power in the body. Han Yanyan had the experience of using abilities in the last days. After a little adaptation, he adapted to that power. Her eyes blinked, and Xiaohua was smashed by invisible force, and fell to the grass and drowned.

Spiritual power, great. Unfortunately, it was fake, Han Yanyan sighed.

The mental power she now possesses is given to the "girl Hanyan" by this world, just like the power possessed by "Korean Korean Smoke" in the last days, it is part of the setting, cannot be separated from the body, and cannot bring this world.

But it doesn't matter, she has a lot of time to study well.

Zheng Ye used mental force to destroy the world, and Yao Chen used mental force to stop the bullets.

Han Yanyan also stopped the bullets. At that moment, there was a strange power in her body, and she was about to explode. Although I do n’t know if Leo cut off the world and failed to erupt, Han Yanyan is very sure that the power does not belong to Yao Chen ’s world.

That power is outside the world and belongs to her. And, the power gave her the same sense of coercion she felt from Yao's identity.

I don't know why. As an ordinary person, she may have mental strength. Han Yanyan thought about it and thought that this might have something to do with the gene therapy mentioned by Leo.

If Leo were here, he would probably scold "Hey, guessed again!".

Tang Ke ran back to the main building. The building was huge, but he had a very good memory and did not get lost and went straight back to the small waiting room.

The two people in the waiting room were frightened by the boy who suddenly ran in. Xin Yateng stood up and asked a little fluently: "Xiao Ke, what's wrong?"

Tang Ke stiffened.

Although the time just was short, he could see clearly. People who used to sit on two separate sofas now sit on the same sofa. The moment he broke in, his mother sat restrained, with her head down slightly, her body almost touching the arm of the sofa, inevitable. The man, Sister Yanyan's father, held his mother's hand in one hand, and the other hand reached behind his mother's waist.

He is very close to his mother, and closer, it is equivalent to holding his mother in his arms!

Tang Ke burst into anger for a moment. Although he was just a little boy, he also felt the man's strong aggressiveness. Similarly, although he was only a little boy, he also had a strong male instinct to guard the site.

The moment he clenched his fist, the thought of wanting to rush up was instantaneous. But he remembered Han Yanyan, and her angelic gentle face resolved his suffocation.

He let go of his fist and walked calmly.

"Why are you alone? Your sister Yanyan?" The Han family owner asked.

"My sister stayed with me for a long time, and I was a bit tired. I came back to find my mother. Mom, we have been here for a long time, and it is time to go home," he said.

At that moment, a wolf-like gaze burst into his eyes, did he want to kill him? This little wolf cub ... The owner of the Han family smiled and said, "Don't worry, leave after lunch. Just telling your mother about your transfer. The best school in Dongdae district is Dongchen, me and your mother Think about it, let you ... "

"No, no need. I don't like what my mother thinks. I don't want to go to Dongchen." Tang Ke said, shaking his head.

The Han family owner was surprised. Xin Ya was stunned: "Xiao Ke, what are you talking about?" Her child was precocious, and she made it clear to him early in the morning!

Tang Ke looked at her and asked, "Mom, do you know Orin College?"

"Olin?" Of course Xinya knew Olin, and Olin was also the school she considered. But Au Lin is not the best after all. A mother always wants to hold the best things in the world to her children. Even if she needs to pay for it.

"I talked to Sister Yan Yan, and she also felt that Olin was suitable for me. I considered it. With my achievements and mental level, there should be no problem in Olin." Tang Ke said, "Mom, the best It is not necessarily the most suitable. "

Xinya's heart suddenly flustered. The son's gaze was too complicated and contained too much content, which made her a little afraid to look directly.

Tang Que called her: "Mom?" The little child had some coercion in his eyes.

Xin Ya was distraught for a moment: "This ..."

"Don't worry." The Han family owner said with a smile. "When the child's school is a big event, it has a bearing on the future of his life. Think carefully. Don't decide now. Go back and think slowly.

"Okay, Mr. Han. We will make a serious decision." Tang Ke said.

The blood was actually far apart, and when he saw his attempt on his mother, the "舅舅" that came from him could not be called out. In the end, it is young and born with a lot of thoughts, but it has not yet developed a sufficiently deep city.

He pulled Xinya: "Mom, let's go back."

"Not in a hurry." The owner of the Han family said, "After lunch, I told the driver to take you home."

Tang Ke was young and full of vigor and wanted to leave this man who made him feel humiliated and embarrassed immediately. He opened his mouth and refused.

"Well, are you going back?" Han Yanyan appeared in time and interrupted him. "Just right, I want to go out, so I can aunt and Xiao Ke together."

This lunch was not left. The matter was not finalized, Xinya was a little depressed.

When he got on the bus, Han Yanyan touched Tang Ke's head and said to him, "Sister wants to tell her aunt, Xiao Ke, can you take the cockpit with your driver and uncle?

Tang Ke pursed his lips slightly: "Can't I listen?"

"No." Han Yanyan squeezed his eyes. "It's a conversation between a woman and a woman. Hmm ~"

The ending of "Huh ~" is raised, and the sound seems to be running up and down, which is very strange. Tang Ke was still young and couldn't understand this style, but he was nervous when he was strange and went to the cockpit obediently. Across the bulkhead, there was absolutely no idea what was being said in the passenger compartment behind, and what had happened.

Han Yanyan sat on the seat, and saw Xin Ya's complex face sitting opposite her. Han Yanyan just unconsciously revealed the style, Tang Ke didn't understand, but an adult woman Xinya understood.

Although the young lady of the Han family has just begun to appear, she is still just a girl. Are the girls so precocious? Or is it just her ...?

Thinking of her father and mother, and the influence she had received since she was a child, Xinya put away Xiao Xun's mind and was afraid to treat her as a child. She smiled and asked, "What does Yanyan want to talk to her aunt?" If she talks about topics such as boys and girls' early love, she would be happy to give her some pointers. It was no harm to Tang Ke to get closer to the young lady.

Han Yanyan smiled and said, "Aunt, IMHO, Xiao Ke transferred to school. You did not do right."

Xinya's complexion changed slightly.

"If I ask my father, he will probably help transfer and support Xiao Ke's studies. But my father never makes unrewarded investments." Han Yanyan asked, "Please ask him what he needs to pay, Do you think clearly? If you did such a thing, what kind of feeling would you bring to Xiao Ke? Have you lost your father ’s child, and if you are ashamed because of your mother, what will it bring to his character growth? Have you ever thought of such an impact? "

This is Han Yanyan's second time as a young lady. She was aggressive and aggressive.

Xinya's face paled.

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