"However, the fact that the world can be generated means that he can already accept people." Leo said.

"Huh? What do you mean?" Han Yanyan was surprised.

"Although the world is built by you, there are two people in this simulated world-you and him." Leo said, "He will also participate in his own settings. If it is completely unacceptable, the world is simply It ca n’t be generated. But if he thinks it ’s acceptable, after wrestling with you and reaching balance, the world will still succeed. ”

Han Yanyan asked, "What does this mean to me?"

"For example, for example, you set a certain value of 10 to better attack him, but he is actually 100, his subconscious cannot accept such a low setting, after wrestling with you, finally The generated person may be 40, 50, or 60, 70. This is a balanced value, which is the bottom line that you and he can accept. "Leo said," especially that one, the mind is too firm, you want him Set it as a waste that has no money, no ability, and no identity. I tell you, I don't think the world will succeed. So you must pay attention to this next time. "

This doesn't explain why Yao reacted differently to Ding Yao and Yao Chen's staff, but Han Yanyan had too much information at the moment, and she couldn't help but think and digest slowly.

She stopped talking, Leo smashed her mouth, and suddenly woke up, "Well, why do I and I say so much to you ... and there is no mark ... forget it!"

Leo stunned: "Anyway you have marked you and you will still guess again, you are a cunning woman."

Of course, Han Yanyan does not admit that he has a step-by-step phrase: "This is all about better building the world and people."

"Sophistry!" Leo had already responded.

He is a self-taught wild scientist, theoretically and technically, it can be said to be awesome, but when it comes to fighting with people, compared to Han Yanyan, he is a bit worse.

He was very annoyed and threw a client's profile to Han Yanyan: "Look at this well, this is a deceased person who can't die anymore. You can just copy his life once."

Han Yanyan's mind was pierced lightly, and one's life information poured in. She rubbed her temples and asked, "Don't mark me?"

"Mark a ghost!" Leo angrily said, "You such a sly woman, even if she knows the truth, can still act fake! Come on, take a good look, I'm stuck, I'm going to bed."

Han Yanyan closed his eyes and sorted through the information. He opened his eyes and said, "This is not Yao."

"Of course not. His deputy went to bed, and he must monitor the whole process himself. That one's treatment must wait for him to wake up." Leo urged, "Hurry up, I want to sleep too. "

"You go to sleep? You are not afraid that I will directly explode the head of the mission again. If you are not here, I may be directly killed by the other person's identity." Han Yanyan said.

"You want to be beautiful. Don't even think about dying until you make enough money for me." Leo said, "This is the deceased and has no body. Although the source of mental power still exists, it has no attack power. . That won't happen. "

So, at that time, the terrible coercion on Yao Chen was mental power?

Han Yanyan remembered that at that time, there was also a force in her body to explode. What was it? Is it also ...?

"Hey, are you okay?" Leo was dissatisfied.

Han Yanyan was busy gathering his mind to sort out the information. At this look, he was surprised and said, "This dead customer is a ... admiral?"

"What's wrong?" Leo asked yawning.

"Duke and Admiral again. Is rich or expensive?" Han Yanyan mocked.

"Crap!" Leo annoyed. "The technology that violates the Basic Law of the Universe and Life and was banned by all political forces. Find out how much it costs me! How high the risk! Of course the fees cannot be cheap! Ordinary people who Use it? If you die, you die. Fate! "

"Okay, you've done it a few times. It's not too difficult to wake up the deceased, and it's about the same level as that rich young master. Look at it yourself. I can't open my eyes. Go to sleep first. "

Leo yawned and said, "I'll speed up the time and wait for me to wake up, preferably this world is resolved."

As his yawn disappeared, the real system jumped out.

Han Yanyan's familiar electronic synthesizer said, "Han Yanyan, are you ready to build the world?"

Han Yanyan didn't answer it, but asked: "Leo went to sleep?"

"Yes, the administrator has logged out of the system," the system said.

"System, my conversation with you here, will Leo know?" Han Yanyan asked.

"Administrators have full rights and can learn all information by querying records." The system responded.

"What if he doesn't check it? Would you take the initiative to report it?"

"Only actions that violate security regulations will generate a warning. Operations that do not violate any security regulations will not be reported. Constructors have limited permissions and cannot perform any operations that violate security regulations. Constructors, are you ready to build the world? "

Han Yanyan nodded, "Ready, let's get started."

"Building starts."

With the system's monotonous tone, Han Yanyan went through the most wonderful process of his life.

She thought she was God.

She saw the stars moving, she saw the leaves falling into soil and fertilizer, and she saw the dust floating in the air, reflecting the sunlight. She saw countless people, they had past and future, and there was inextricable connection between everyone.

Among all these people, she saw a ball of light, and that was the mission goal. She linked him with other people in a trace, and the tracks were staggered.

When the architecture and logic of the world is established, countless data flows begin to flow into this framework. The system fills the world with details, the content of a book, the fragrance of a flower, the color of a lipstick.

Logic makes the world a reality, and details make it real.

In these data streams, there is what Han Yanyan needs. When she was building the framework, she quietly carried private goods, lest she violated any safety regulations, and alarmed Leo. She tried to achieve her goals in a more low-key way.

Fortunately, there are no exception warnings.

As the world was about to be completed, Han Yanyan looked at the different characters linked at each end of the intricate line, and a new thought flashed in her mind.

She sent an order to the system intentionally, but this time she was rejected.

"Rejected. Copying the existing character information of the generated world requires the administrator's authorization. Please obtain the authorization before performing this operation." The system said.

Han Yanyan was disappointed.

"Builder, does the world need to make any additional settings?" The system asked.

Han Yanyan calmed down his emotions and went online rationally: "Is the time in the world synchronized with the real time?"

"The time in the world is adjustable."

"How much real time did I talk to Leo just now?"

"five minutes."

"How long have I been into the system to become a architect?"

"417 hours and 21 minutes. Still accurate to the second?"

417 hours, more than half a month ...

Han Yanyan's eyes were dark and said, "Slower than I thought. I remember that in the first world I built, I stayed for two months, and then the world collapsed. Leo once said that I didn't last ten minutes. . "

"Before the builder's behavior trajectory has no contact with the customer's behavior trajectory, the world's time is moving at a high speed."

"Since it can be done at high speed, why is it so slow later?"

"Because there is a client's guardian and payer to participate in the process monitoring, in order to take care of the monitoring brain information receiving speed, the time in the world cannot run too fast."


"Does the architect have any other questions?"

"Do I have permission to adjust the speed of time?"

"This permission is released to the architect. Constructor, can the world be generated now?"

"Yes, but ..." Han Yanyan said, "improve the speed of time ..."

World generation.

Han Yanyan opened his eyes and was not in a hurry. From now on until Leo gets up, she has a lot of time.

The moment she opened her eyes, the information was activated in her brain, and everything she outlined herself became an informative message that filled her consciousness. This time, Han Yanyan was another big lady and heir.

This is very good. She created this world. It would be unreasonable to eat bran-gulp in this world.

The young lady opened her eyes and lay on a soft and gorgeous bed. The room was a dreamlike princess room.

Han Yanyan sat up and noticed the thin arms, small palms, and flat chest under the nightdress. She jumped out of bed and went to the cloakroom. A large girl reflected in the floor mirror.

The jade carving is as cute, but still a child.

This young lady is only twelve years old this year.

It's probably because Leo went to bed and let her take full responsibility for the construction. The appearance of this young girl Han Yanyan can be said to be the closest to the "prosperous beauty" in these few times.

Han Yanyan really likes this face, and would like to see how he looks when he grows up, hoping ... not to become disabled.

She looked in the mirror and walked out of the bathroom. Her bedroom was very large, with a wide door on one side of the bed. Han Yanyan walked over and opened the door.

The gentle sunshine and the cool morning breeze came. Han Yanyan barefooted on the wide terrace-in this house, the words wide and wide have been used too many times, because this is actually not an ordinary house, but a tall and majestic palace style. building.

Han Yanyan stepped on the morning breeze, walked to the railing of the terrace, and stared at the manor. Something flickered in the distance, she narrowed her eyes and saw a ... floating taxi coming in from the gate.

This is a small attempt by Han Yanyan. This world sets a higher level of technology than her world, and it did.

But a technology lunatic like Leo can't think of it. Han Yanyan can think that although the technology here is higher than her hometown, it must be far lower than Leo's world.

Never mind, she didn't want to learn technology.

The suspended car stopped outside the main building and a male maid greeted him outside. The door opened and a woman came down, holding a little boy.

The first time the little boy came to this manor where the mother had been thinking for a long time, the first time she saw such a gorgeous building, she couldn't help looking up.

On the terrace, a little girl, wearing a soft white gauze nightdress, was lying on a stone fence and looking down. Her slightly curly hair hangs down, swaying in the morning breeze, her facial features are not as delicate as real people. Seeing the little boy looking up at her, she glanced at him and disappeared from the stone fence on the terrace.

It's like the morning dew is evaporated by the sun, leaving no trace.

The boy was stunned. Did he hallucinate, or did he really ... see an angel?

Hey ...

Han Yanyanmu faced, walking towards the bedroom barefoot.

Before, there was too much information and too much thought in my head, and I didn't respond for a moment. When she saw the mission goal, she remembered that he was different from Yao. He was a deceased! He doesn't even have a body! There is only one "spiritual source" that does not know what form exists in the world.

That doesn't mean that ...

Han Yanyan rubbed his arms and rubbed the goosebumps down.

What a hell!

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