Han Yanyan did not match the malice in Leo's discourse. "It's Qiao Chengyu's world that made me confirm a lot of things," she said.

"You mark me every time and erase my memory. But these worlds are built by me, and it's not difficult to secretly do something small," she said.

"Huh? What did you do?" Leo asked.

Han Yanyan smiled slightly: "I buried an egg."

"A country I have never heard of, a city I have never heard of. It can be said that that world is not my own real world. But when I became Miss Han, I found that my wardrobe was full It's my brand in the real world. "

"At that time, my guess was finally confirmed. I wasn't sent to somewhere else. I was in a world built by myself. That's why I call you a builder."

"Wow, you are awesome." This time, Leo applauded her and taunted.

"This world, you said it was for my vacation. I thought about it later because it was relatively difficult. This is the first and only successful world." She said, "In this world , I still can't tell whether anyone other than Qiao Wenxing is a real person. And I met Qiao Chengyu. "

A slight sadness appeared at the bottom of Han Yanyan's eyes.

"I really talked to him about a relationship and made you laugh." She said.

"But also because of Qiao Chengyu, I vaguely realized that in a world other than myself and the mission goals ... should be constructed by me."

This time Leo really admired it.

He was really curious and asked, "How did you find out? Qiao Chengyu, the construction was very successful."

"Yeah, it's too successful. From his birth, to his growth experience, to his character formation, to his psychological changes, and his social demands, he has been too successful. I have taken the character's skills a step further." Han Yanyan Self-deprecating.

"Qiao Chengyu is not a perfect person, but for that world, it is a perfect lover. He has all the characteristics I like, his origin and experience, and it determines his me to that world. He has an almost pathological obsession. He is a perfect loyal dog. It is perfect. "

"This perfect lover cannot exist. Qiao Chengyu, it can only be fake, I built it."

"Although I have a vague understanding in my heart, I am always unwilling to face it. After I came out, I asked people in the world before to see you again, and you laughed at me. It was you who gave me the final confirmation and eliminated my last point Fluke and expectation. "

"Qiao Chengyu and others are really not real people, right? In a world, there are only builders and mission goals. This mission is a complete 1V1, right?"

"Huh." Leo was proud. "You're smart."

Han Yanyan ruffled his lips, smiling and laughing, crying and crying, saying, "To Yao Chen's world, I have understood this, and then I have new discoveries."

"Zheng Ye, I haven't had time to deal with him yet. Qiao Wenxing is completely different from Ding Yao. So at that time, I didn't realize it until I confronted Yao Chen."

She paused and said with absolute certainty: "Yao Chen, Ding Yao!"

This time, Leo didn't say anything, as if he had disappeared.

"Before that, Qiao Wenxing's existence really confuses me. But if I ignore Qiao Wenxing, I realize that Zheng Ye ’s world has collapsed and Ding Yao ’s world has ended abnormally. In fact, you never told me about them The mission of the two was 'successful'. What is more interesting is that apart from Yao Chen and Ding Yao, I also remembered that Zheng Ye's name was the same as the two of them, with a Yao pronunciation. "

"Ignore Qiao Wenxing, things are clear."

"A man with the syllable Yao in his name, somehow stuck with you, asked me to repeat the strategy until it succeeded. Only as successful as Qiao Wenxing, right?"

"And these worlds, I thought they were dream-building. But dreams are discontinuous and jumping. And I found that although these worlds were constructed by me, the details are too informative. It is unlikely to be a dream. Every thing on Yao Chen's shelf I have turned over a book, and no one page is duplicated. I study in school, and the knowledge in the books is all true. "

"So I finally confirmed that these so-called worlds are all virtual worlds."

"My body should be lying somewhere at this time, under your control, and here is talking to you, only my spiritual body."

"I've seen Zheng Zheng who ruined the world and Yao Chen who can stop the bullets. They were Yao's ego at that time. Like me, they should be mental bodies."

After a long silence in the white space, Han Yanyan heard Leo exhaling a long breath.

"You woman, you woman ..." he murmured.

"I'm all right?" Han Yanyan asked.

"It's almost the same, it's just a virtual world to call it, the grade is too low." Leo said disgustingly.

"Ah?" Han Yanyan wondered. "What is it?"

"Earth bun, I don't know anything." Leo held his nose to a woman from the original place to popularize science. "Virtual world technology, although it can perfectly reproduce the world's hardware, can also make npc act regularly. But no matter how realistic it is, you They all know it's fake. "

"Later, some people replaced the system with the human brain to build the world and gave the world the soul. Such a world is called a simulated world."

"Not everyone can do it. Only a small group of people with brainwaves different from ordinary people can do it. They can build a logically complete and soulful world. This group of people is called a architect. The architect builds a world architecture, system Give up control and only fill in the details. "

"For example, Yao Chen lives in a luxurious villa. He has expensive solid wood bookshelves full of books. He loves to read the biography of legends. These are things you decide. But every book on this shelf. The content is filled by the system for you. Some come from the database and some come from the information extracted from your brain. In short, these details will be fused together to support your world architecture. "

"Han Yanyan, I scanned the brainwave and scanned you. I see your value and I know you can be an excellent builder. I really have a great vision. Hahahaha ..." Leo laughed with a voice Proud of yourself.

Han Yanyan was expressionless, saying, "Speaking of such a bunch, isn't it the same as a virtual one. Calling a virtual world is not good."

"Oh! Soil buns! The technical content here is far worse! You primitive man!" Leo was furious about technology.

"I tell you, the simulation world was banned later, do you know why?" He eloquently said, "Because it's too! It's true! Really!"

"Because it is too realistic, many people are addicted to it. It has become a very widespread and harmful psychotropic drug! In the end, governments of various parties have to jointly suppress management."

"But the fundamental reason that this technology was banned was that someone successfully upgraded a simulated world into a subworld. You do n’t know what a subworld is, Tu Baozi. The subworld is ... um, I think about what Explain to you. Wait for me to see if there are similar concepts in your knowledge system ... "

"Ah, I found it. What is this? Three thousand worlds? Uh, it's not quite accurate but it means a little bit more. Small thousand worlds, medium thousand worlds, and large thousand worlds. You know it."

Han Yanyan is a man with a big brain, and it is not difficult for her to understand the concept.

"You mean, a simulated world is a fake world. But a sub-world is a real world?" She asked.

"Very good, you know you can understand," Leo said with relief.

Han Yanyan asked in shock: "How can this technology be realized?"

"Energy! Give enough energy so that the simulated world can operate independently of the system that created it, and it will be upgraded into a sub-world. It will never be cut or shut down artificially. It can live endlessly and exist alone."

"It's awesome." Han Yanyan admired, expressing Tu Baozi's astonishment to higher civilization in a timely manner, satisfying Leo's vanity.

“Of course it ’s great. You do n’t know how much trouble this technology has caused and how chaotic. In the end, the governments of all parties reached a consensus that this technology violated the Basic Law of the Universe and Life, and it was completely banned. ... "" Leo sighed with endless regret.

Han Yanyan said, "The plane and ... the basic law of life?"

"Do you mean that when the simulated world is upgraded to a sub-world, the fake life that is built in it also ..." Her voice was a little dumb.

"Of course they have been upgraded. According to the Basic Law of Life, they are regarded as real life. Think about it, such as you and me, we feel that we are real. But who knows that we are not a sub-world created by a higher-level world? What? So ... wait! "Leo suddenly reacted and grinned," Wo Chu, Han Yanyan, what are you thinking? Are you still thinking of Qiao Chengyu? "

His real person shook with a smile at this moment: "Oh my God, you dare to think of a soil bun! Do you know how much energy is needed in the simulated world to upgrade the next world? A whole planet is needed! It must also be a planet rich in energy mines! This Damn, I dare not think about it, unless you are a rich man! You, you primitive man, still think about this, **** me! You really like this man you created yourself? Yeah , After all, your ideal type. "

Han Yanyan waited for half a minute to laugh before saying, "Only people in the world can't restrain their thoughts. Even if they can't, it won't stop me from thinking."

"Okay. You think, you think about it. You are really interesting." Leo was still out of breath.

"This technology is completely banned, so Leo ..." Han Yanyan said, "What you are doing now is all illegal, right?"

Leo's laughter stopped abruptly.

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