Strategy to Capture Men

Chapter 4: World One: Doomsday Power

The world collapsed too quickly, and the moment when the storm that destroyed everything came, Han Yanyan had no time to see the man's face clearly. She only remembered his eyes.

He looked at everything that collapsed, his eyes did not fall on Han Yanyan. To him, the miserable Han Yanyan is no different from Miss Cao who has been turned into a fan and the bodyguard thug who is screaming and running away. Even she may be no different from a powdered wall tile or a glass bottle on the ground.

In his eyes, there is only indifference, indifference to this world.

As if he doesn't belong here.

That indifference frightened Han Yanyan. Immediately, the storm slammed her face, turning her into powder.

Opening his eyes narrowly, there was pure white space around him. Han Yanyan's legs softened, and he fell to his knees on the ground, panting heavily. Destroyed in person is not the same as watching a special effects movie, and her heart is still beating.

The electronic sound burst like thunder: "It's less than ten minutes! Less than ten minutes!"

Han Yanyan panted, thinking, what ten minutes?

"My worst builder is not ten minutes away! You're so disappointed!" Dian Yin seems very angry at this "ten minutes", "You obviously have so much potential! Why did you play so much? Poor !!! Didn't you say that you are the best at this routine! Why are you the best at losing it! "

Han Yanyan's heart is still uncomfortable, but his calm head still captures the information in the electronic voice.

She supported the floor and raised her head. "When did I say that to you?" He had dark eyes, staring at the white space in front of him.

The electronic sound suddenly stunned, paused for a second, and said a little annoyed, "Mark her!"

"Mark" again. But Han Yanyan hadn't had time to think about the meaning of the word, and he heard the electronic sound as if he suddenly lost all his humanity and emotion, and said coldly mechanically, "Mark."

Han Yanyan froze, lowered his head, and saw himself standing in pure white space. I clearly remembered that I was kneeling on the floor and panting heavily because of the impact before. Reaching out and touching my heart, my heart beats steadily and slowly, and my heart no longer feels the discomfort of panic and fear.

There was also a blank feeling in my mind, which disappeared after a few seconds. It felt a bit like just waking up and wondering where you were.

who am I? where am I? What do i do

"Remember, I'll give you another chance! If I fail this time, I'm sorry, I'm not a philanthropist. I'll give you back your body, and you will live on your own." Electronic voice said coldly.

Although the tone was cold and intimidating, it was full of emotions and more like a living person than the mechanical "mark" just now. What exactly is it? artificial intelligence? Or the person hiding behind the microphone?

"Well, give me more serious this time, don't fool me any more. Fooling me is equivalent to suicide, figure it out!" Dian Yin said indignantly, "Give me your strength! This time you must let That ... hey, let the goals of this world fall in love with you! Go! "

With this "go", the light suddenly disappeared. For the second time, Han Yanyan has gotten used to it. She closed her eyes. Open it again and be in an alley. There are ordinary buildings on both sides, but I don't know why, there is a sense of dilapidation.

With her gaze, Han Yanyan ’s pre-determined information on the world was activated, and she understood the origin of that sense of ruin—because it was an eschatological world.

Han Yanyan retrieved his own person in this world from the information in his head, and the result was quite speechless. Han Yanyan in this world has so little information, and can be summarized in almost four words: alone.

In the previous world, Han Yanyan had at least information about his origin, school, and even renting a house. Korean smoke in this world is equivalent to whiteboard.

Han Yanyan could not help frowning slightly, but after a moment, her eyebrows were released and she was relieved.

This is the same as having no one, but there is actually no harm. In the previous world, she had to let her every move to follow the behavior pattern of "Han Yanyan". In this world, she did not have such a burden. Since there is no person who can restrain her, it means she can play freely.

As soon as Han Yanyan figured it out, he felt relaxed. She became familiar with the abilities of this "Han Yanyan" and started to move forward.

Out of the alley and onto the street, this place, which was originally like a movie background, suddenly came alive. It was dark and the street lights were on. In this eschatology, the city can still have street lights, which shows that it is very stable and has normal life and production.

Han Yanyan already knows that this city is Nanling City in Country S. This is a city with a long history and was the ancient capital of the Four Dynasties. After the last days, the surviving ancient city wall became a settlement for survivors.

It can generate electricity and a small amount of agricultural cultivation. Although it is a small workshop, the industry that meets the basic survival needs is still running. Under the balance of forces, the basic social structure is maintained here. But the last days are the last days, and the meager resources are not enough to support the survival needs of all survivors, and the people who survive are both hard and painful.

Except those who are strong.

Out of the alley is a street. There were actually many people in the dark street.

Most of them come here to trade. On the rag was a glittering diamond bracelet, which used to be an expensive jewellery. Now, at most, half of the instant noodles have to be changed. You have to be lucky to catch up with the beauty master. On the contrary, there are many people bargaining for weapons such as kitchen knives and watermelon knives. The price of a good kitchen knife soared by several people, and it has already reached the high price of half a box of instant noodles.

Living hard, diamond gold became useless, and food became hard currency.

Han Yanyan saw some women lingering on the street under the dim light, and most of them looked good. Some men fancy and bargained in the past. Half a bun and a packet of biscuits will allow a woman to take them home. There are also those who are not particular about going directly behind the tree in the dark. After a while, the woman took up half a packet of biscuits from the man while tidying her skirt, quickly shoved it into her collar, and ran away, covering her chest.

Han Yanyan looked at these women, not knowing that others were watching her.

Under the dim light, the girl in the white cotton skirt appeared on the street, her eyes bright, her long black hair draped softly behind her shoulders, with a rare cleanness in the last days. The beautiful girl can still have this state in the last days, either because she is powerful or because there is a powerful man behind her. Those eyes watching in secret did not dare to act lightly.

But everyone watched for a while, and found that the girl wandered alone on the street, looking a little confused. That kind of look is a very standard rookie who doesn't know anything or know anything. Thinking of the recent arrival of a new group of survivors, everyone guessed that the girl might have just arrived in the city.

I waited a while and found out that she was indeed alone. She doesn't look like a strong herself. In the last days, women are struggling to survive, and those powerful women will put them on the bright side to reduce unnecessary trouble.

The girl looked fragrant and soft and coveted. Such a girl, if there is someone behind, men usually do not easily let her go out alone.

In this world, pretty women disappeared in an instant, too common.

Finally someone couldn't help it, tempted in the past.

"Hey, you, it's you, what's the price?" The man stepped forward and asked with a smile.

The girl in a white sarong turned to look at him. The black-and-white eyes, the white-born face, did not have the exhaustion and embarrassment common to women in the last days, nor the fear and confusion. Seeing more women's withering lifelessness and debilitating stings from bees, such lively girls look too delicious and attractive.

The man felt saliva secreted from his mouth, and the blood in his body condensed downward. He swallowed and quoted: "Two hoes?"

This price can be said to be very good. He usually gives half a bag of instant noodles. If it were not for her so clean and beautiful, he would not have given such a high price.

Han Yanyan shook his head: "I don't sell." After speaking, he turned around and wanted to leave.

Yo, very clear.

In the first few years, there were quite a lot of such noble women, but then they gradually disappeared. If those innocent women did not produce abilities, this last innocence would not last long. And now basically such women are rare.

It's more interesting.

"Don't go." The man grabbed two steps, blocking Han Yanyan's way, and said with a smile: "It's too little, I'll add you a pack of instant noodles."

Han Yanyan's expression cooled down, "Get out."

The man hippie smiled: "No," he said, and stretched out his hand to pull Han Yanyan.

Han Yanyan shook his arm and shook off his hand, and a clear stream of water appeared, wrapped around her arm, washed the place touched by the man's hand, and disappeared in the air.

"Yo, water system?" The man laughed. Blame had to sell, it turned out to be a power.

However, the water system is generally recognized as a weak ability, which has almost no attack power. Although it is also an ability, it is usually only responsible for logistics or miscellaneous work in the team, so it is convenient to use water. Men are not afraid at all. He glanced around his eyes, even more unscrupulous, without seeing anyone like the girl's companion.

"Exactly. I'm a fire department. We're just a couple. Hey, are you new here? Is there a place to live? Otherwise, let's go with my brother, who lives in a big house ..."

As the man said, he stretched out his dog's paw. At this moment he consciously found out the bottom of Han Yanyan, without any scruples, grabbed Han Yanyan's arm as soon as he shot.

The man's hand was very strong, and he held it. Although there was a smile on his face, the excitement of catching the prey was revealed in his eyes.

Han Yanyan's face changed slightly and he used his second ability. The man's forearm was suddenly covered with a layer of ice. Suddenly the man got iced, and he let go of his hand. Han Yanyan took the opportunity to kick him under the chance, while the man screamed, he turned and ran.

Unfortunately, Han Yanyan is alone, but this man is not. When he forced a conversation, his companions watched a show nearby. The accident happened suddenly, and those companions surrounded them. Four men surrounded and blocked Han Yanyan's way.

Han Yanyan clenched his fists and stared at the four men who were approaching, thinking about countermeasures.

She has two kinds of powers, water and ice. They were just used for the first time, and she was not very skilled. It was clear that there were still many powers in her body, but she could clearly feel that the use just now was very "powerful". She felt that her power would not be of much use in actual combat.

The situation at hand can be said to be critical, and she is a young and beautiful girl who has nothing to end in the hands of these men. She came to this world to attack a certain man, and she couldn't die before she saw the mission goal!

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