Because he was "coerced", Han Yanyan sat on Yao Chen's car with a stretched face.

Yao Chen smiled at the corner of his mouth and handed his cell phone over: "It's all in there, delete it yourself."

Han Yanyan opened his photo album, alas, there are quite a few, he has to take 30 or 40 photos. The photos were actually no dew, or it was the back, or Yao Chen held her in her arms, her arms blocked her chest, but anyone who saw it knew that she was fruitful. It is enough to see that Yao Chen had a great time last night.

"Don't be angry, no one else sees it, just to make you play." Yao Chen grinned at the tip of his tongue and smiled.

Han Yanyan looked at him sideways.

This man is handsome, good figure, rich, and powerful, occasionally give you a strong, occasionally give you a bit of domineering gentleness, to stay in romance novels, properly lead. The final result must be that Jinpen washed his hands and quit the underworld and the heroine.

Can be left in the eyes of reality ... If Han Yanyan is really a "girl student Han Yanyan", these photos can kill her.

She turned her head and looked forward: "Mr. Yao, what are you trying to do?"

Yao Chen drove smoothly and said, "Chasing you."

Han Yanyan said with a mockery: "The first time someone chased me with a fruit photo."

"Oh?" Yao Chen asked. "So how do people chase you? Tell me."

"No need to chase." Han Yanyan said, "Two people like each other, naturally they are together."

"Han Yanyan" and Xiao Xu are like this, natural, bland and happy. This is what life and love should be like.

Yao Chen sniffed.

This man put Han Yanyan in Jin Hao, and held her before she got out of the car: "I have something in these days, not here. I said hello to Lao Lin, he will take care of you, don't be afraid of anything Even though I am looking for him, I am. "

Domineering gentleness. Come here.

Han Yanyan blinked and could only say, "Thank you."

Yao Chen changed his long luxury car in Jinhao, and Xiao Yang took the sports car to park him. After returning from parking, he saw Han Yanyan still standing on the steps and watched Yao Chen's car go.

"Yanyan, you ..." He walked over and asked a little bit, "Are you with President Yao?"

Han Yanyan didn't want to get in touch with him, he threw a phrase "don't talk nonsense" and turned in.

What nonsense, all get off from other sports cars! I heard that I was still coming down from the fifth floor in a bathrobe during the day. Yao Chen has a suite on the fifth floor! Ah ah ah ah okay "Yeah" to Yao Chen? Beautiful girls are liars!

Han Yanyan hadn't seen Yao Chen for several days, she couldn't see Yao Chen, and her life was very peaceful.

But the head of the department called her: "Your parents called to school and said you had hacked them all, accusing you of being unfilial, hoping that the school would manage you, what happened?"

Han Yanyan smiled suddenly and said, "I have several positions and pay for my own tuition, living expenses, and my brother's dialysis treatment. My brother wanted a game book, and they forced me to pay for it. I couldn't afford it. They said that I was not filial. I had no choice but to black them out. "

The head of the department was so angry. From his perspective, he can also see that Han Yanyan's clothes are extremely cheaply spread. In recent years, female students have been able to make masturbation videos in order to buy a designer bag. Han Yanyan is such a hardworking and thrifty student that he has been in the last century.

The head of the department said, "Don't be afraid, you can study with peace of mind, and they dare to call the school again, I'm blocking it." He also said, "I don't think you have applied for a bursary. Would you like me to apply for you?"

Han Yanyan shook his head: "My family's income is actually not low, that is, my brother's illness is dragged down. My income from working now can support these basic expenses, as long as they don't spend it indiscriminately. The scholarship should be left to the students who really need it.

The head of the department was so touched that he told her a lot of chicken soup to motivate her before letting her go.

When Han Yanyan was out of the teaching building, he took out his mobile phone, pulled his home phone from the blacklist, and dialed in.

"Do you use your head? I thought I'd pay for it quickly? Save it, I'll tell you explicitly, I have no money this month!"

After talking, hang up and pull black.

Wait, when they find that they really don't give money, they will be subdued. Spend her money and still want to ride **** on her head.

Just after school, Yao Chen called in: "North Gate."

Han Yanyan got on the bus and Yao Chen said, "I don't have to go to Jinhao tomorrow. I have a reception and I need a female companion. Please accompany me. Don't look like this. I will let Lao Lin work overtime for you and give you overtime pay. . "

"By the way, do you ..." He glanced at the stall spread on Han Yanyan's body and changed his mouth. "Forget it, definitely not. Go, buy clothes for you."

Yao Chen took Han Yanyan to a shopping mall full of front-line big names.

Yao Chen chose a shop and bought her a little dress and matching shoes for the reception. Han Yanyan surprised him when he came out of the locker room.

"Sure enough people still need clothes," he shouted.

"I still have to buy a coat. I only have two hundred pieces of down jackets, which are put on the outside of the dress and will throw your face to the South Pole." Han Yanyan said lightly.

Yao Chen's eyes were full of smiles: "I just like you to be refreshed."

Yao always has money, and he is not afraid to spend money on women. Otherwise, what is the purpose of his money licking blood. After sweeping the shop, in addition to neatly organizing tomorrow's cocktail party, Han Yanyan also bought a bunch of daily clothes.

"Throw what you should throw, and some will be new in the future." Yao Chen said.

When Han Yanyan tried on clothes, Yao Chen asked the clerk to quietly throw away her own clothes. Han Yanyan can only wear new clothes, new shoes and new coats.

A torn **** is dazzling. Yao Chen threw her bag again and bought her two new bags.

After being overbearing and gentle, there was another money offensive.

Han Yanyan accepted with a cold face, but in fact he was too happy in his heart, and felt that he was huge.

They also had dinner together, making it like a date.

At night, Han Yanyan was sent downstairs to the residence. Yao Chen asked, "Don't you ask me to sit up?"

Han Yanyan said: "This house was rented by my boyfriend. He would definitely not like me to bring other men up."

"Yo." Yao Chen asked, "What about others?"

"Study abroad." Han Yanyan expressionless.

Yao Chen laughed particularly well.

Han Yanyan reached out to dial the car door lock. Yao Chen took her arm and pulled her back, pressing her on the back of the seat and coaxing: "Okay, don't get angry. He'll leave you alone, don't forget. Treasure right?

The space of the car is too small, and the two people are too close. Han Yanyan deliberately disturbed his breathing.

Yao Chen noticed that he smiled awkwardly, and was very satisfied with the hormones he radiated. Pressed to kiss her. Han Yanyan turned his head, he only kissed his ear, and was dissatisfied. He took a bite on his teeth.

Han Yanyan shuddered, pushed him away, and ran up the door.

Yao Chen watched her disappear, touched the steering wheel, and was satisfied with the progress bar.

Han Yanyan returned home and threw the paper bag anywhere, threw himself into the sofa, leaned his head, and was very satisfied with the progress bar.

It's also time to be "conquered" by Yao Chen, she thought. It's just that his ear biting ... it's familiar.

If Yao Chen is really Ding Yao, then ... Cheng Yu, where are you?

She rubbed her face hard.

In the evening the next day, Yao Chen took her in his extended luxury car to pick her up. Even though he had seen her wearing this little dress the first night, Han Yanyan frizzled her hair and changed her makeup. The whole person looked like a person.

Obviously Xiaojiabiyu from a humble family, but looks like everyone's lady.

Yao Chen was really amazing.

The reception was a serious business reception, attended by serious business people. Han Yanyan was confined in the shell of a "girl student" this month. When she came here, she breathed a familiar atmosphere and felt a sense of resurrection.

Holding the wine glass, she slowly sipped the wine and thought that Yao Chen would be mixed on this occasion, which shows that he wanted to wash his mind.

This is fine, she smiles.

Yao Chen talked to people and occasionally glanced at Han Yanyan. Someone talked about in the past, and she laughed and treated decently.

Yesterday, he also worried that she would be timid when she came here. People who haven't attended such occasions are particularly prone to look petty. But now her temperament is almost integrated into this place. She looks like a wealthy lady. Who would have thought that her clothes and bags together did not exceed 500 yuan yesterday.

Yao Chen is confused. Is it because of higher education? No, no, on this occasion, almost everyone is highly educated. What he has n’t even finished high school is an alternative. But these people can't be more eye-catching than her.

Yao Chen smoked a cigarette and watched Han Yanyan quietly for a while. She walked over after she rejected another partner.

"This is good." He handed her a glass of wine.

"Not busy?" Han Yanyan took the wine.

"It's almost talked." Yao Chen said, loosening his tie slightly.

Han Yanyan lowered his glass and reorganized him. "Don't do this, it's not over, it's not business etiquette, and others will feel belittled," she said.

Yao Chen asked her to take care of him and said, "You know a lot."

"Well, basic business etiquette. I heard lectures in school." Han Yanyan said.

She deliberately drank two more glasses that evening. With so many days fighting with Yao Chen, it's time to "make friends". Alcohol is the best medium.

Her body was so drunk that she was very dizzy on the way back and fell asleep before she knew it.

Waking up, was pressed by Yao Chen on the back of the chair.

This man was like a man when he was wearing a suit and leather shoes. Now the tie has been taken off and thrown on the seat, and the buttons on the shirt have also been untied.

Han Yanyan bit him and tried to push her away. But her current body is far inferior to the "Han Yanyan" whose body has been strengthened by powers in the last days, or even the "Miss Han" who fights coaches at Tiantian Gymnasium. She was still trembling, pushing her hands, all soft.

He bit that one, biting Yao Chen's lips with blood. Yao Chen wiped his mouth, grabbed Han Yanyan's two wrists and held them, pressing her fierce kiss. Tongue and hands are wanton.

Han Yanyan shines tonight, which is both good and atmospheric.

At this moment, Yao Chen's spermworm was on his head, and he was burning.

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